

“I’m not going to play along. The person who has Hope isn’t playing along.”

Becky’s grip was firm on my arm. “His name is Rustin. He’s a friend.”

“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you. She’s not with Rustin anymore. She’s gone.”

Becky blinked. Bruce blanched.

The red lights of the cameras clicked on. Light flooded the station. For once, Bruce and Becky Jensen were caught off guard, caught looking slightly imperfect.

“Don’t film this,” Becky said.

“We’re not rolling yet,” Bruce barked.

Pace stepped forward and addressed the Jensens. “Where is Hope?”

“We’re going live in five, four…” the cameraman started.

“This isn’t about fame anymore. This is about your daughter!”

“Three, two—”

“Where is she?”