Abrams, Creighton Commander, Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV)
Abzug, Bella Member of the U.S. House of Representatives (D-NY)
Agnew, Spiro Vice President of the United States
Aiken, George U.S. Senator (R-VT)
Aleksandrov, Andrei Assistant to Soviet General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev
Alsop, Joseph Syndicated columnist, Washington Post
Anderson, Jack Syndicated columnist, “Washington Merry-Go-Round”
Annenberg, Walter U.S. Ambassador to Great Britain
Arends, Leslie Member of the U.S. House of Representatives (R-IL)
Ash, Roy Assistant to the President for Executive Management and Director of the Office of Management and Budget
Bailey, F. Lee Attorney for James McCord
Baker, Howard U.S. Senator (R-TN)
Baker, Robert “Bobby” Former political advisor to Lyndon Johnson
Barker, Bernard Former CIA contractor; Watergate burglar
Baroody, William Special Assistant to the President
Bayh, Birch U.S. Senator (D-IN)
Bennett, Donald Former DIA Director
Bernstein, Carl Reporter, Washington Post
Bittman, William Attorney for Howard Hunt
Brandt, Willy Chancellor of West Germany
Brezhnev, Leonid General Secretary of the Soviet Union
Brock, William U.S. Senator (R-TN)
Brown, Clarence “Bud” Member of the U.S. House of Representatives (R-OH)
Bruce, David K. E. Chief of the U.S. delegation to the Paris Peace Talks; Chief of the U.S. Liaison Office in Beijing
Buchanan, Patrick Special Consultant to the President for Media Analysis and Speech Writing
Buckley, William F. Editor in Chief, National Review
Bugayev, Boris Pavlovich Soviet Minister of Civil Aviation
Bull, Stephen Special Assistant to the President
Bunker, Ellsworth U.S. Ambassador to South Vietnam
Burger, Warren Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court
Burns, Arthur Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board
Bush, George H. W. U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations; Chairman of the Republican National Committee
Butterfield, Alexander Deputy Assistant to the President
Butz, Earl Secretary of Agriculture
Buzhardt, J. Fred Special Counsel for Watergate Matters
Byrd, Robert U.S. Senator (D-WV)
Byrne, William Judge of the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California
Caulfield, John Staff assistant, White House counsel’s office
Chancellor, John Anchor, NBC Nightly News
Chapin, Dwight Deputy Assistant to the President
Chennault, Anna Republican and informal advisor to Richard Nixon
Chiang Kai-shek President of the Republic of China (Taiwan)
Clawson, Kenneth White House Deputy Director of Communications
Cole, Kenneth Executive Director of the Domestic Council
Colson, Charles Special Counsel to the President
Connally, John Former Secretary of the Treasury
Cox, Archibald Watergate Special Prosecutor
Cromer, Earl of (Rowland Baring) British Ambassador to the United States
Curtis, Carl U.S. Senator (R-NE)
Cushman, Robert Former Deputy Director of Central Intelligence
Dash, Samuel Chief Counsel to the Ervin Committee
Dean, John Counsel to the President
DeLoach, Cartha “Deke” Former Assistant Director of the FBI
De Poix, Vincent DIA Director
Diem, Ngo Dinh Former President of South Vietnam (assassinated in 1963)
Dobrynin, Anatoly Soviet Ambassador to the United States
Eastland, James U.S. Senator (D-MS)
Ehrlichman, John Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs
Eisenhower, Dwight 34th President of the United States (1953–61)
Ellsberg, Daniel Former RAND analyst, coauthor of the Pentagon Papers
Ervin, Sam U.S. Senator (D-NC)
Felt, Mark Associate Director of the FBI
Fensterwald, Bernard Attorney for James McCord
Fielding, Fred Associate Counsel to the President
Fielding, Lewis Psychiatrist to Daniel Ellsberg
Flanigan, Peter Assistant to the President and Executive Director of the Council on International Economic Policy
Ford, Gerald Minority Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives (R-MI)
Fortas, Abe Former Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court; former advisor to Lyndon Johnson
Fulbright, J. William U.S. Senator (D-AR); Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee
