Chapter Eleven

Bryn Christmas

Jamison and I kissed deeply at each stoplight. We made out against the car before heading into the resort, kissed feverishly in the elevator, and stopped to maul each other in the hallway. It was so odd. I couldn’t get enough of him, and vice versa, apparently. Once we made it to my suite, we went directly to the bedroom and took off our clothes. Eyeing him seductively, I fell onto the bed. Jamison clutched my knees, spread my thighs, and was inside me yet again.

“Bryn,” he said after thrusting his cock deeper in me and holding it there.

“Yes,” I replied in a shaky voice.

“Has a man ever made you come?”

My eyes widened. The question made me feel embarrassed, and I knew why.

“When you went down on me, I had some pretty profound orgasms.” I smiled shyly because I knew that wasn’t what he meant.

“Not that way, babe.”

I struggled to maintain eye contact with him. “Then in what way?”

“Inside you?”

I shook my head. “That’s never happened. Even though I was once known as the bad-girl heiress, my sexual experience with guys who knew what the hell they were doing was meager.”

Jamison snorted cockily. “Well, I think I have your pussy figured out.”

“My pussy figured out?”

He smirked sexily as he resumed shifting his manhood in and out of my sensitive pussy. “Lift your hips toward my cock,” he whispered as if he was already experiencing whatever men felt down there that made them appear as if sex was the most pleasurable activity in the world.

Eyes closed, focusing on the moment, I did as I was told. Holy crap. I could feel it beginning. My eyes expanded.

“You feel that?” he whispered.

I swallowed and nodded wildly.

“Follow that sensation, baby. Don’t let go of it. It’s yours.”

My hips tilted up. His cock did more than go in and out of me—it slipped against my pussy walls and pushed against my insides, making me…

There it is…

My mouth seemed to open on its own, and my voice trembled as I cried, “Ha!”

“Bryn? Is that you?” Alana called.

I gasped as I slapped my hand over my mouth, and the powerful sensation that made me want to pass out cooled.

“Who’s that?” Jamison whispered.

Even though I couldn’t see her, I knew she was watching us. Alana had a prime view of Jamison’s ass between my thighs.

After a few beats, Alana said, “Sorry, sorry… hand over my eyes, closing the door. Sorry. The front door was open.”

“That’s my assistant,” I whispered.

Jamison quietly chuckled as we remained completely still. I’d never been so embarrassed.

“Oh, and I’m glad you guys made it safely,” I shouted, trying to sound as if I wasn’t in the throes of passion. As soon as I said that, I realized I should have just stayed quiet.

Alana chuckled. “All righty, Bryn, and by the way, we’re starving. Do you and whoever you’re, um, fucking, want to grab some dinner?” She paused. “Is fifteen minutes long enough to finish?”

I raised my eyebrows at Jamison, and he did the same while nodding. Jamison shifted his cock in and out of my pussy. His fullness felt so good.

“Okay. Meet you in the lobby.” I sounded strained.

“Perfect, and enjoy! Oh, and thanks for our rooms. They’re lovely, boss. Like the ass on that guy.”

Alana chuckled, and Alex could be heard muttering, sounding as if he was chastising her, which he did when he thought she was being inappropriate. The front door slammed closed, and Jamison and I burst into laughter.

“Oh shit, she heard me having a real orgasm,” I said.

Jamison narrowed an eye. “How did you like it?”

I raised my eyebrows. “Oh my God, again, please.”

Softly, our lips melded, lovemaking resumed, and we ended with a bang as he made me come a second time.

Jamison and I chose to dress for dinner in separate parts of the suite. We could hardly keep our hands off each other. I had to touch him, smell him, and have his muscles and skin against me. I was addicted to the taste of his mouth and the expanse of his cock stretching my womanhood. The sounds he made during sex, against my ear, made me cream like ice melted by fire.

After a quick shower, I debated wearing my black leather skinny pants with my black V-neck button-front sweater or something Jamison would find more accessible. It was cold enough to freeze my ass cheeks off outside. I had brought a long black cashmere trench coat, though.

“Warmth,” I muttered.

I slipped into the leather pants and the black sweater—again, no bra. I gladly wore my black leather booties with the three-inch heels. Jamison was much taller than I was. I didn’t have to worry about dwarfing him as I had when I’d gone out with Dale, who was only two inches taller than me. I was five feet eight inches tall. He was five ten.

I applied red matte lipstick and brushed out my hair to give it more volume. I added mascara and plucked my eyebrows just a little. After one more check in the mirror, I was ready to chase the night.

Jamison was waiting for me on the sofa as he’d done that morning. He whistled his approval and rose to his feet. “You are so beautiful, Bryn,” he said as if my mere appearance had put him in a daze.

He looked scrumptious, too, in a pair of black pants, a gray silk shirt, and Italian leather loafers. He also had on his black cashmere duster. And his scent filled the room. Damn, he smelled so good. Jamison Cox was a hell of a sexy, well-dressed man—a woman’s dream. I could hardly believe we were making a go at a real relationship. At some point, we would have to discuss strategy regarding my brothers—mainly Jasper—and his father. But not yet.

