Up the airy mountain,

Down the rushy glen,

We daren’t go a-hunting,

for fear of little men;

Wee folk, good folk,

Trooping all together;

Green jacket, red cap,

And a white owl’s feather!


The basic elements each have their own fairy folk. The seasons bring about changes in the natural world, and each one also has specific fairy folk. Read on to learn more about seasonal, elemental, and other fairy variations.


The four basic elements are Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire, and they each have different attributes and personalities. So, too, do the fairies associated with each element differ in vast and small ways.

Earth Fairies

Remember playing in the mud as kids, maybe making mud pies or getting covered in it, and feeling happy to squish it between your fingers and toes? Fairies of the Earth are at work underfoot; they’re the entities that govern the turn of the soil, helping the insects and worms that keep soil aerated and healthy. They encourage seeds, helping them germinate, and then coax the roots, urging them to have bold confidence to claim the soil for themselves. Earth Fairies are stocky with dark green, clay red, or brown hues. They have wings that resemble beetles’ shiny wings. They’re dense in appearance rather than holographic. They’ll brush against your ankles as you walk, playfully tugging at you through the mud or pricking your bare feet with tiny sticks or thorns, just out of rambunctiousness. They are seen best in the gloaming light at end of day, as they like to catch a glimpse of the residential Fairy Queen who passes by in twilight.


Earth Fairies know that we come from dust and shall return to it, and that all living things on Earth eventually break down into the soil, in one form or another. While we are alive, the Fairies of the Earth long to claim us as the Earth’s gravity and magnetic pull show us that our place is naturally the ground we walk on. They help us understand intrinsically that we thrive from the root up, and need a foundational base in which to grow truly strong. The electrons and healthy bacteria emitted through the earth have great health benefits to us, shifting our moods and regulating bodily organs. Children instinctively run outside barefoot, and adults should, too! Earth Fairies want us to be and feel grounded, to receive the gifts from the core of the Earth into our own core, and their mission is to give us reason to stabilize our lives through real depth; they want us to take root and know we belong.


Go outside as often as you can and walk barefoot. Try to get your feet against the actual ground, and simply feel yourself there, your weight sinking in or being fully supported by it. Earth Fairies will be present as you are infused with pure energy in the form of electrons, receiving and connecting with the biological rhythms of your planet. And don’t be shy about digging, tending to gardens, and reaching with bare hands into the earth. You may not be making mud pies or sand castles anymore, but there are great benefits of getting dirty and standing upon or getting into the rich soil.

Wind Fairies

Fairies of the Wind are unseen hosts of change, riding on currents of air. They appear for only a moment as light, billowy feathers, with whisking gossamer wings. They’re very blithe. They’re usually white, or a blue so light as to nearly appear white, yet are truly see-through and not ordinarily visible. They like to whisper in your ear, tickle your neck, or kiss you sweetly. These fairies ride upon the wind, which is the breath of life, the breath of the earth itself. Wind Fairies know that as individual humans, we take our first breath upon birth and our last breath upon death. The inhale and exhale of our breath stays with us all our lives, and the pattern of our breathing is supremely important. Wind Fairies respond to the air pressure, both low and high, that creates our atmospheric conditions. We are either soothed and lulled by gentle breezes or ravaged by raging winds. Fairies of the Wind restore the harmony of the universe, striving for optimal conditions as they know the air pressure and wind greatly impacts the Earth and our lives. Seriously violent winds destroy our homes and stifling lack of wind is suffocating. A moderate wind may fill our sails and make the tree leaves shimmer.


Despite their invisibility, Fairies of the Wind are concerned because as they flow with the natural movement of air, they see how easily our lives alter according to the atmospheric pressure influencing wind. When we work with them directly, through sailing, raising a flag, capturing power through windmills, or playing with kites, Wind Fairies are ecstatic and fulfilled. And we benefit from wind by listening to it, too. Fairies of the Wind will put messages in their delivery. As they sweep in, watch as the trees bough and the waves get choppy. Listen to it whisper or roar. You can receive true fairy wisdom about your practical life by tuning in spiritually to the wind.


