Glossary of USGspeak



CTO: Cognizant Technical Officer

EXO: Executive Officer (in a USAID mission, the third-ranking official)

FSN: Foreign Service National (Iraqi employee)

IDP: Internally Displaced Person

LES: Locally Engaged Staff (Iraqi employee)

MAM: Military Age Male (any male of fighting age)

Muj: mujahid or mujahideen, insurgent

RSO: Regional Security Officer

TCN: Third-Country National (non-American, non-Iraqi employee, e.g., from Jordan)

Terp: Interpreter


Coordinating: hosting meetings referenced in “ramping up” or “looking into”

Interagency Discussions: attending meetings referenced in “ramping up,” but in a different building

Looking into: see “ramping up”

Ramping up: “We haven’t started doing anything concrete yet, but have had several meetings.”

Your patience assists us in facilitating the process: “Please stop asking us for updates on your case.”


CMOC: Civil Military Operations Center

CPA: Coalition Provisional Authority

DHS: Department of Homeland Security

DOD: Department of Defense

DOS: Department of State

IOM: International Organization for Migration (the traditional OPE of the State Department)

IRMO: Iraq Reconstruction Management Office

ISI: Islamic State of Iraq

KBR: Kellogg, Brown & Root

MEK: Mujahideen-e Khalq

NDAA: National Defense Authorization Act

NSC: National Security Council

OPE: Overseas Processing Entity (organization contracted by the State Department to conduct refugee screening)

PCO: Project and Contracting Office

PRM: Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (at Department of State)

SIV: Special Immigrant Visa Program

UNHCR: UN High Commissioner for Refugees

USAID: US Agency for International Development

USCIS: US Citizenship and Immigration Service

USRAP: US Refugee Admissions Program


LZ: Landing Zone

MOAG: Mother of All Generators

MWR: Morale, Welfare, and Recreation tents on military bases