About the Author

Marissa LaRocca is an award-winning New York-based writer, speaker, and activist. She is passionate about helping adolescents and young women embrace their individuality and overcome challenges related to emotional eating, self-acceptance, identity, sexuality, body image, and depression. She is on a mission to help others with her activism.

1. Famous Birthdays. “Kate Flowers.” https://www.famousbirthdays.com/people/kate-flowers.html (accessed 2017).

2. Toropov, Brandon; Buckles, Luke. The Complete Idiot’s Guide to World Religions. Philadelphia: Alpha, 2004.

3. Kobrin, Shoshana, MA, LMFT. “Dissociation and Eating Disorders: Restoring the Shattered Shards.” The International Association Of Eating Disorders Professionals Foundation. https://iaedp.confex.com/iaedp/2014/webprogram/Session2486.html (accessed 2017).

4. “Non-binary.” Gender Wiki. http://gender.wikia.com/wiki/Non-binary (accessed 2017).

5. Adams, Cydney. “The gender identity terms you need to know.” CBS News. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/transgender-gender-identity-terms-glossary/ (accessed 2017).

6. Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center. “Orthorexia Symptoms and Effects.” http://www.timberlineknolls.com/eating-disorder/orthorexia/signs-effects/ (accessed 2017).

7. Cho, Nadia. “Being Queer Means….” Huffington Post. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/nadia-cho/being-queer-means_b_3510828.html (accessed 2017).