Send a signal to the Fairies of the Wind by setting up some outdoor chimes so that you’ll remember to tune in when the wind comes through. Anytime you hear the chimes, take a moment to acknowledge that a mighty wind is passing by. Watch the clouds as wind emboldens them or blows through them like cobwebs. To hear what the Wind Fairies have to say to you, you will want to give yourself time to let the breeze be on you, to sweep your hair and remove the veil that shrouds you, to give you the sight of spirit. Wind Fairies are determined to convince us of their wildly robust presence, knowing that invisibility does not equate with non-existence. In the same way, spiritual influences affect us, as do emotions and energies, though we do not see these powers, we see only the affects they have on us and objects. Breathe deeply through practices such as yoga and attune to the breath of life, the authority of the wind, moving through us and our planetary atmosphere.

Water Fairies

We humans are a high percentage of water, and Water Fairies are able to surround us while also working closely with our physical systems to heal us. They may enter all seven chakras to balance and swirl health into you when you’re unwell. Water Fairies by nature see that we are not separate as our internal waterways and external oceans, rivers, and lakes are one with us. Water Fairies flow where and in the way water goes, in the depths of the oceans with their waves, using stratagems to help the climate as it transforms ocean waters into vapors and then into rain that showers upon us and our verdant planet.

Fairies of the Water are luminescent, often the color of sea foam or sea glass. They tingle like champagne bubbles or massage you like hefty ocean waves. They have wings that are the pure pearliness of water droplets, and wear a hat that is actually just that, a lovely water droplet. They otherwise adapt to the waters they guide, appearing brackish brown or turbulent gold, aqua blue or deep-lake green. They babble, or they may tussle with Fairies of the Wind and send tempests in the form of wild, wet gales, ominous dark gray tornadoes, and hurricanes to remind us that nature’s power is beyond us. Teaming with Wind Fairies is a dynamic way for Water Fairies to exercise wrath, which for us as humans has the ability to shatter illusions.


Water Fairies want us to be in the flow of life. I once had a meditation at a time when I felt stuck. I saw a brook as though I were hovering above it. I heard an inner voice teach me, saying “Don’t be like the water. BE the water.” I suddenly felt myself smoothly moving over rocks, through sticks and downstream, quickly. I felt the sensation of releasing all tension and resistance, and literally flowing along with the current, down to the sea. Fairies of the Water know that we need to keep a fluid sensibility to endure life, that our deep roots of established habits and attitudes need water wisdom and that to be aware of the tides of our attitudes is vital to the way our life functions and unfolds. You know how it feels to be flooded with joy, sorrow, or anticipation. Water Fairies offer an outpouring of love through fluidity and buoyancy of spirit. Sinking is to be sad, without hope. Water Fairies urge us instead to float and play with the stream of life. Struggling against currents and tides only exhausts us.


Physically, water heals and restores us to who we naturally are as we are so much made of water, and Water Fairies can do their best by us if we take more in. Drinking lots of clean water is essential to healing the body and ridding it of toxins, allowing the lymphatic system to flow like a mighty river. Fairies of the Water draw us in to play, whether by dangling bare feet into a lake, floating a paper boat downstream, or diving into the salty waves of the ocean. Water Fairies create bubbly sea foam to tickle our feet and make us giggle, and swimming is an excellent way to connect with Water Fairy energy. The ability to float and feel free of heaviness gives much relief to our minds and bodies. Water Fairies truly bond with us when we care for the water of Earth, not polluting it or abusing it. Take frequent salt baths (unless you live near the sea and can go for frequent swims!) and allow Water Fairies to soothe and relax you.