“We’re late.” Jamison wrapped his arms around me, drawing me against him.

“And this doesn’t help.” I said, smoothing one of his eyebrows and then the other. We laid soft, sensual kisses on each other, and I tasted the minty toothpaste in his mouth. “We should go.”

Jamison nodded and took me by the hand, and together, we walked out into the hallway. We couldn’t kiss in the elevator because a group of skiers was riding down with us. I felt distracted by my own craving for Jamison.

Again, what is this I’m feeling? I had to force myself to take a breath. Maybe Jamison had opened something within me that I’d never known existed before then. I used to force myself to want sex. But the first time Jamison and I made love, our togetherness had put a dent in my safety box made of steel wherein I’d hidden away my unbridled lust. Dale and I used to have a lot of vociferous headboard-banging, floor-shaking sex during which he would be the only one who got off. Frankly, I never enjoyed having sex with Dale. During therapy, I learned that it wasn’t the act of sex that had turned me on—it was the string of actions that came before it that got me hot. I needed Dale to sneak into the mansion against Randolph’s wishes. In defiance, I took Dale into my bed and gave him my body, knowing that I would never make a vow to the man my father wanted me to marry—Carter Valentine, who was still one of my dearest friends. Carter was strange, but I understood how he’d acquired his weird personality. He and I had always loved each other and forever would, but not in that way.

Carter remained stuck in my mind as the elevator doors opened, and Jamison and I walked out, holding hands. “What were you thinking about on the way down?” Jamison said in my ear.

I smiled. “An old friend. I’ll introduce you to him one day.”

He grunted, intrigued. “Competition?”

The question made me blurt a chuckle. “Ask me that after you meet him.”

Jamison turned his head, eyeing me curiously. I winked at him.

Alana and Alex shot to their feet when they saw us.

“Those are your assistants?” Jamison asked.

I’d forgotten he wasn’t able to see how tall and modelesque Alana was with her long dark hair, high, sharp cheekbones, and come-hither eyes. And Alex was the male version of Alana, only he had muscles.

“I promise, I didn’t hire them because of the way they looked,” I said in a rush.

I gave Alex his preferred side hug, but Alana and I embraced each other tightly. “We have to talk about what I heard in that bedroom,” Alana whispered.

I dipped my chin as my face burned with embarrassment.

Then I squeezed Jamison’s strong shoulder and pointed a hand at Alana. “Jamison, this is Alana. She’s my associate interior designer.” My hand shifted to Alex. “And this is Alex, my craftsman. And Alana and Alex, this is Jamison Cox.”

Alana tilted her head. “And he’s your…?”

I glanced at Jamison. We’d already set what we were in stone. “He’s my new love interest.”

Alana laughed and rolled her eyes. Alex, who was generally a quiet person, smiled and reached out to shake Jamison’s hand. “Jamison. Nice to meet you.”

“Same here,” Jamison replied.

Alana, who wasn’t one for letting awkward moments linger, said there was a tavern in town that was supposed to have all the fattening food and drink a girl needed after two days of dealing with airport drama. Jamison offered to drive us in my rented SUV, so we left the hotel and piled into the car with Alana and Alex in the back seat.

“Oh gosh, now I remember,” Alana said from the back seat. “Jamison Cox. You’re a political analyst or something.”

“Strategist. And she mentioned me before?” Jamison sounded excited.

“Oh, definitely so.” Alana’s tone didn’t hint that whatever I’d said about Jamison was favorable. I couldn’t even remember mentioning Jamison to her. However, I kept Alana on my staff not only for her impeccable design skills but also for her exceptional ability to listen and remember everything that she heard.

“And not in a good way?” Jamison sounded disappointed.

I cringed, praying Alana would use her impeccable communication skills to not make Jamison feel like the cruddy jerk who I’d probably made him out to be.

“Not in a bad way either. Just in a realistic way,” Alana said, and I held in a sigh of relief. “And by the way, Bryn, Alex has a new girlfriend named Mia.”

“Here we go,” Alex said. I pictured him rolling his eyes.

“And Mia doesn’t like to pick up her dog’s poop because she says it’s biodegradable and good for the earth. In New York City, the earth is concrete. She’s gotta know that, right?”

“I picked it up, okay?” Alex groused.

“But it wasn’t your dog. It’s her dog. Her poop.”

“But I picked it up.”

“That’s not the point, Alex. When you’re not around to pick up her dog poop, she’s letting her dog drop a deuce and leaving it on the sidewalk for someone to step in. I mean, like, who the hell does that? And you know what? We were supposed to walk our dogs with you and me, not with you, me, and her. And she talks too much. And her dog wants to eat Lilly. She’s like a little woman with a big ol’ pit bull. What’s that about, Bryn? Daddy issues, right? Serious, fucking… her dad wanted a boy. Daddy issues.”

Alex remained silent. I looked at Jamison with wide eyes. His wink told me he wasn’t made uncomfortable by their bickering. I wanted to explain that it was normal for Alex and Alana to bicker that way. They were close. I’d always known they were attracted to each other, but Alex was from a small town in Ohio and Alana had grown up in Queens. I knew for a fact that he considered her one of the most beautiful women he’d ever seen, with her swan’s neck, heart-shaped face, pouty lips, and mysterious eyes, but her rough edges intimidated him.