Garment, Leonard Acting Counsel to the President
Gayler, Noel Director of the NSA
Glanzer, Seymour Assistant U.S. Attorney
Goldwater, Barry U.S. Senator (R-AZ); 1964 presidential candidate
Gray, L. Patrick Interim Director of the FBI
Gromyko, Andrei Soviet Foreign Minister
Gurney, Edward U.S. Senator (R-FL)
Haig, Alexander Deputy National Security Advisor; Vice Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army; White House Chief of Staff
Haldeman, H. R. “Bob” White House Chief of Staff
Halperin, Morton Former National Security Council staff member
Harlow, Bryce Counselor to the President
Hart, Gary Manager of Senator George McGovern’s 1972 campaign
Heath, Edward Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Helms, Richard Director of the CIA; U.S. Ambassador to Iran
Higby, Larry Deputy Assistant to the President
Hoffa, Jimmy Labor union leader
Holdridge, John National Security Council staff member
Hoover, J. Edgar Director of the FBI
Hruska, Roman U.S. Senator (R-NE)
Huang Zhen Chief of the PRC Liaison Office in Washington
Hughes, Howard Businessman and philanthropist
Hughes, James Donald Deputy Commander of the U.S. Air Force
Humphrey, Hubert Former Vice President
Hunt, E. Howard Former CIA officer; member of the White House “Plumbers”
Huston, Tom Former Associate Counsel and Staff Assistant to the President
Jackson, Henry “Scoop” U.S. Senator (D-WA)
Jenkins, Al National Security Council staff member
Jenkins, Walter Former assistant to Lyndon Johnson
Johnson, Lyndon B. 36th President of the United States (1963–69)
Johnson, Wallace Special Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs; Assistant Attorney General of the Land and Natural Resources Division
Kalmbach, Herbert Personal attorney for Richard Nixon
Kendall, Don CEO of PepsiCo
Kennedy, Edward U.S. Senator (D-MA)
Kennedy, John 35th President of the United States (1961–63)
Kennedy, Robert Former Attorney General
Kissinger, Henry National Security Advisor
Klein, Herbert White House Director of Communications
Kleindienst, Richard Attorney General
Knowland, William Former U.S. Senator (R-CA)
Korologos, Thomas Deputy Assistant to the President for Congressional Relations
Kraft, Joseph Columnist, Field Newspapers Syndicate
Krogh, Egil “Bud” Co-Director of the White House “Plumbers”; Under Secretary of Transportation
Laird, Melvin Secretary of Defense; Counselor to the President
Lake, Anthony Former National Security Council staff member
LaRue, Fred CRP advisor to John Mitchell
Le Duc Tho Special Advisor to the North Vietnamese delegation to the Paris Peace Talks
Liddy, G. Gordon Member of the White House “Plumbers”; CRP General Counsel, Finance Committee
Lon Nol Prime Minister of Cambodia
MacGregor, Clark Counsel to the President for Congressional Relations
Magruder, Jeb CRP Deputy Director
Mansfield, Michael Majority Leader, U.S. Senate (D-MT)
Mao Zedong Chairman of the People’s Republic of China
Mardian, Robert Assistant Attorney General of Internal Security Division
Maroulis, Peter Attorney for G. Gordon Liddy
Mathias, Charles “Mac” U.S. Senator (R-MD)
McCloskey, Peter Member of the U.S. House of Representatives (R-CA)
McCord, James Former CIA Director of Security; former CRP security consultant; Watergate burglar
McGovern, George U.S. Senator (D-SD); 1972 Democratic presidential nominee
McNamara, Robert Former Secretary of Defense; President of the World Bank
Meir, Golda Prime Minister of Israel
Mitchell, John Former Attorney General
Mitchell, Martha Wife of John Mitchell
Mollenhoff, Clark Journalist and former special counsel to Richard Nixon
Moore, George Deputy Chief of Mission of the U.S. Embassy in Sudan
Moore, Richard Special Counsel to the President
Moorer, Thomas Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Muskie, Edmund U.S. Senator (D-ME); 1972 Democratic presidential candidate
Nguyen Van Thieu President of South Vietnam
Nichols, Louis Former Assistant Director of the FBI
Nixon, Richard 37th President of the United States (1969–74)
O’Brien, Lawrence Former Chairman of the Democratic National Committee
Oliver, R. Spencer DNC Executive Director of the Association of State Democratic Chairmen
