collegiate athletics, I, 57, 95; relations with Princeton alumni, I, 95-97; visits Bermuda, I, 99-101, 113, 128, 288; efforts to replace the Princeton clubs with residential quadrangles, I, 102-115; his ideals for the instruction of graduate students, I, 116-19; his controversy with Dean West, I, 116-42; spends summers at Old Lyme, Conn., I, 120, 152; senses the challenge of an industrial age, I, 132-39; a potential political candidate for the Democratic party, I, 128, 142-56; appointed to the New Jersey Commission on Uniform State Laws, I, 144; drafts a conservative "credo," I, I46n.; attitude toward labor and capital in 1909, I, 148-50, 155-56; agrees to run for the governorship of New Jersey, I, 151-54; attitude toward liquor control, I, 154, 164-65; nominated for the governorship, I, 156-57; as political campaigner in 1910, I, 162-69; opposes the candidacy of James Smith, Jr., for the U.S. Senate, I, 171-79; invites Joseph P. Tumulty to serve as his secretary, I, 177; Governor of New Jersey, I> J 79-99; secures reform legislation in N.J., I, 182-91; views on the initiative, referendum, and recall, I, 182m, 204-205, 207; campaigns for the presidential nomination, I, 192, 200-25; meets Edward M. House and exchanges confidences with him, I, 198-99; nominated for the Presidency at Baltimore, I, 226-34; Democratic candidate for the Presidency, I, 235-51; seeks counsel from Brandeis, I, 243-44; elected to the Presidency, I, 251-53; Presidentelect, I, 254-61; leaves Princeton for the White House, I, 260-61; inaugurated as 28th President of the U. S., I, 262-66; his amazement at the outbreak of war in Europe, I, 399-400; travels to Rome, Ga., to attend Ellen Wilson's funeral, I, 400; his marriage to Edith Boiling Gait, I, 426-36; nominated for the Presidency, II, 52-54; re-elected, II, 64-65; his War Cabinet, II, 163-64; appeals for a Democratic Congress, II, 201-203; attends the Paris Peace Conference: first trip, II, 216-67, second trip, 277-337; tours the West in behalf of the Treaty of Versailles, II, 359-73; stricken by a thrombosis, II, 373; an invalid in the White House, II, 373-409; awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, II, 407; resides on S Street, II, 410-22; death, II, 421

addresses of: oration on Bright at the Uni-

versity of Virginia, I, 25; "Leaders of Men," I, 48-49; speech before the International Congress of Education, 1893, I, 60; "Princeton in the Nation's Service," delivered at the Princeton Sesquicentennial, I, 63; "Princeton for the Nation's Service," inaugural address, 1902, I, 68-69, IJ 6> 378; speech to Princeton alumni in New York, Dec, 1902, I, 90; to the western alumni of Princeton at Cleveland, 1906, I, 97; baccalaureate, 1907, I, 114; at the Mc-Cormick Theological Seminary at Chicago,

1909, I, 121; to Princeton alumni, 1910, I, 129-30; "That Pittsburgh Speech," I, 134-39, 151; to the National Democratic Club of New York, 1908, I, 135; to the American Bankers' Association in 1908 and 1910, I, 135; to the Virginia Bar Association in 1897, I, 135; baccalaureate, 1910, I, 141; "True Patriotism," I, 149; "Ideals of Public Life," I, 149; "Law or Personal Power," I, 149; to a gathering of reformers, Jan.,

1910, I, 150; to Democrats at Elizabeth, N. J., I, 150-51; "Unprofitable Servants," I, 155; accepting the Democratic nomination for Governor of New Jersey, I, 156-58; at the Cooper Union, I, 164; in the campaign for the New Jersey governorship, I, 163-69; against the senatorial candidacy of James Smith, Jr., I, 177-78; inaugural address at Trenton, N. J., I, 179-80, 186; to the National Democratic Club, I, 200; to the Southern Commercial Congress, on "The Citizen and the State," I, 200-201; at Norfolk, Va., 1911, I, 201; at Kansas City, Mo., May, 1911, I, 204, 205; at Denver, on the King James version of the Bible, I, 205-206; on the Pacific Coast, 1911, I, 207; to the Pennsylvania Federation of Democratic Clubs, 1911, I, 210; in Texas,