Fire Fairies

Once early cave people understood fire, they began to ease up on the constant instinct of fight or flight, as animals would stay away from the flickering flames. Fire Fairies, entities connected to our sun, helped humans gather around the heat of the fire, where the humans began to bond, eyes flashing in the light. Evolution of humankind has Fire Fairies to thank for helping us learn to bond, to cherish one another, to talk and listen to one another, and to forge tools to help us live more comfortably. Fairies of Fire know that there is great risk and severe danger in fire, and have an interest only in helping the Earth renew itself once it has been scorched. They grieve the losses caused by fires, but know we cannot survive without it. In appearance, Fire Fairies are wisps of flashing light, sparks, and embers. They’re bright yellow, orange, or red, sometimes even white hot in color. Their wings are tiny blazing flickers; their expressions are rarely anything but severe and serious. Often, they appear in the immensely thick smoke that arises out of fire and ashes, faces bearing heavy expressions and portentous, threatening, and haunting features. Fire Fairies want us to take them very, very seriously.


Fire Fairies are fierce, dangerous, and serious spiritual entities. Theirs is a quick and unyielding force that can cause much pain and suffering. Yet Fairies of Fire wish to coordinate their efforts to best benefit us, which means they work closely with Wind and Water Fairies. Energetically, Fire Fairies understand that we have ardent, passionate emotion and they work with us to moderate our primal survival instincts through our fear, anger, agony, and sentiment. They don’t want us to get burned by our own excesses but are very dominant in igniting and arousing our interest and excitement and truly kindle our desires for the good. They know that we generate heat through reactions to life, be it embarrassment, ire, exasperation, or grief. Fire Fairies also know that the smoke billowing from fiery flames is intoxicating and so are our ideas or feelings at times. They work intimately with humans, especially those drawn to heroic roles such as firefighters.


In fall and winter, gathering with loved ones around a fire pit or fireplace is ideal. Fire Fairies help us engage with the spirit of life when we carefully light fires (in fireplaces, candles, fireworks, etc.) to enjoy the warm, mesmerizing sparks and flames as much as the safe camaraderie our ancient ancestors felt when gathered around a fire. Kindling lights in the home at the dinner table, for example, will give true spiritual warmth to interior spaces. Fire Fairies, with their mysterious flames, lend charm and delight, mixed with romance and reverence, to all gathered. This is so because we know that fire is not a power to be toyed with, and therefore intrinsically we are alert as well as mystified when in the presence of it. Also, looking up at the stars and taking in the fire of their flickering light allows Fire Fairies to suggest ways we can expand, by opening portals to far away galaxies and giving rise to meteoric, sensational actions. Another way to honor Fire Fairies is through paying close attention to supporting the local firefighters who risk their lives fighting flames that destroy lives and ways of life. Fire Fairies know that humans work with fire in many ways to connect and that the punishment for fires out of control is so severe; the bravery and courage it takes to fight such flames is heroic.

Flower Fairies

Fairies of the Flowers are filled with light and fluttering energy, their wings like silken petals, iridescent as a dragonfly’s wings. In fact, you may think you saw a dragonfly when in actuality it was a Flower Fairy you saw. They’re lovely, each to each, with satin and silky skirts, tiny seed-like ballet slippers, and greatly colored petal hats and collars. They’re sensual yet modest, bold yet coy. Their allure is intoxicating. They are pure sexual, fruitful energy. They carry different traits, some receptive, others assertive and each conduct specific duties. Some are lovely, dainty fairies who are also shy and a bit sensitive, for all their pride and glorious beauty. They need adoration and respect or they feel faint and their mood wilts. They do everything they can to earn praise since they aim to do only one thing, and that is to give beauty to the world through their fecundity.


Flower Fairies make it possible for humans to live through their focus on pollination and fruitful fulfillment of life giving life. They help nectar flow to attract and seduce bees to spread pollen. In our lives symbolically, they produce in us the desire to germinate ideas and see our own potential realized, to sweeten our judgment as they suggest we develop our own advantageous flowering through worthwhile pursuits. They remind us that we are benefactors to others, and bear plenteous gifts to share.


