From: Zina
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2007 10:18 AM
To: The List Project
Subject: hello
I have been checking your website and I thought to send you asking for any kind of help you can offer.
I’m 25 years iraqi female, I worked for KBR in Iraq in 2005 and for the Coalition Forces- US army in camp Taji north of Baghdad in 2006 as interpreter, I was assigned to the Civil Affairs unit. You all know what kind of difficulties we (as interpreters) face at present and because of my affiliation with the army I and my family (my sister who worked with me for the army and my mother) were threatened and we had no option but quit the army and leave Iraq. I live now in Egypt which I don’t considar as a safe place for me. I registered in the UNHCR as refugee and I had 3 interviews with them but still nothing about the resettlement. I was threatened in Iraq for 5 times so going back is impossible for me, I have been in Egypt for 7 months now, running out of time and money and despertly need help to get to a safe place. I tried to contact many people and many embassies here asking for asylum but no help. I have people in the states ready to help me but they don’t know where to go.
I hope you take few minutes of your time to read this email because I despertly need help. I will be so thankful f you can offer any help or just tell me where to go. I will send you all the douments I have from the army if you can help me.
Thank you so much.