


Creatures of the Night School began as a joke. A silly idea to break the norms of the magic academy genre. My husband and I batted ideas around for fun. Then, something happened, and suddenly this humorous notion actually became a legit thing. Something solid. Something real. I cannot thank him or our daughter enough for their belief in me as a person and as a writer. I love you then and now, here and always.

I also would be doing a huge disservice to Marysu Bennett and Sidney T. Blake for their massive speed-reads and edits. You pointed out all of my flaws, and I’m so grateful for that. I can’t discount either, although she doesn’t know it, Cassandra Fear, my cover designer. Her cover gave Vix her voice. I simply cannot see her any other way. Thank you.

Finally, you. I would probably toss around ideas and write stories no matter what, but having people read them changes the whole game. Your support motivates me. Thank you for taking time to read this book. I hope I haven’t wasted it. If you loved it, please feel free to leave reviews in your favorite booky spots. Simply put, review stars fill my joy bowl and I need them to breath.