If you want to feel sexy, align with Flower Fairies! Try looking at life in a daring new way, freeing yourself of the weight of worry and allowing others to breathe their own air, to do as they choose to do, to learn through life as they deem best for them. Flower Fairies focus on their own great beauty and pay less attention to other flowers, and this is what each flower you behold (by admiring them on the stem or picking and arranging them in your home) beckons you to do. Flower Fairies want you to connect with them and receive the deep gratitude and love of self that they embody. The best way is to bring flowers in and pay attention to them. Admire them profusely and dance around them. Put flowers at your bedside and on tables throughout the home. Let them know you understand their exquisiteness. This will enhance your alluring qualities, bringing out your natural refinement and grace.


In every tree, bush, or plant, there are a variety of fairies that take part in the life cycle of their growing charge, even weeds, which often have special medicinal qualities. See the roles each variety plays, season to season:

Spring Leaf Fairies

In the season of springtime, Spring Leaf Fairies sing a soft and gentle song to wake the dormant twigs and branches of trees, readying them for new growth. First, they ease the cold and brittle extremities of trees and entice new buds and stems to shoot into being. A silent celebration takes place as gradually new and delicate lush green leaves begin to unfurl. Spring Leaf Fairies get the party started, creating an atmosphere and aura of teasing limelight. Spring Leaf Fairies chase away darker, colder days of winter. They’re a bright, lucid yellow or green tone, very delicate and precious in appearance. They wear small incandescent caps, shaped like new leaves, jaunty, at a tilt. They wear tiny leaf slippers and their faces capture the look of serenity and expectation, with quick, green eyes. The moment they see you coming, they curl up into themselves on a twig, looking to all the world like a leaf yet to unfold.


Get ready for the spotlight, because Spring Leaf Fairies want you front and center! They’ll illuminate you from inside out, excitedly making of you a “new leaf,” tender and verdant, full of bright promise.


Spring Leaf Fairies stream their energy through you the same as they do through trees, urging the cells of the tree to start growing. They surge light through each cell of your being, and want for you all things new and exciting. With Spring Leaf Fairies, a human version of photosynthesis is underway when a strong, healthy person breathes life into her surroundings. This is what Spring Leaf Fairies most wish, that trees, bushes, and people harness energy for optimal transmutation. Inspect the small leaves that are beginning to grow on limbs of trees; lean over bushes that survived winter and talk to them as you’d want someone to encourage you. Relish in the newness by setting the stage for what is happening, arranging rocks under trees and around shrubs. Sit out among the trees as they begin anew, and hear the birds as they welcome and applaud them, knowing they inspire and remind you that you are always changing, and why not for the better?

Summer Leaf Fairies

Once the leaves and flowers have triumphantly celebrated and are fully blossomed, displaying their confidence, beauty, and will to thrive, Summer Leaf Fairies orchestrate tranquil dreamtime. Their energy is calming, quieting, and easy-going, as if to say “Let’s just be still now and see what happens,” after all that serious springtime push for burgeoning new life. Summer Leaf Fairies inspire idle, peaceful repose, for this is when dreams are stirred into being whether in morning, afternoon, or evening, mystical somnolence allows for conjuring the possible. Often in a heat haze, Summer Leaf Fairies will show you the shimmering love that surrounds trees. Gaze upon far-off trees as they sway in the breeze, because this is where wonderful ideas in the form of daydreams are given to our planet. These glistening, glimmering fairies are full of the sun’s kisses as they look like a flash of light, passing by in the blink of an eye. You’ll likely not see one, but more so be cajoled by one as you’ll feel a sneeze coming on or get a little giddy, or even a little sleepy. They’ll lull you into otherworldly realms of thought and ideas, these whimsical, chimerical Summer Leaf Fairies.


Summer Leaf Fairies are here to bring peace to Earth through quiescence, each leaf touched by sunlight and shade in just such a way as to communicate well-being through acceptance of what is, yet with sincerest support for wish fulfillment.