Alana had commented several times that Alex was good-looking, too, but soft. I’d seen several of her boyfriends, and none of them ever seemed tougher or manlier than Alex. So I had no idea what in the hell she meant by soft. I’d asked her once, and she blew me off, saying, “It’s unexplainable. He just is.”

Finally, Alex sighed. He usually took his time to come up with the right response for Alana. “Then I won’t bring her anymore. But just don’t bring what’s his face to happy hour anymore.”

“Who’s what’s his face?” Alana snapped.

“I don’t know his fucking name, but he’s too loud.”


“Maybe. That’s it. And who names their kid Rain?”

“Deal,” Alana said. “No Mia from you. No Rain from me.”


Awkward silence lingered until Jamison asked if either of them had ever been to Vail. Alex had, Alana hadn’t, and Jamison and Alex shared their favorite ski spots in Colorado.

The restaurant looked like a Western lodge, with wooden walls, tacky old-West artwork, and no windows. Regardless of the unsightly decor, the restaurant was full. Conversation flowed easily during dinner, especially after Jamison asked each of my assistants what their first impression of me was.

“At first, I thought, Shit, I might be bi? Bryn’s got this Fuck me, please thing about her. Like, she’s too hot to not crave. But now, screwing her would be like incest.” She thumbed over at Alex beside her. “But Alex over here has had a crush on the boss from day one.”

Alex grimaced at Alana. “Have you been day drinking again or something?”

She glanced at Jamison, embarrassed. “I don’t day drink, and you know it.”

“Then stop talking like you’re smashed or something.” Alex leaned toward me, waving his hand. “That’s not true, Bryn. I’ve always had the utmost respect for you. Sure, you’re beautiful. Any guy with eyes can see that. But that’s it.” He looked back at Alana. “Plus, she’s down-to-earth. That’s her best quality besides being wise—too wise for a dope like me.”

Alana raised a finger. “I second that. I didn’t even know she was a Christmas until one of our clients mentioned it.” Then she patted Alex on the back. “And, dude, you’re not a dope. You’re soft but not a dope.”

Alex shook his hands in frustration. “You keep saying that. What in the hell does that mean?”

“I’m ready to hear that answer as well,” I said.

After setting her gaze on me, Jamison, and then Alex, Alana huffed. “He doesn’t go for the hard kill. He goes for the soft ones like Mia.”

Alana and Alex maintained firm eye contact for a few seconds, and then Alana clapped her hands. “What other things do we love about Bryn? Let me count them all.”

Alex cleared his throat as he readjusted in his seat. “She’s kind.”

I threw up my hands, my face warm with embarrassment. “Enough of the good stuff. Tell him the annoying stuff about me.”

Alana and Alex grinned at each other, and Jamison stretched an arm across the back of my chair. I felt so claimed by him, and it made my heart go pitter-patter.

Alana turned her head slightly to examine me. “You really want me to spill the soup?”

“Sure,” I said, waving my fingers in my direction. “Bring it.”

“Well…” She shifted her attention to Jamison. “She’s down-to-earth but way too down-to-earth. Take the last few days, for instance.” She closed her eyes and took a steadying breath. “All the misery of going to the airport and our flight being delayed and then canceled until further notice and shit. And then we had to wait for our checked luggage because they couldn’t hold it. And then we had to go back to the airport the next day and do the shit all over again, and by a nose, we were able to get a flight to Denver. All of that,” she said, gesturing emphatically, “could’ve been avoided if she would just partake in the family jewels.”

Jamison frowned, confused. “The family jewels?”

“She means the airplane,” Alex said.

I was surprised he’d said something. Usually, he was okay toughing it out. Their airport experience must have been horrendous.

“Duly noted,” I said and informed them that we would be using it for our vendor runs the following week.

They both expressed relief. Then the topic of conversation turned to airports and how miserable they could be and how the culture of each city was reflected in every terminal. We all laughed when Jamison remarked that the people in JFK often moved in their own world, like zombies, barely avoiding impact with each other.

Dinner was set before us. Alana and I had the buffalo chicken salad. Jamison and Alex ordered the steak with baked potato. We were on our second glass of wine when the conversation turned to all the politicians Jamison knew.

“Okay, I can tell you this—the president’s a farter,” Jamison said. We all erupted in laughter as Jamison waved his hand in front of his nose. “The guy’s worse than a skunk.”

Alana, Alex, and I were naming off politicians we knew, but Jamison wasn’t as forthcoming as he’d been about the president. I was certain he’d revealed the detail about the gas by accident. All the laughter, food, and wine made him let down his guard. After that, instead of dishing the dirt, he would rotate his hand to one side or the other and say, “Eh.” His tone would sound cheery if the person was good or dreary if the person wasn’t his favorite.

“Well, hey there,” said a jolly voice.

Everyone directed their attention to Eden, who was standing at the edge of our table, holding hands with Dale. She must have been wearing heels, because Dale was shorter than her, and that made me smile. The wine was making me revel in his shortcomings.