It takes a village (at least for me) to inspire, brainstorm,
write, revise, proofread, and send a book out into the world.
This one came to fruition in large part
thanks to the influence of . . .
Ines—a dear friend, dedicated victim’s advocate, true rock
star, and one of the strongest women I know . . . any errors
are all mine, but Lilí’s heart was created in your image;
gracias mi amiga!
My #4ChicasChat hermanas (sisters)—Mia Sosa,
Sabrina Sol, and Alexis Daria—You’ve made this scary,
thrilling, frustrating, uplifting wild ride of
published author life so much better;
gracias por ser parte de lo que es bueno en mi vida!
The small, but growing Latinx romance author
community—Here’s to more of our voices being heard
and our stories being shared with the world!
Check us out via #LatinxRom!
My zumba familia—¡Mi gente! Our classes and Latin
Nights kept me sane and helped work off my writing snacks
during the looming deadlines! #GoGators #Wepa
¿Qué, qué? ¡Muchísimas gracias por su amistad,
apoyo y amor!
Groups such as I Always Get Consent, It’s On Us, and
others striving to raise awareness and stop sexual assault,
on campuses and beyond—your hard work and efforts are
vitally important! Thank you!
Mi familia . . . my Mami, Papi, sister, brother, and three
amazing daughters—all good in my life starts with you;
los quiero un montón!