1911, I, 211; at the Jackson Day dinner at Washington, 1912, I, 217-18; to periodical publishers at Philadelphia, 1912, I, 222; at Des Moines, 1912, I, 223; at Brooklyn,

1912, I, 223; in acceptance of the nomination for the Presidency, 1912, I, 237-39; to the New York Press Club, 1912, I, 245; at Scranton, Pa., 1912, I, 246; in New England, 1912, I, 246; at Indianapolis, 1912, I, 248; in the closing days of the campaign of 1912, I, 249-51; farewell to his neighbors at Princeton, I, 261; inaugural as 28th President of the U. S., I, 264-65, 290, 332; to the Southern Society of New York, 1912, I, 289; at Staunton, Va., in his father's church, 1912, I,


289; before Commercial Club of Chicago, 1913, I, 290; to the Congress, on regulation of trusts, I, 332, 336; to the National Press Club, 1914, I, 337; to the Congress, annual address, 1914, I, 341; on discrimination against American Jews in Russia, 1911, I, 346n.; to the Congress on Mexican policy, I, 364, 372; to the Southern Commercial Congress at Mobile, I, 380-81, II, 36; to the Pan-American Scientific Congress, I, 385-86; to the Congress on repeal of Panama Canal tolls exemption, I, 389; "too proud to fight," at Philadelphia, May

10, 1915, II, 15; to the National Press Club, May 15, 1916, II, 35-36; to the League to Enforce Peace, May 27, 1916, II, 37-40; at the Manhattan Club, N. Y., Nov. 4, 1915,

11, 42; third annual message to Congress, Dec. 7, 1915, II, 43; speeches on preparedness, 1916, II, 43-44; speech accepting the presidential nomination, Sept. 2, 1916, II, 58-59; speeches of the 1916 campaign, II, 60-63; on "a scientific peace," Jan. 22, 1917, II, 78-80; speech to the Congress on arming merchant ships, Feb. 26, 1917, II, 89-90; second inaugural, March 5, 1917, II, 91-92; war message, April 2, 1917, II, 97-100; to the Atlantic fleet, August 11, 1917, II, in; at the Washington Monument, June 14, 1917, II, 139-40; to the A.F. of L., Buffalo, N. Y., Nov. 12,

1917, II, 142-43; annual address to Congress, Dec. 4, 1917, II, 144-45, 157; Fourteen Points speech, Jan. 8, 1918, II, 146-53; Third Liberty Loan, at Baltimore, Md., April 6, 1918, II, 168; at Mt. Vernon, July 4, 1918, II, 174-75; Fourth Liberty Loan, at New York, Sept. 27, 1918, II, 182; to the Congress, Nov. 11, 1918, II, 197-98; annual address to the Congress, Dec. 2,

1918, II, 215; response to Poincare's welcome, Dec. 14, 1918, II, 222-24; greetings to the U. S. soldiers, Dec. 25, 1918, II, 225; at the University of Paris, Dec. 21, 1918, II, 227; at the Guildhall, London, Dec. 28, 1918, II, 228; at the Mansion House, London, Dec. 28, 1918, II, 229; at Carlisle, England, Dec. 29, 1918, II, 229; at Manchester, England, II, 230; to the Paris Peace Conference, Jan. 25, 1919, II, 245-46, Feb. 14, 1919, 259-60; at Boston, Feb. 24,

1919, II, 269; at New York, March 4, 1919, II, 276-77; to the Commission on the League of Nations, April 10, 1919, II, 302; at the Paris Peace Conference in behalf of the Covenant, April 28, 1919, II, 304; at