Take a nap under a tree, and picnic with leafy trees creating a lovely canopy for you. Gaze at sun-filled trees in the distance and let them deliver to you a wondrous daydream. Summer Leaf Fairies know that life, when given, seeks and desires love and experience. In the hush of a hot summer’s day, new thoughts and ideas radiate through leaves, reaching out to you to accept life, make peace with it, and ready yourself to emerge with the ability to create new dreams come true for yourself and others. Sing to leaves as you walk by; the Summer Leaf Fairies will love it. Sing your own song, and tell them out loud (even if in a whisper) exactly what you’d like your life to be, and they will send this dream through each leaf, out to the warmth of the summer day and into the universe where dreams come true.

Autumn Leaf Fairies

After Spring Leaf Fairies and Summer Leaf Fairies have infused leaves with good, green, new life followed by hazy dreamtime essence, Autumn Leaf Fairies enter regally to signal that inevitable change is in the air. This change, though it means having to grieve for days and ways gone by, is utterly thrilling. Autumn Leaf Fairies hasten death of fully realized leaves, so that all future experiences waiting to come into being are prepared. First, Autumn Leaf Fairies begin with the oldest trees. These elder trees know the routine, and respond quickly. Sage, wise trees resign themselves to change, their leaves assuming autumnal colors as they allow their leaves to make an example to all others. They turn brilliant fiery in golds and reds. Autumn Leaf Fairies wear robes of the same flashing, impressive colors. They keep their heads held high and faces somewhat solemn. They spin and flutter, often falling from the branches along with leaves as they dance their way down to the ground. It is hard to tell an Autumn Leaf Fairy from one of the leaves it infuses, so alike are they in their spinning, twisting movements. Autumn Leaf Fairies infiltrate tree leaves and light them up in yellow, as bright magical lanterns along the roadways. There is a stunning majesty as Autumn Leaf Fairies command us to witness their yearly ritual. Autumn Leaf Fairies make dying look good. The dying of what once was reminds us that we are part of a life cycle, and evolution is our purpose. The ritual Autumn Leaf Fairies practice is a noble one to observe and honor.


Change is not comfortable, but is inevitable. Autumn Leaf Fairies wrestle us out of summer slumber and into the activation of those dreams we conjured while in our glorious peace of warmth and sunshine. As the weather cools, Autumn Leaf Fairies bring the sun’s warmth through vibrant color in unbelievable beauty. Autumn Leaf Fairies understand their role is to help us transition, to chill us a bit into a resilient stance of readiness. They prepare us for another winter up ahead, knowing that they’re paramount in giving us strength to transition. They take the edge off of it by astounding us in regal splendor. As we accept change, we simultaneously say farewell to what we’ve known.


If you can, rake up a pile of leaves and bring them into the house and roll around on them. Why not? Toss them like confetti and give jubilation for all you’ve experienced up to this point in life. Collect these vividly colored leaves as pages from your own diary or each as poems in their own right. Pretend each leaf represents something you learned or experienced. Glue leaves to blank paper and write under them what they stand for, or how they inspire you. Take photos of them in their gushingly brilliant hues, to share with others, kick them as you walk along. Breathe in the scent of cooler air. You will sense and recognize a melancholia associated with saying good-bye to Summer Leaf Fairies, but feel the intensely electrifying essence of Autumn Leaf Fairies who do create decay with as much aplomb as they are able. Witness the trees as they bear the loss of robed refinement, standing naked in the cold. So, too, do we humans at times have to face diminishing losses, but Autumn Leaf Fairies show us we can endure.

Winter Leaf Fairies

Winter Leaf Fairies commandeer the breaking down of dead leaves into mulch and mold. The bountiful harvest of fallen leaves is a boon to the grass and soil as they fertilize it and nurture it. Many wild creatures such as turtles use fallen leaves to nest and hide in. Winter Leaf Fairies try to persuade us to allow nature to heal the Earth through its natural process in the cycle of life. Our terrain and overall ecosystem requires this nurturing to be healthy. Winter Leaf Fairies lay low, are dark brown, and have deep golden hues. They’re quiet and unassuming. They have leaf-shaped wings and mossy toned skin, yet can also be frost-colored white and blue over golden brown, their dresses quite like sheer layers of ice over darker fragmented shades of forest green. Most do not glisten in sunlight, but rather blend into darkness of winter understories, with just a fleck or two of diamond ice sparkle that may catch your eye. They rest on patches of moss and cover themselves with dry, moist, and dead, brown leaves. If you hear a rustling while out walking, look quickly, you may spy one!


