Chapter 23


Pelvic exams help detect gynaecological cancers, if existing.


The Cancer Society recommends annual pelvic exams for women 18 and older, and for all younger women who are sexually active.


A pelvic exam is done to detect cervical and ovarian cancers and pre-cancerous cells.


You will lie on an examining table with your feet in stirrups and your knees bent. The examiner will feel your pelvic or-gans—both inside and out—to inspect the size and shape of your ovaries and uterus and check for any abnormalities. Your practitioner will use an instrument called a speculum to look inside your vagina.

The exam can be slightly uncomfortable, but only lasts a few minutes. If it makes you more comfortable, you can ask for someone else to be in the room with you. To get the best results, try to relax and don’t forget to empty your bladder before the exam.