My thanks and appreciation to the following for support and encouragement:
My late father, Mel, who had faith in me.
My mother, Pat, who also writes v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y.
Stephanie Calman, Richard McBrien and Joanna Briscoe, who wrote rude but helpful comments on the manuscript.
Paul Allen, who was there at the beginning.
Trevor Dry, who bullied me into finishing it.
Vivien England, who provided shepherd’s pie and peace and quiet in Devon from time to time.
The Arvon Foundation writing courses, which got me started.
Insight Seminars, which helped boost my confidence.
Anna Russell, my former English teacher, who suggested I could be a writer.
Jo Frank, my agent, who knows when to be nice and when to be tough.
The dynamic and friendly team at Transworld/Black Swan, especially my editor Linda Evans.