

“Red Desert” is a science fiction work, so part of the scientific aspects are the result of my imagination, but the remainder is mostly based on what is reported in the following sources, which sometimes served just as a hint and which I suggest you take a look at for a thorough examination.

More sources are listed in the bibliography of “Point of No Return”.


NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory ( Information on Mars and in particular on NASA’s Curiosity rover, currently working on the surface of the planet.

NASA Johnson Space Center (website). Information on the centre, where part of the story is set.

Google Mars ( Areographical information (Mars geography).

Red Mars” by Kim Stanley Robinson (novel), 1993. Edition: Bantam, ISBN 9780553560732. Also available for Kindle. – Mars colonisation imagined with the scientific knowledge from twenty years ago. Still very interesting and partly suitable to the present-day.


More books by Rita Carla Francesca Monticelli


Red Desert – Point of No Return”, Smashwords, 30 June 2014, ISBN 9781311628312.


If you read Italian, you can already find the remaining books of the “Red Desert” series and other novels by this author.


La morte è soltanto il principio”, Smashwords, 2 March 2012, ISBN 9781465722867.

Deserto rosso – Nemico invisibile”, Smashwords, 28 April 2013, ISBN 9781301337606.

Deserto rosso – Ritorno a casa”, Smashwords, 28 September 2013, ISBN 9781301541867.

Deserto rosso” (La serie completa), Smashwords, 12 December 2013, ISBN 9781310691997; also available as paperback, CreateSpace, 6 December 2013, ISBN 9781494358693.

Il mentore”, Smashwords, 21 May 2014, ISBN 9781310354854.