Suresnes Cemetery, May 30, 1919, II, 327; in behalf of the Treaty of Versailles, in the West, Sept., 1919, II, 362-70; radio talk on "The High Significance of Armistice Day," Nov. 10, 1923, II, 418-19

cabinet of: as President, I, 258, 266-76, 292, 303, 322-23, 330-31, 368n., 393m, 412-14, 418, 421; II, 19, 33, 44-46, 65-66, 83-84, 88, 94-97, 106, 110, 112, 116, 190, 192, 357, 376-77, 395

foreign policy of: American Commission to Negotiate Peace, II, 211-12, 236-38, 240, 359; arbitration, I, 374, 377-79, 397-99; II, 8-11, 17, 179, 287, 385; Armistice of 1918, the, and pre-Armistice Agreement, II, 184-98, 244, 252, 293, 295, 299, 320, 329; colonialism, II, 194, 217, 219, 240, 247-51, 307, 308; credits to belligerents, I, 412; II, 2-3, 72-73, 114-15, 132-34; diplomatic appointments, I, 346-48; II, 93; disarmament, I, 378, 398; II, 8n., 29, 210-11, 217, 236, 252, 325, 416; inter-Allied conferences, American participation in, II, 133-36; League of Nations, I, 49, 50; II, 25-27, 29, 36-40, 74-75, 77, 79, M9~ 50, 175, 178-80, 183, 218-19, 227-28, 231-32, 238-40, 245-46, 255-60, 269-73, 276-79, 281, 283-89, 300-306, 315-17, 325-27, 332-34, 336-55, 359, 362-63, 366, 383-87, 390-94, 403-404, 416, 420; mandates, see "colonialism"; mediation between belligerents, I, 404; II, 8-11, 26-40, 71-81, 87, 129-30; neutrality, I, 403^40^; H, 1-24, 54, 62, 67, 76-77, 125-26, 13V410; "new diplomacy, the," II, 129-31, 137-56, 186-87, 197, 207, 311; Panama Canal tolls exemption, repeal of, I, 388-91; Pan-American pact, I, 384-86; peacemaking, II, 190-91, 193, 198, 205-12, 215-337, 394, 410; presidential trips abroad, I, 397; II, 205-208; punishment of war criminals, II, 306-307; reciprocity in trade, I, 345n; II, 155, 335; relations with the Senate's Committee on Foreign Relations, I, 349, 363, 370, 372, 384-85, 388, 389, 390, 407; H, 48, 78, 91, 199, 209-10, 270, 278, 340, 346-54, 359, 366, 377-79, 384-87, 388-93, 405; relief and reconstruction in Europe, II, 212-13, 234-35. 252, 283, 292m, 324-25, 405-406; reparations for war damage, II, 196, 240, 283, 293-94, 299, 306, 328, 335, 343-45, 406; representation of nations at the Paris Peace Conference, II, 240-42, 256n., 259m; secrecy in negotiations at Paris, II, 241-44, 256; secret treaties, II, 129-31, 146, 148,


249, 307-i5> 323. 351-52; self-determination, II, 149, 152, 156, 174, 188-89, 193, 218, 240, 256, 268, 280, 284-85, 294-95, 310, 323; the "veto" in the League of Nations Council, II, 304; visions of world peace, I, 343"45, 406-407; II, 10-11, 25-40, 59, 62, 155-56, 174-75, 220, 223, 229-30, 254; war aims, II, 144-56, 174-75, 181-83; war trade, II, 3-7, nn., 12

foreign policy toward: Armenia, II, 40on.; Austria-Hungary, II, 87, 99, 145, 149, 180-81, 189-90, 192, 218, 324-25, 327; British Empire, the, II, 248-51, 325; China, I, 346, 349-52; II, 126-29, 173, 219, 300, 314-16, 330-31; Colombia, I, 387-88; Czechoslovakia, II, 170-72, 189-90; Dominican Republic, the, I, 382-83; Far East, the, I, 345n., 346, 349; France, II, 107, 136, 149, 170, 179-80, 195-96, 223-25, 235, 239,