As these fairies hunker down, they seem to be entities that have given up and welcome dying. The truth is, they’re aware that through dying there is life to come, and if they can enrich the soil with their perished counterparts, they will present the environment with greater, far more vibrant life in springtime. They seek no attention, but savor the leaves we allow to stay and break down for and with them.


These cold fairies are best left alone; however, they give us permission to be left alone for a time, while we take the memories of the warmer days into our hearts and hibernate our resources to build up abundant strength for days ahead. Try sitting out on the rocks in winter and take in the scent of buried leaves as they steam up and protectively blanket the ground. Absorbing the energy of smoldering Winter Leaf Fairies will give you much strength and sustain you in your shivering dark months of reflection, allowing you to mourn the past without regret. What was is now passed, what is to come is not yet here, and Winter Leaf Fairies do not so much want you to linger in misery or sorrow as to slowly assemble and develop inner fortitude.


Don’t suppose that cold stone you stepped on is not blessed with a fairy of its own. Crystals reside deep in many gray, unnoticed rocks that we dismiss as not too important. Often, great geodes are bristling pure light energy within their unremarkable gray outer layer. Crystal Fairies don’t mind; they’d rather blend in. They consider themselves keepers of the bones of the Earth, and know that without them, our bedrock foundations would erode and our soil would slip, slide, and sink. Crystal Fairies clean the energy for all other fairies and life surrounding any area, be it forest, garden, city park, or rocky edged highways. They purify the energy by vibrating to the magnetic pulses of the Earth, each one connecting to the others in underground ley lines of healing resonance. Crystal Fairies may at times resemble the outer layers of a stone, being rounded or jagged, gray and solid, with moss cloaks and heavy, dull expressions in their eyes, so much to evade your attention. Their wings in such cases are granite gray with dollops of white quartz. Other times, Crystal Fairies bound about in full regalia, in amber or amethyst sparkles, wings of quartz, and headdresses of geometrically fantastic agate or polished garnet, for example.

How Crystal Fairies Help Us

Crystals energize us, clearing the emotional center of the body. They’ll feel your emotions when you are near and will try to help you be aware of your own sensations from head to toe, to know where you are holding emotional frequencies. If your throat hurts, perhaps there is something you want to say that you feel you have not said? Crystal Fairies will sense it and try to heal you. Or perhaps you may feel heaviness in your heart; they will try to undo some of the tightness there. They literally will enter you to clear and cleanse you. Their ambition is to see you thrive with nothing blocking your good feelings from infusing you from head to toe. They see humans as a type of crystal, a conduit of electricity and emotional fluidity. When something blocks that flow, these fairies attend to that and bring the energy flow back. They do this for the Earth as well. If they’re in rocks around your home, they are renewing energy and revitalizing the area.

How to Connect with Crystal Fairies

To feel the great benefits of Crystal Fairies, try holding several different kinds of crystals one at a time and close your eyes. Take your time. As you hold each crystal, you’re bound to feel a difference not just in weight or texture but in energetic vibrancy. You might like to go to a shop where you can experiment and take a few crystals of your choice home. You can meditate with them and place them on different emotional centers of the body. Be playful with them and use them in your rooms to clear the energy. Place them in the sunlight to enjoy their magical appearance. The Crystal Fairies love to infuse us and our surroundings with their vivacity and sparkle.


These are the fairies that call the morning, welcoming it into being. They sing the most soothing, momentous, and beautiful song; if you wake up anytime between about 3:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m., you may hear it. Dawn Fairies are filled with grace and gratitude. They change in color as the light changes from deep, dark blue to egg shell white, with shades of pink and gold so as to blend in with the first blush of daybreak. They are peacefully powerful and harmonious fairies.

