
For Book Groups



1. The people in the novel often suggest that events happen as God wills or that events must be left in God’s hands. Do you think that the characters believe that they are unable to change their fate?

2. Various of the women in the book had arranged marriages. How did it affect their experience of marriage and of love? Did the couples love their partners?

3. Louise made a deathbed promise to Queen Anne to keep Mme de Soubise as Renée’s gouvernante. Normally these vows were sacred. Why do you think Louise was so determined to remove Mme de Soubise from her position?

4. Who were the pawns in the story? Why do you think so? Did they remain pawns or did they take actions to influence their fate?

5. What kinds of power did the men in the novel wield over the women? Did they abuse their power? Do you think that the novel portrays the relationship between men and women at the time realistically?

6. Why do you think Duke François was so determined to seduce Queen Marie when, if she had a son, he would have been replaced in the succession by the child?

7. Do you think it possible that Louise would have gone to the extreme of poisoning King Louis if she could?

8. How important was family to Claude? To Louise?

9. Why was Claude so reluctant to oppose her mother-in-law? What was she afraid would happen? What caused her to change?

10. How did you feel about the various women — Louise, Michelle, and Claude?