Description: Chapter Header

Crécy-la-Chapelle, Kingdom of France


Isabelle Leblanc served the clearly terrified woman a tisane, a pot of which she always had at the ready, a habit her mother had ingrained in her since her earliest memories. She wasn’t sure why she was still here, taking care of these foolish men, neglecting her duties to her family and her aging mother. She kept telling herself it was for the children, and it was, but she knew, deep down, it was really Sir Marcus that kept her here.

And it was heartbreaking, because nothing could ever come of it.

A Templar knight, sworn to celibacy, could never take a wife, not while still a member of the Order. His men, any of whom would make a reasonable mate in these parts, were intensely loyal to him, and she doubted would ever leave his side, even with all she had to offer a man.

Yet none of them interested her.

It’s hopeless.

She served the tisane with a smile, and the woman took a sip with shaking hands, closing her eyes as she tried to regain control. “Don’t you worry, M’Lady, Sir Marcus is a good man and will take care of everything, I’m sure.”

Lady Joanne smiled weakly. “I-I hope so. I was hoping to find my cousin. Family, you understand.”

Isabelle patted Joanne’s hand. “While your cousin’s death was a tragedy, in these circumstances, I think Sir Marcus will be better able to assist you. He is a rather remarkable man, with the resources of the Templars behind him.”

Joanne took another sip of her drink, then nodded. “Perhaps you’re right.” She looked up as Marcus and Simon entered.

“They’re gone, at least for now.” Marcus took a seat at the table, Simon standing watch at the door. “Now, Lady Joanne, why don’t you tell me everything, from the beginning.”

The woman put her cup down, her hand still shaking. “It-it all happened so suddenly, there isn’t much to tell. A letter was delivered to our home this morning, from whom, I do not know. The letter was presented to my chambermaid who was to take it to my husband. The seal had cracked, so her curiosity won out. She read the letter on her way to deliver it, and immediately realized the danger it posed.”

Marcus interrupted her. “Your chambermaid can read?”

Joanne nodded. “Yes, I’ve been teaching her for years. Something to occupy my time, as we have no children.”

“I understand. Please, continue.”

“Well, she knew she had to deliver it, otherwise she may get in serious trouble, but instead of delivering it into my husband’s hands, she placed it under the tray used to serve his morning meal.”

Isabelle nodded in appreciation. “Clever girl.”

Joanne agreed. “Yes, and faithful to a fault.”

Marcus shifted in his chair. “And what did this letter say?”

“I’m not sure exactly what was said, my girl only giving me the highlights to make me understand the urgency, but in summary, it accused me of committing adultery with another man, that there were witnesses, and proof would be forthcoming.”

Simon grunted, avoiding eye contact. “And you…”

“I’m innocent, of course.”

Simon bowed. “Of course.”

Marcus dismissed the question with the flick of his wrist. “Of course you are, M’Lady. How did you make your escape?”

“Well, my girl warned me, and while I debated what to do, she arranged a horse and provisions with the stable boy. She returned, my husband having since found the letter, and compelled me to leave rather than discuss the matter with him. I dare say she was correct to force me to leave, as I fear I’d be in a dungeon now if it weren’t for her. She remembered my cousin living here, and I made my way. Obviously, he must have forced my girl to talk, as he wouldn’t have known where to find me. He sent men after me, who caught up with me just as I reached this town.” She paled slightly and clasped a hand to her chest. “Oh no, I hope Beatrice is okay!”

Marcus didn’t say anything, but if he was thinking what Isabelle was, it couldn’t have been good. A woman as loyal to her mistress as Beatrice sounded, would have only given up what she knew through torture or threat of death.

“Did your girl say who you supposedly had this affair with?” asked Marcus.

Joanne shook her head. “No, though like I said, she only gave me a brief description of what the letter contained.”

Marcus rose, Simon immediately straightening. “M’Lady—Cousin, you will remain here with two of my trusted men. My sergeant and I will travel to Paris immediately, and meet with your husband. Hopefully, we’ll be able to find out the truth behind this, before it is too late.”

Tears poured from Joanne’s eyes as she clasped her hands to her chest. “Oh, thank you, Cousin, thank you! Your mistress here was right. You are a good man.”

Marcus glanced at Isabelle, her eyes quickly darting to the floor as her cheeks flushed. “I hesitate to ask—”

Isabelle steeled herself then glared at him, throwing her hands up in the air. “Of course, of course. I’ll help watch the children, and take care of your cousin.”

Marcus bowed. “I appreciate your sacrifice.”

Isabelle was about to snap an annoyed response when she spotted Simon grinning at her. “And what has you all smiles?”

Simon’s eyes widened. “Umm, nothing.” He beat a hasty retreat out the door and Marcus chuckled.

“Cousin, I’ll get you to write down for me your husband’s name, how to get to your home, and the name of your chambermaid. I shall look out for her personally.”

Isabelle grabbed a quill and paper, placing it in front of their guest. Marcus stepped toward the doorway, watching as his squires brought two fresh horses from the stables, provisioned for the short journey to Paris. She found her eyes roaming his body, imagining what magnificence was hidden by the soiled clothes he now wore from his toils in the field.

I wonder what it looks like.

She had never seen one. She had never been with a man. She had kissed a boy when she was barely ten, though it was an innocent, experimental thing that was at once exciting and disgusting.

But with Marcus?

She had dreamed of kissing him from the moment she had first laid eyes upon him. If there was someone in this world to lose her precious gift to, it was this man standing in front of her. But her infatuation went far beyond their first meeting less than a month ago. It ran back years. Marcus was twice her age, if not more, and it was his sister Nicoline that had spoken of him for years, since she had first found herself expressing any interest in boys. He was always described in such idealistic terms, she had built up an image of him in her mind that she had fallen in love with. When she had finally met him, he had been such a disappointment in some ways, that it had angered her, until she finally realized that her only real disappointment was that he hadn’t immediately declared his own love for her, and they weren’t already planning their wedding.

It wasn’t his fault. He was a celibate Templar, and she was merely a young woman in his eyes, something to be tolerated more than anything else. She had little doubt that once one of his men took on a wife, they would continue to live at the farm and this new addition would replace her, relegating her back to her own home. She would have to take a husband soon, and God knew there were enough suitors in the village that would have her, but she didn’t want them.

She wanted Marcus.

And she could never have him.

“Here’s everything I can think of that you might need.”

Marcus turned, catching Isabelle’s stare before she had a chance to turn away. He took the paper from Joanne and quickly read it. “Excellent. My squires, David and Jeremy, will remain here with you. Hopefully I will return with good news within a couple of days.”

Joanne frowned. “And should you not?”

“M’Lady, I must confess that I made a commitment to uphold justice, no matter what that might be. If I find that you have lied to me, then, relation or not, I will hand you over to the authorities.”

“Sir Marcus!” cried Isabelle, her eyes flaring as she spun on him. “How could you say such a thing!”

Marcus raised a finger, silencing her. “But I will also say this. I believe you, M’Lady, and I will do everything in my power to find out the truth, and bring to justice those who would do you harm.”