How Dawn Fairies Help Us

Dawn Fairies help us by instilling us with optimism as each new day is given in the energy of love. Their gentle presence allows us to quietly feel thankful for a new chance to interact on the physical plane, to learn and grow in consciousness as humans. With silent, pearlescent wings, they gather in chorus, touching our foreheads as we sleep and kissing each leaf, petal, and stone as they sweep through in flight as the sun rises. They rouse the birds from their nests.

How to Connect with Dawn Fairies

The Fairies of Dawn are evident to us when we feel a deep sense of serenity, and are relaxed knowing all is well. If you do wake up in the wee hours, stay calm and don’t rush out of the sleep state by sitting up and turning the light on, instead, hover on the plateau of dreamtime and you may be able to hear them sing an enchanting and beckoning song. Dawn Fairies exist in the realm of pure light, love, and new beginnings, and bless each moment as darkness fades into luminosity. Your appreciation for a new day aligns you with their tranquil essence.


After a full day, ordinary daytime slips into an otherworldly realm of twilight; this is the most mystical hour. Here in this time and space where it is no longer day but not yet night, Twilight Fairies dance, play flutes, and bless the oncoming night. Eventide approaches, and Twilight Fairies, though not rambunctious or loud, are excited to accept the decline of the sun-filled day because the night is given to mysteries and dreams. The Fairy Queen is sure to emerge to witness Twilight Fairies caper in their starry robes and moonbeam caps of creamy glowing white.

How Twilight Fairies Help Us

These sweet, playfully curious and furtive fairies want to draw us out of routines, lighten our beleaguered woes, and cool us in the soft shadows of our innate goodness. Twilight Fairies want us to draw near one another, to whisper kind thoughts and keep a sense of mirth, no matter what the day had brought. Fairies of Twilight surround us with excitement mixed with holiness as we give over to the moon rising.

How to Connect with Twilight Fairies

If you’d like to blend with the Fairies of Twilight, know that they invite you to their celebration. Drawing near to this magical space and time, it is best to go outside and watch the light as it changes, to see the sun go down and notice the way the trees, leaves, grass, and water transform in a wonderfully, almost eerie way. Invite friends and family over and set up a twilight dinner table outside (in warmer weather) using only candles for lighting and you’ll experience the enchanting sweetness of Twilight Fairies, as all of you sense the intimate thrill of the waning day, marveling at the approach of night.


Fairies of Light, also called Prism Fairies, belong to the color spectrum and are present in the reflections of emitting light that we perceive as primary (red, yellow, blue) or secondary (orange, purple, green). Within each hue, tone, and tint is healing power, and Fairies of Light are there to allow color to influence us for our well-being.

Red Fairies

Red Fairies are bold, passionate, and decisive. When we perceive the color red, the energies that emit from it are striking to us, causing our primal instincts to flare up. Fairies of the Color Red love to witness our emotional responses, centered on love, desire, anger, or fear. They wish to remind us that we have what it takes to survive and to feel life to the fullest. They’re exciting fairies, confident and daring. They like us to be fearless, though, helping us to ultimately face our fears and courageously overcome them. They wear scarlet layers of chiffon dresses, robes, and swaths of wispy cloth. They have dark eyebrows and undaunted eyes.


Red Fairies help us reclaim our natural assertion and will to survive. They spark the heroic in each of us, and give us the knowledge that we have an intrepid spirit within, which we need to get through some stages of life. If things are dull and tiring, Red Fairies want to bump us into audacious, adventurous ways, smashing the porcelain preciousness that keeps us at times from true love, passion, and success. In your own life, Fairies of the Color Red want you to be noticed and to send signals to others that you are to be taken seriously.


If you sense that you are allowing weakness or a broken spirit to seep into your moods negatively affecting your life, get a dose of the color red! It may be a piece of furniture or you might paint an entire wall, but get some red going. You may also buy a red article of clothing or even lipstick. You might buy red shoes. Or simply get red crayons, markers, and paint and get creative with red for a while. Let these gallant Fairies of the Color Red remind you through the color red, that you have what it takes to survive and thrive.

