I WOULD LIKE TO acknowledge and profoundly and formally thank the following individuals and institutions, as this book would not have been possible without them:
First and foremost, thank you to Charisma House for bringing this project to me, and for allowing me to explore one of the most fascinating facets of Christian theology.
I would also like to specifically thank Woodley Auguste and Todd Starnes for your friendship and guidance in connecting me with the publisher and with this project.
Megan Turner, I’m also immeasurably grateful for all of your hard work and dedication on the manuscript.
I am especially grateful to Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary for offering me the opportunity to study Christian history and theory—a pursuit that helped to prepare me by instilling the knowledge and interest to accomplish this feat.
I would like to also call attention to the interview subjects and other instrumental individuals in this project. The following lists those individuals (and in no particular order): Dr. Ed Hindson, Dr. Sam Storms, Greg Laurie, Dr. Michael Heiser, Randy LaHaye, Tim LaHaye, Jeff Kinley, Joel C. Rosenberg, Dr. Mark Hitchcock, Rabbi Aryeh Spero, Dr. Michael Brown, Dr. Ron Rhodes, Dr. Darrell Bock, Don Preston, Hank Hanegraaff, Mark Moore, Dr. William Lane Craig, Dr. Shane Wood, Douglas Wilson, Mark Biltz, and John Hagee.
Last—but most certainly not least—is my wife, Andrea, who allowed me many days and hours away from her and our two young kids. She was a true partner in this project, and I couldn’t have done it without her.
Thank you all for making this book a reality.