Chapter 4

Paragraph Comprehension

Know What to Expect

The ASVAB includes a reading section among its several subtests. This section, called the Paragraph Comprehension (PC) section, presents short passages for you to read and then asks questions based on those passages. While the subject matter of each passage will vary, no outside knowledge is required to answer the questions correctly. For each question in this section, everything you need to answer the question will be contained in the passage above it.

On the paper-and-pencil version of the ASVAB, the PC section will ask 15 questions about 13 or 14 short passages. Timing is extremely important in this version of the test, as you are only given 13 minutes to answer these 15 questions. On the CAT-ASVAB, you are given 22 minutes to answer 11 questions. The extra time allows for the fact that question difficulty can increase as you accumulate correct answers.