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100 Questions and Answers About Eating Disorders, 16
12-step model
abdominal pain
“about the food”. see food
see also laxative abuse
acceptance, of self
see also not being attached to the results
achievement, high
action, as a motivation level
actions, as part of chain
addiction, exercise. see exercise, compulsive
all-or-nothing thinking
see also motivation
American Psychiatric Association
ANAD. see National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD)
Andrea’s Voice (Smeltzer and Smeltzer)
anorexia nervosa
12-step model and
bingeing and
body image disturbance, defined
control and
diagnostic criteria
food addiction and
genetic predisposition and
anxiety. see feelings; weighing
Arpaia, J.
Arrien, A.
automatic thoughts
Barrett’s esophagus
beginner’s mind
see also mindfulness
behaviors, body-checking
behaviors, changing
behaviors, compensatory
behaviors, overt. see bingeing; purging; restricting
behaviors, recovery-sabotaging
behaviors, tracking
12-step model and
abuse, as a risk factor and
causes of
cognitive distortions about
control and
feelings and
food addiction and
as habit
hunger and
strategies for overcoming
thought-feeling-urge-action chain
trust, lack of, and
weighing and
writing assignments
see also eating disorder self; restricting
biology. see genetics; interpersonal neurobiology
birth control pills
black and white thinking
body awareness
body-checking behaviors
body image disturbance
body-checking behaviors and
comparing self to others and
cultural climate and
healing of
writing assignments
see also weight, body
body relaxation
body stances
body therapies
body weight. see weight, body
bone density
bowel dysfunction
brain function
bingeing and
body stances and
compulsive exercise and
distorted perceptions and
food rituals and
meal plans and
meditation and
mindfulness and
Name It To Tame It
visualization and
see also bingeing; purging
Burns, D.
calorie counting
calories. see metabolism
canaries in the coal mine
Carson, R.
CBT. see cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
of behaviors
feelings during
persistence for
see also motivation
Chernin, Kim
cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
cognitive distortions
see also perceptions, distorted
commandments, thin
comparing, self to others
conscious eating
see also hunger scale
consequences and rewards
contemplation, as a motivation level
anorexia nervosa and
bingeing and
calorie counting and
food labels and
food rules and
hunger and
meal plans and
need for
purging and
resistance to change and
rigid versus chaotic
see also eating disorder self; healthy self
coping mechanisms
see also bingeing; eating disorder self; purging
Costin, C.
on cognitive distortions
on exercise goals
on feelings and vulnerability
on genetics
laxative abuse
on meal plans
overview of
on “real issues”
on relationships with people
on risk factors
on thin commandments
on truth without judgment
on two selves
on vulnerability
on weighing
on yoga
counterarguments, to not reaching out
creative assignments
critical voice
see also cognitive distortions
cultural climate
DBT. see dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
Desperately Seeking Self (Fodor)
dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
dialogues, between two selves automatic thoughts and
overview of
writing assignments
see also integration, of two selves
dichotomous thinking
DiClemente, C.
diet. see food; meal plans
between-session policies
conscious eating and
intuitive eating and
meal plans and
as supporters
transitional objects and
weighing and
discounting positives
distortions, cognitive
see also perceptions, distorted
distraction, as coping skill
see also purging
Eaters Agreements
permission to
eating disorder self
contributing factors to
control and
genetics of
as habit
healthy self versus
overview of
reinforcement of identity as
responsibility for
risk factors for
transformation of
writing assignments
see also dialogues, between two selves; integration, of two selves
see also critical voice
Einstein, A.
electrolyte and mineral disturbances
emotional eating
emotional reasoning
emotions. see feelings
emptiness, filling up
encouragement, personal reflections about
environment. see cultural climate
exercise, compulsive
exercise, normalizing
exercise goals, personal reflections on
fasting. see restricting
fat gram counting
Feeling Good (Burns)
of being fat
bingeing and
body-checking behaviors and
body image disturbance and
exercise and
identification of
journaling and
motivation and
opposite action and
overview of
ownership of
processing of
purging and
regulation of
as response to thoughts
transference of
validation of
vulnerability and
worse during recovery
writing assignments
see also eating; pay attention; thought-feeling-urge-action chain
Fiji study
Fodor, V.
journaling about
reasons why it’s not about
relationships with
writing assignments
see also eating
food labels
food rituals
food rules
Four-Fold Way. see spirituality
Frankl, V.
