The six video screens adorning the walls of the refectory came to life displaying images transmitted by hidden cameras placed around the college. The cameras were located in accordance with information received from Bruce Mitchell.

Terry organised the fifteen agents stationed in the refectory into seven groups. Six groups of two were each assigned a location to monitor. The seventh group of three agents were available to relieve the others as and when required. Group One monitored the courtyard. The image they observed showed a wide-angled view of the guard hut at the entrance, standing prominent in the centre of their screens, illuminated by the yellow glow of a sodium street lamp. Group Two observed the boiler room, focusing their attention on hatches leading to the air conditioning duct. Group Three could see down the length of a long corridor lined by doors leading to various laboratories. Groups Four and Five each had images showing the inside of the laboratories containing the Harmonisers, one real and one fake. Finally Group Six were looking at an image split into four sections, each of which displayed a different area within the air-conditioning ducts between the boiler room and the laboratories. Terry was pacing up and down the length of the hall. He wore a headset with a fitted microphone into which he mouthed instructions as he paced.

“Group One, this is control, confirm video and audio telemetry, over.”

“Control, this is Group One, telemetry confirmed, over.”

Terry repeated this for all six groups receiving confirmation from each. He walked to the front of the hall and looked up at the six screens. He concentrated on the two showing the labs with the Harmonisers. In one, a group in white coats could be seen gathered around the booth. This had been the original location for all the tests but was now a decoy to lure Lin Lee into a controlled environment. The lab containing the real Harmoniser was empty. They had moved the real Harmoniser to this location so the transfer could go ahead as planned in the event of an attack. Terry looked at his watch. There were just four hours to go before Stuart Milton would be arriving at the lab to take his place in the booth acting as a portal between two universes. Terry expected Lin Lee and Captain Mitchell to show any time within the next four hours. His cue would be the explosion in the courtyard. Mitchell had confirmed where it would take place but he had not said when, so the team needed to be ready at all times. He was expecting notification of their arrival as Mitchell had agreed to text the word “GO” as soon as they were about to enter the college grounds. Happy the control centre was tested and ready to go, he approached one of the dining tables around which six more agents were going over plans. Terry advised them it was time to take their positions. Two were to head for the laboratory adjacent to the one containing the fake Harmoniser. These labs were linked by adjoining doors giving quick access to the lab if Lin Lee managed to get that far. Two were to position themselves at a location opposite the boiler room. As soon as Lin Lee was inside the ducts they would enter the boiler room to block her exit if she returned. The remaining two were to escort Stuart and Dr Carson to the laboratory where the transfer would take place. Terry would coordinate events from the control centre and would back up his agents as required.