About how much time a day do you spend on the internet? If I’m not careful, I can easily spend hours surfing the web until I end up feeling grumpy about just how much time I’ve wasted. But I’ve also made some amazing friends online and use the internet to stay connected to people I care about.
Some of the most wonderful people I’ve met online are fellow writers. I often get together with authors on Twitter to write together and keep each other motivated. There are fellow Harlequin authors like Anna Adams, who has written for Superromance and Heartwarming, and Danica Winters, who writes for Intrigue. There’s L. E. Wilson, who writes paranormal books and whom I finally got to meet in person while I was on vacation last year, and fledgling author Rachel Berros, who’s still awaiting her first sale. We even have authors join us from overseas, like Anne Marie Stamnestro in Oslo. I am very thankful for the encouragement and friendship they bring to my day.
Writing about Celeste and Jonathan really made me think about how I use technology, especially when it gets in the way of spending time with those I love. I hope you enjoyed this story and are able to find balance in your own life, whether you’re reading this in a paper book or an electronic reader. Thank you again to all the amazing readers who’ve gotten in touch through email and written letters. I really enjoy hearing from you!
You can find me on Twitter, @maggiekblack, or at www.maggiekblack.com.
Thank you all for sharing this journey with me,