All the efforts of every living being is directed towards getting pleasure and happiness. One cannot get them without being righteous. What one gets without being righteous is but momentary. So, if one wishes to be healthy and happy one must follow religion:
Sukārthā sarva-bhutanām maāh sarvdh pravrittayah;
Sukham cha na binā dharmāt-tasmād-dharma-paro bhavet.
The first thing in the way to be healthy and happy is to be righteous in mind, words and deeds.
Rise early in the morning before the sunrise. Get fresh.
Wash your eyes with cold water.
Take a walk in the open at least for five minutes. The maximum limit is one and half hour.
Work in your garden or kitchen garden for at least half an hour.
One should to do some physical labour to remain healthy and fit. It makes no difference whether one can afford many servants or not. One has to do physical labour despite one’s wealth or higher post. It is not the question of ego but of health. Health is precious, ego is disastrous.
If you are doing some physical labour then there is hardly any need for exercise.
Don’t take exercise but if once you start taking exercise, never stop it. Continue it till the end by adjusting it with the time available; need of the body; age and strength; by increasing or reducing the time or by changing and replacing the exercise or by controlling only the breathing.
One thing must be kept in mind that one never has to take stress or strain or tax the body. Exercises are for keeping the body fit and its functions smooth.
Don’t visit the gym. But if once you start visiting the gym then never stop it. If you stop then within three months your muscles will flatten and obesity will grow.
Follow one golden and eternal rule: Excess of everything is bad.
Face the Sun for a few minutes while pouring water from over the head to the earth.
Don’t take milk in the morning and never take curd during evenings or nights.
Always take curd with salt or sugar and milk with sugar.
Never wash your eyes with hot water.
Always eat less than what you can eat.
Don’t give preference to taste. Think of health and fresh food.
Don’t eat cold food heated again.
Don’t eat curd, cut fruits if kept in a freeze.
Don’t eat the food that emits foul smell.
India is not a cold country. Food cooked in the morning gets rotten by evening. Don’t eat such food even if you are very hungry.
Prefer purity and cleanliness while cooking and eating both.
Food should be tasteful, healthy, digestible, fresh and favourite.
Don’t take water while taking food.
Resist temptations in the selection of food articles and prepared food: its quality and quantity both.
Massage oil on body once or twice a month but not during summer.
Massage your head with mustard, coconut or āmalā oil once or twice a week.
Drop some mustard oil in ears once in a while but never during rainy season.
Take hair cut in such a way to take hair-do backwards. Don’t allow hair to fall on the forehead.
Don’t take the hair-do of a boxer or wrestler.
Cut your nails of hands once a week; of feet once a month.
Massage your body well during bath.
Always prefer cold water for bath.
Don’t take bath with hot water in the open.
Always take bath before taking the meal. Don’t take bath after taking the food.
Don’t take alcohol or any intoxicant.
Prefer vegetarian meals.
Take light meals.
Always wear clean, smooth, soft and loose clothes to allow air to pass in. Woollen clothes can be worn during December and January in India.
Keep one or two unbuttoned holes near the neck.
Always keep and use handkerchief whenever needed.
Men should not use cosmetics, women must use cosmetics the least to keep the skin fresh and shiny. Cosmetics spoil the skin and cause skin eruptions and diseases. Later on it turns hard, thick and rough.
Don’t take loans or things on credit to be mentally free. Worries sap out the energy.
Behave well so that you are treated well. Rough behaviour creates tension. Avoid it.
Take the help and advice of the elders, and never of jealous persons.
Give food to needy as far as practicable. There will not be any dearth of food for you.
Don’t allow anger to erupt. Anger spoils both work and health.
Don’t indulge in health hazardous activities.
Take good sleep of a minimum of six hours.
Don’t read or work in dim light or very bright light.
Don’t keep awake whole night; at least not after eleven except in emergency.
Breath only through the nose and never through the mouth.
Make it a habit to drink fresh water early in the morning after brushing the teeth and before eating anything.
Avoid oily and fried food.
Once a while, keep fast for the whole day taking only lemon water.
Take seasonal fruits and vegetables.
Don’t take food when angry or very tense.
Keep the windows open while sleeping.
Don’t allow anger, pain or worry to enter the mind when ready to take meal or sleep.
When ready to go to bed wash the feet, drink some water, go to bed, read some classics or scriptures then go to sleep remembering and reciting the name of your favourite God or Mantra.
Don’t take cold water after taking anything hot.
Always try to keep your head in the South direction to absorb the magnetic power of the earth.
One can take separately banana and milk; banana and curd; milk and curd but taking all three at onetime is strictly prohibited.
Don’t take milk with: salt; sour fruit; curd; oil; oily substance; radish; pumpkin.
One can take milk with: Āmalā; Mishri; Sugar; Parwal; garlic; Sendhā namak.
Use liberally honey at home.
Honey gives instant energy if taken with orange juice; or milk; or the essence of kewarā.
For mental freshness and alertness take honey with the juice of pomegranate.
Use basil leaves in the family. It is the greatest preventive medicine.
Use coconut in the family in all its forms.
Use carrots. Use it in different forms.
Prayer is the panacea for both the physical and mental diseases.