241, 243, 251, 254-255, 257-58, 262, 279-80, 287-89, 292-95, 299-300, 303-304, 323, 324, 394; Germany, I, 397~99, 418; II, 1, 7-24, 30, 32-34, 69-70, 72-76, 81-85, 88-90, 94, 98-100, 139-42, 184-87, 218, 224, 240-41, 252, 262, 299-300, 308, 318-20, 330; Great Britain, I, 345, 336-68, 388-9i, 396-97, 404-405, 409-10, 418; II, 1-13, 25-32, 67-69, 72-76, 109-111, 129-36, 150-51, I7i» i79-8o, 194-96, 217, 228-32, 262-67, 292-94, 324, 329-30, 381, 406; Haiti, I, 383; Ireland, II, 131, 277, 326; Italy, II, 232-34, 255-56, 308-13, 372; Japan, I, 352-57; II, 126-29, 169-73, 250, 258, 264, 303, 313-16, 350; Latin America, I. 356-57, 380-81, 384-92; II, 53, 59, 125-26, 173, 406; Mexico, I, 346, 358-76; II, 46, 50, 53, 59, 61, 89, 125, 378-79. 406; Nicaragua, I, 381-82; Palestine, II, 326-27; Poland, II, 108, 218, 329; Russia, I, 344, 346; II, 93-94. 99, 137-40, 142-49, 152-54, 169-73, 251, 262-67, 289-92, 316-17, 363, 381, 405-406; Serbia and Yugoslavia, II, 149, 189, 242, 308-11; Syria, II, 307-308; Turkey, II, 189, 308

HEALTH OF: I, 27, 72, 8l, 96, 98, I3I, I94,

242, 246, 255, 283, 285, 311, 312, 3i5J 6, 317-18, 322, 396, 416, 434; II, 33, 71, 73, 92, 98, 236, 296-97, 318, 323, 344, 362, 365-92, 398-99> 408-409, 410, 412-21


and president on: agriculture, I, 291, 409, 422; II, 50-51, 62; appointments, I, 188, 254, 267, 279-82, 319-20; II, 57, 396, 407; arming merchant ships, II, 47-49; banking, I, 239, 289-91, 300-309, 313-21, 339-40;

II, 50-51; classless society, a, I, 242; II, 62, 414; commission rule, I, 244; II, 57, 213; conservation, I, 239n., 272, 291, 339, 421; II, 57-58; executive offices, I, 276-79; foreign affairs, see Woodrow Wilson, foreign policy of; immigration, I, 219-20, 422; II, 92-93; industry, I, 327-41; II, 57, 60, 62, 116-17, 158-62, 176, 213, 355-58, 378n.,

395, 397; labor, I, 239, 244, 246, 328, 334, 340; II, 51, 56-57, 59, 60, 62, 93, 122, 163-64, 355-58, 364-65, 395* 399, at the Paris Peace Conference, II, 220, 224, 31m., 316, 328; lobbying, I, 294, 296-97, 406-407, 423; party finance, I, 241-42; II, 52; Philippine independence, I, 239, 345-46, 355m, 421; II, 44-45; police strikes, II, 358, 363-64; political leadership, I, 250-51, 266, 280-82,^ 287, 321, 331-36, 412-14; II, 41, 52-53, 65-66, 200-204, 208-10, 336, 353, 388-409, 414-15, 419-20, at the Paris Peace Conference, II, 236, 240, 243, 245-46, 248-54, 259-60, 274; preparedness, I, 422; II, 41-49, 77, 86-88; Presidency, the, I, 287, 289; II, 52, 63-64, 121, 398-402, 410; press relations, I, 222, 233, 244-45, 255, 258, 277-78, 375; II, 113-14, 164, 169, 219, 348, 365, 369-79, at the Paris Peace Conference, II, 243-44, 253, 284, 289, 31m., 316, 318, 330; prohibition, II, 356m, 397; public works program, I, 339; race relations, I, 325, 327; relations with Congress, I, 291-99, 309, 313-18, 415, 421-25; II, 43, 46-51, 56-57, 89-91, 98, 105-106, 114, 118-19, 121, 159-61, 188, 199, 204, 215-17, 270-79, 305, 326, 335, 336, 338-54, 356, 359, 376-79, 386, 388-94,