Franklin, B.
see also hunger scale
Geller, J.
goal management
going inside. see meditation
Grabb, G.
on cognitive distortions
on critical voice
on feelings and vulnerability
on genetics
on meal plans
on mindfulness and meditation
on motivation
overview of
on “real issues”
on relationships with people
on risk factors
on spirituality
on two selves
on weighing
happiness. see not being attached to the results
healthy self
control and
eating disorder self versus
overview of
strengthening of
writing assignments
see also dialogues, between two selves; integration, of two selves
healthy self statements
hormone levels
see also eating
hunger scale
inner guidance visualization
integration, of two selves
see also dialogues, between two selves
internet assignments
interpersonal neurobiology
intuitive eating
inward focus. see spirituality
iPhone app
issues, real. see “real issues”
see also writing assignments
Keel, P.
Keys study
laxative abuse
see also purging
life force
magazines. see cultural climate
Maine, M.
maintenance, as a motivation level
Mallory Weiss Syndrome
Man’s Search for Meaning (Frankl)
Marc, D.
mass media. see cultural climate
meal plans
meaning and purpose, finding
see also mindfulness; spirituality
see also mindfulness
mental filter
Mindsight (Siegel)
mineral and electrolyte disturbances
models. see cultural climate
Monte Nido Eating Disorder Treatment Center
Moore, T.
see also hope
Name It To Tame It
National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD)
Native American story
neurobiology, interpersonal
non-attachment and your body
not being attached to the results
Nourishing Wisdom (Marc)
opposite action
parotid glands
pay attention
perceptions, distorted
eating disorder self versus healthy self and
feeling fat as
resistance to change and
writing assignments
see also cognitive distortions; pay attention
see also shame; traits, as liability or asset
“perfect storm”
personality. see traits, as liability or asset
policies, between-session
positives, discounting
pre-contemplation, as a motivation level
preparation, as a motivation level
prevalence statistics
12-step model and
abuse, as a risk factor
cognitive distortions about
control and
feelings and
methods of
reinforcement of
thought-feeling-urge-action chain
weighing and
purpose, finding
see also mindfulness; spirituality
Rapgay, L.
“real issues”
Real Meditation in Minutes a Day (Arpaia and Rapgay)
12-step model and
alinear process of
ambivalence during
behaviors that sabotage
changing behaviors during
feeling worse during
hope during
meaning of
motivation during
phases of
success factors in
writing assignments
relapses. see recovery
relationship, with food
see also eating; food rules
relationship, with self
see also integration, of two selves; self-reliance
relationships, with people
resistance, to change
resource box
rewards and consequences
risk factors
see also traits, as liability or asset
role play, between two selves
see also dialogues, between two selves
Roth, Geneen
de Saint-Exupéry, A.
scale. see weighing; weight, body
see also not being attached to the results
self-care methods
self-concept. see eating disorder self; healthy self
see also critical voice
see also mindfulness
setbacks. see recovery
see also perfectionism
shape. see body image disturbance
“should” statements
see also thin commandments
show up
see also spirituality
Siegel, D.
Smeltzer, A.
Smeltzer, D.
Smeltzer, T.
somatic therapy
soul lessons
see also mindfulness
soul self
see also healthy self
support system. see dietitians; relationships, with people; therapists
television. see cultural climate
between-session policies
goal setting and
opposite action and
reaching out to
self-disclosure of
transitional objects and
weighing and
thin commandments
thinking, dichotomous
thought-feeling-urge-action chain
belief in a myth
of eating disorder self
feelings following
transference of
see also cognitive distortions
Tolle, E.
tooth damage
tracking behaviors
traits, as liability or asset
transitional objects
trauma. see abuse, as a risk factor
trust, lack of
truth without judgment
two selves, integration of
see also dialogues, between two selves
Vasquez, M.
see also mindfulness
see also purging
see also feelings
walking meditation
Weekly Contract form
weight, body
see also cultural climate
weight loss, as a relinquished
weight restoration
Weight Watchers
writing assignments
on bingeing
on body image
on changing behaviors
on dialogues between two selves
on distorted thinking
on eating and hunger scale
on eating disorder experience
on exercise
on feelings and vulnerability
on food goals and rules
on healthy self-statements
importance of
on inner guidance visualization
on mindfulness
on motivation
on “real issues”
on recovery
on relationship to food and people
on seeking support
on traits as liability or asset
on truth without judgment
on weight loss as relinquished goal
Your Dieting Daughter (Costin)