‘RUB HARDER...’ SHE SAYS. ‘Oh, yes! That’s the spot.’
‘You are still as demanding as ever, my love,’ I say, pressing my thumbs into her instep as part of my famous foot massage she can’t live without. ‘Why wear the heels if they torture your feet so badly?’
She turns on the hot tap and tops up the bath water. ‘They make me feel sexy. After two babies, I need all the help I can get in that department.’ She offers me her other foot over the edge of the bath and relaxes back into the bubbles. ‘Did you wrap everything?’
I nod, extending the massage to the back of her calf, working the tightness from the muscles. ‘Yes, but I had to wait for them to go to sleep first. And Brie dropped round the birthday cake.’
‘Can everyone make it? The twins adore all of their cousins and I promised they’d come.’
‘It’s all under control,’ I reply, sliding my hand behind her knee. ‘Even Bill will be there. Relax.’
She smiles an indulgent smile because she knows how far I’ve come with her love to guide me. Bill has become the father I never had and grandfather to our twins. ‘Relax...? I’m trying.’
My beautiful wife does look a little tired. We don’t travel like we used to since we moved our offices from Tokyo and London to our home office in the Cambridgeshire countryside. And because of the twins we take it in turns when we do need to go overseas.
This trip was Monroe’s turn.
‘I missed you,’ I say, watching her breasts break the surface and marvelling at how I became such a lucky bastard.
She moans and opens her eyes, glancing at the black square of the window, which is being pelted by winter rain.
‘I missed you too. Time to show you just how much, I think...’ She rises from the water like a sea nymph, rivulets of suds gliding down her gorgeous body. She steps out of the bath and hands me a fluffy white towel.
‘Can you dry my back, please, darling?’ Her voice is a seductive purr I know so well.
Communication, compromise and our ongoing seduction game is how we keep our marriage strong.
I glide the towel over her skin, kissing every place I dry. ‘Are you trying to seduce me, Mrs Black?’
‘Yes.’ She turns to face me, and I follow the same routine with the towel and the kissing across her front until I’m hard against my fly and she’s panting, her nipples erect.
‘There’s a storm coming,’ she says. ‘Remember how we rode out Typhoon Kano?’ She grabs my hand and we head for the bedroom.
‘How could I forget?’ I strip so I too am naked. Our hands roam each other’s bodies, teasing and caressing.
‘Want to hunker down again, Black? Same rules apply...’ Her hazel eyes are alight with love. How was I ever stupid enough to deny myself such a gift?
‘Sounds like a plan, but no poker this time.’ I take her nipple in my mouth and she gasps, dragging me onto the bed. We’re tangled together under the covers, kissing and stroking and laughing, because our love makes us both happy.
I entwine my fingers with hers and push inside her, kissing up her moan of delight. ‘First one to come, Dove, gets up with the twins,’ I say, knowing my wife won’t let me get away with anything.
She laughs. ‘No way, Black. I’ve missed them too. I’m doing the breakfast routine tomorrow.’
‘How about we do it together?’ I love my family. I hate missing out. ‘It’s their birthday.’ I move inside her so she starts clawing at my back.
She nods, her eyes shiny with emotion. ‘Good idea. Sleep is overrated anyway.’
‘Yes, it is,’ I agree, silencing her with another kiss.
We spend the rest of the long, stormy night proving that, with love, everyone is a winner.
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Check out our other Harlequin DARE titles
available this month:
Have Me
by Anne Marsh
by Cathryn Fox
In the Dark
by Jackie Ashenden
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Keep reading for an excerpt from In the Dark by Jackie Ashenden.