AID Agency for International Development
AP Associated Press
ARVN Army of the Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam)
Central Committee Soviet high-ranking policy committee
CIA Central Intelligence Agency
CRP Committee to Re-elect the President (popularly known as “CREEP”)
DIA Defense Intelligence Agency
DMZ Demilitarized zone
DNC Democratic National Committee
DRV Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam)
EOB Executive Office Building
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation
FBS Forward Base Systems
GAO U.S. Government Accountability Office
GVN Government of Vietnam (South Vietnam)
HUD Department of Housing and Urban Development
ICCS International Commission on Control and Supervision
IRS Internal Revenue Service
ITT International Telephone & Telegraph Corporation
MBFR Mutual and Balanced Force Reductions
Memcon Memorandum of conversation
MFN Most favored nation
MIA Missing in action
MIRV Multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle (ballistic missile)
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NSA National Security Agency
NSC National Security Council
NSSM National Security Study Memorandum
OEP White House Office of Emergency Preparedness
OPEC Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
PIO Public Information Officer
PLO Palestine Liberation Organization
Polaris/Poseidon American sea-based ballistic missile systems
Politburo Soviet executive committee composed of top Central Committee members
POW Prisoner of war
PRC People’s Republic of China
PRG Provisional Revolutionary Government (Communist government in waiting)
ROC Republic of China (Taiwan)
SAC Special Agent in Charge (FBI)
SALT Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT I)
SDS Students for a Democratic Society
Skybolt American air-launched ballistic missile system
UN United Nations
UPI United Press International
USIA United States Information Agency
VC Viet Cong
WSAG Washington Special Actions Group (subcommittee of NSC)