Blue Fairies

Blue Fairies are as open as the sky and as wide as the ocean. They encourage us to expand our sense of ourselves and our world and love to get us out and about. As light emits the frequency of the color blue, the energy is cool and open, happy and new. Blue Fairies want us to keep it simple, to not complicate everything with overthinking and drama, although there can be a sadness described as “blue.” This is because the deeper shades of blue appeal to our sense of duty and order, and when life events or relationships don’t seem to be the way we ordered it up, we feel the sorrow in that.


Blue Fairies fly in with great expectations for us. They leap and skip, wearing pieces of sky—feathery cloaks of pale pastel blue to rich cobalt, and flit about with a strong sense of purpose blended with joy. They wake us up and get us moving. They playfully urge us to try new things, to laugh, to reach out for others in friendship.

Blue Fairies have a deep wish to expand our horizons. They know that without an open vista, we hyper focus on details or worry about the past, and the small issues that really should not take over our lives. Fairies of the Color Blue are here to cool our engines and prep us for smoother sailing waters, suggesting to us a happier and simpler outlook. Blue Fairies don’t ignore our pain, but they will not rest until we transform pain into clarity, alleviation, and bliss.


Since so much of what Blue Fairies want us to do in the way of seizing opportunity, sitting down with a big handful of blue play dough is wonderful to try. That way, molding and forming shapes and rolling out chunky, formidable blue dough, Blue Fairies know we transform. They want us to have a strong willingness to create and to experience life on our own optimistic terms. Otherwise, wearing blue is a great mood changer for the better, or tie-dying using indigo, getting those blue suede shoes and sitting in blue chairs. Or try connecting to Blue Fairies by watching or floating in water that is swimming-pool blue or the sea in all its varying shades of blue and even singing the blues if you can’t get beyond sadness. It will help you release tension and allow for Blue Fairies to swipe the slate clean, to usher in for you all new blue-sky days ahead.

Yellow Fairies

Yellow Fairies are sensitive, as the color yellow emits a glow of sweetness, innocence, and youth. Yellow Fairies tend to be shy and small, but energy moves through them quickly, like lightning. They will spark your senses and zing you with a zesty little shock. You’ll know this has happened when suddenly you become aware of something that you had not realized before. You may not know where it comes from, but you will not be able to deny the information. Yellow Fairies, for all their grace, activate stunning, flashing knowing and prod us to be conductors of this high vibration. They are tiny, and wear high, yellow-toned garments. As they zip around, they look like fast flashes of light on water. They have a temper, but it is quickly gone and would like us to know a forbearance of sensitivity is at times best when sprinkled with a dash of verve.


Yellow Fairies, like the color itself, touch us deeply, calling out our inner child and humorously befuddling the overly serious in us and among us. A Yellow Fairy might kick a mean teacher in the shin (she won’t know what that sharp, little pain was!) and will urge you to defend the ones who cannot defend themselves. They’re quirky and nice, and they also want to help us develop sunny graciousness and to welcome others with a kind heart. They’ll tip you off as to what and who to avoid. Ignore them at your peril as they mean it when they convey to you information that you need to know. It will arrive in a quick flash of thought or image in your mind. For all that spunky alertness though they aim to soothe, brighten, and give solace to others as well.


The best way to benefit from the color yellow and their governing fairies is to allow a buttery beam of sunlight on your back each day, or to sit in the sunshine for some amount of time every day. Feel the color yellow on your skin as it revitalizes you. Using yellow in your surroundings also helps. Try doing an entire table setting in all yellow; yellow plates, napkins, flowers, and even some yellow food. Yellow Fairies want to jazz us up into doing things differently, to be unique and fun. Wear a yellow scarf or get a yellow pillowcase. Eat butterscotch. It’s all good with some yellow vibration around you, and know that they want you to be you—uniquely yourself.