TABLE 1.       Japan’s National and Naval Budgets, 1917–36

* Amounts in millions.

Source: Senshishitsu, Kaigun gunsenbi, 1:741–42.

TABLE 2.       The Reed-Matsudaira Compromise, 1930

* Number of ships in parenthesis.

Source: TSM, 1:63.

TABLE 3.       Japan’s Naval Strength Compared to That of the United States, December 1941 (including outdated ships)*

*Number of ships in parenthesis.

Source: TSM, 7:323.

TABLE 4.       Japan’s Naval Aircraft Strength Compared to That of the United States, December 1941

* Number of aircraft operational for use against Japan.

** Number of aircraft belonging to the Combined Fleet.

Source: Hoshina, Daitéa Sensé, 60–61.

TABLE 5.       Projected Ratios of Japanese Warships to U.S. Warships, 1942–44

Source: TSM, 7:324.

TABLE 6.       Japan’s Projected Naval Aircraft Strength Compared to That of the United States, 1942–44

Source: Ibid.