“Are you sure about this?”
Val looked up at her incredibly handsome, amazingly sexy, super-smart fiancé and nodded.
“Yes, positive. I really want to do this.”
“There’s no going back once we sign on the dotted line.”
“I know,” she said and touched his cheek. “You know, we’ve been talking about this all week.”
“I only want you to be sure,” he said and shrugged.
Val laughed softly and then sighed. It had been a whirlwind couple of weeks. First, their hasty engagement. Val had a rock on her finger that was so beautiful it defied belief. Of course, her parents had voiced their concerns about the swiftness of their relationship, but they weren’t swayed. She loved Jake. He loved her. Marriage was the obvious next step. Then kids. It was everything Val had dreamed about. She had most of her personal possessions already moved into the ranch house, and other than a few furniture items left at the condo, the transition had been seamless.
She was taking a month off to get herself sorted out and then would be starting at the Fortunado Foundation. Her mother had welcomed her wholeheartedly, and even though her father was clearly disappointed she’d left the family business, he said he understood her need to do what made her happy. And both her parents adored Jake, even though they thought they were rushing into a serious relationship. Jake had gallantly asked her father for her hand, and her dad had given it—with a couple of provisos that Val wasn’t privy to, as Jake had no intention of breaking her father’s confidence.
But today was the big commitment day.
She got out of the truck and opened the back door, while Jake did the same on the other side. Bruce was yapping excitedly, and she grabbed his lead while Jake called a much better behaved Sheba to heel. Val was amazed at how quickly Sheba and Bruce had bonded and become good friends. Neither of them was pleased about having to use baskets to sleep in, since they had both been permanently ousted from the end of their bed. Jake had built a sturdy fence around the back of the house, and the large yard was plenty big enough for the dogs to roam around during the day. At night they spent all their time inside.
Val hadn’t believed she could be so happy.
Their wedding was in the planning stage. Nothing too extravagant, although Jake had offered whatever kind of wedding she desired. But Val wasn’t interested in a circus-style event. Just their families and a few close friends, with Adele and her sisters and Cassidy as attendants. She already adored Jake’s younger sister and was pretty sure the feeling was reciprocated. The wedding would take place on the ranch, down by the creek, and then a reception under a tent in Lynda’s English garden. She knew it would be perfect. First, they had to get through their upcoming engagement party, which had been eagerly arranged by her family.
She nodded. “Let’s do it.”
When they walked through the doors of the animal shelter, Florrie greeted them with wide smiles. “Hello! Everyone ready for the next big adventure?”
Val nodded, although she could see Jake was still a little skeptical. “It will work out, you’ll see.”
Half an hour later, they were all relieved. And delighted.
Adopting Digby had been a no-brainer. After the old dog had been passed over by the people who had put in an application a few weeks earlier, Val had secretly been delighted, because she knew he was meant to be a part of their family.
But only if he got along with Sheba and Bruce.
Which turned out just fine. Bruce bounded and slobbered around, while a more polite Sheba sniffed and then lost interest. And Digby was clearly thrilled to be put on the leash and led out to the truck. Once the three pooches were strapped in the back seat, Val jumped into the front and waited for Jake.
“All set?” he asked.
Val nodded, so happy she could barely breathe. “And raring to go.”
He smiled. “I love you.”
Her heart rolled over. “I love you, too.”
She had so much to be grateful for. For Jake, of course, for the three happy pooches in the back, for her family, for the babies they hoped to have, for the love that had come to complete them both. And she would be eternally grateful for the silly dating app that made it all possible.
She sighed with happiness. “Let’s get this adventure started.”
Look for the next book in
The Fortunes of Texas: The Lost Fortunes
continuity, Texan Seeks Fortune
by USA TODAY bestselling author
Marie Ferrarella
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