Packwood, Robert U.S. Senator (R-OR)
Parkinson, Kenneth CRP Counsel
Patolichev, Nikolai Soviet Minister of Foreign Trade
Petersen, Henry Assistant Attorney General of the Criminal Division
Pompidou, Georges President of France
Porter, Herbert CRP staff member
Rabin, Yitzhak Israeli Ambassador to the United States
Rather, Dan White House correspondent, CBS News
Rebozo, Charles “Bebe” Banker and personal friend of Richard Nixon
Reisner, Robert CRP Appointments Secretary
Reitz, Kenneth Director of CRP Young Voters for the President
Reston, James “Scotty” Vice President, New York Times
Richardson, Elliot Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare; Secretary of Defense; Attorney General
Rockefeller, Nelson Governor of New York (R)
Rogers, William Secretary of State
Rooney, John Member of the U.S. House of Representatives (D-NY)
Rothblatt, Henry Attorney for Watergate burglars Bernard Barker, Frank Sturgis, Virgilio Gonzalez, Eugenio Martinez
Ruckelshaus, William Administrator of the EPA; Deputy Attorney General
Safire, William Columnist, New York Times; former White House speechwriter
Scali, John Special Counsel to the President
Schlesinger, James Director of Central Intelligence
Schmidt, Helmut Finance Minister of West Germany
Scott, Hugh U.S. Senator (R-PA); Minority Leader
Scowcroft, Brent Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs
Segretti, Donald CRP consultant
Shaffer, Charles Attorney of John Dean
Shepard, Geoff Associate Director of the Domestic Council
Shultz, George Director of the Office of Management and Budget; Secretary of the Treasury
Silbert, Earl Principal U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia
Sirica, John Chief Judge of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia
Sisco, Joseph Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs
Sloan, Hugh CRP Treasurer
Smathers, George Former U.S. Senator (R-FL)
Sonnenfeldt, Helmut National Security Council senior staff member
Stans, Maurice Former Secretary of Commerce; CRP Finance Committee Chair
Stennis, John U.S. Senator (D-MS); Chairman of the Committee on Armed Services
Strachan, Gordon Staff assistant to Bob Haldeman
Sullivan, William C. Former Assistant Director of Domestic Intelligence, FBI
Sullivan, William H. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs
Symington, Stuart U.S. Senator (D-MO)
Tanaka, Kakuei Prime Minister of Japan
Thieu, Nguyen Van See Nguyen Van Thieu
Thompson, Fred Minority Counsel to the Earvin Committee
Thompson, Sir Robert British military officer and counterinsurgency expert
Timmons, William Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs
Tolson, Clyde Former Associate Director of the FBI
Tordella, Louis Deputy Director of the NSA
Tran Kim Phuong South Vietnamese Ambassador to the United States
Tran Van Lam South Vietnamese Foreign Minister
Trend, Sir Burke British Cabinet Secretary
Trudeau, Pierre Prime Minister of Canada
Tuck, Dick Democratic political consultant
Tunney, John U.S. Senator (D-CA)
Ulasewicz, Anthony New York Police Department detective; White House security consultant
Vesco, Robert Financier; donor to CRP
Wallace, George Governor of Alabama (D)
Walters, Johnnie Commissioner of the IRS
Walters, Vernon Deputy Director of Central Intelligence
Warren, Gerald Deputy White House Press Secretary
Watson, Marvin Former White House Appointments Secretary to Lyndon Johnson
Weicker, Lowell U.S. Senator (R-CT)
Weinberger, Caspar Director of the Office of Management and Budget; Counselor to the President; Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare
Wells, Bernard Former Assistant to FBI official William C. Sullivan; Executive Director of the Intelligence Evaluation Committee
Widnall, William Member of the U.S. House of Representatives (R-NJ)
Williams, Edward Bennett Attorney for the DNC
Woods, Rose Mary Personal Secretary to the President
Woodward, Bob Reporter, Washington Post
Young, David National Security Council staff member; Co-Director of the White House “Plumbers”
Zhou Enlai Premier of the People’s Republic of China
Ziegler, Ronald White House Press Secretary