396, 407, 409; shipping, I, 239m, 410-12, 422-25; II, 88, 212-13; Supreme Court, the, II, 57; tariff, I, 211, 238, 244, 251, 291-99; II, 57, 335, 407; taxation, I, 189, 202, 295, 412; II, 50, 115; transportation, see industry; trust and monopoly regulation, I, 238-39, 242-46, 249n., 251, 327-36; II, 213-14; warmaking, II, 96-97, 101-122, 131-36, 157-68, 184, 213-14; woman suffrage, I, 326-27; II, 199-200, 397

RELIGION OF: I, 10, 12, 13, 20, I5-16, 40-41, 50, 67, 87, 95, 114-15, 176, 177, l89, 205-206, 252, 285m, 312-I3, 417; II, I, 4,

97, 106, 122, 126-27, 182-83, J 98, 221, 253, 334, 339, 373, 413, 416, 421-22

works of: essays at Princeton, I, 22; "Cabinet Government in the U. S." I, 22; essay on Gladstone, I, 25-26; article on convict labor, I, 32; "Committee or Cabinet Govern-


ment," I, 32; Congressional Government, I, 41-43, 237, 34311.; "The Study of Administration," I, 47n.; review of Bryce's American Commonwealth, I, 48; An Old Master and Other Political Essays, I, 48n.; The State, I, 49-50, 149, i82n., 288; "A Calendar of Great Americans," I, 53; Mere Literature, I, 54n., 147; On Being Human, I, 54n.; "Of the Study of Politics," I, 6on.; Division and Reunion, I, 63; George Washington, I, 64; A History of the American People, I, 65, 143, 219, 324^, 343^, 430; II, 412; "A Wit and a Seer," I, 89n.; "What is a College For?" I, 121; Constitutional Government in the U.S., I, I47n., 280, 287-88; "Leaders of Men," I, 48-49, 326; II, I99> 2 53> 2 74; The New Freedom, I, 288; "Freemen Need No Guardians," I, 29on.; "Democracy and Efficiency," I, 386-87^; "The Road away from Revolution," II, 417-18 Wilson, William B., I, 270, 274, 329^, 340; II, 66n., 93, 275

Wise, Stephen S., II, 326

Wiseman, Sir William, II, 129, i3on., 131-34,

146, 173, 179, i8on., 189, 194, 196, 213,

239n., 256, 309^, 324^, 343~44 Wittpenn, Otto, I, 154-55 Wood, Leonard, I, 354; II, 42, 77, 103-104,

136m, i57n., 167, i72n. Woodrow, Fitz William McMaster, I, 236n.,

282n. Woodrow, James, I, 12, 35, 59, 80, 112, 114,

131; II, 360 Woodrow, Mrs. James, I, 208; II, 36on. "Woodrow, Mrs. Wilson," I, I54n. Woodrow, Thomas, I, 5, 30, 346 Woodrow, Thomas, Jr., I, 5, 13; II, 229 Woods, Hiram, I, 129, 216, 256, 433 Woolley, Robert W., II, 54n., 400 Wyman, Isaac C, I, 140

Yates, Mr. and Mrs. Fred, I, 99, 117, 170 Yuan Shih-kai, I, 352

Zimmermann, A., II, 8, 10, nn., 83, 89 Zimmermann telegram, II, 89-90, 125

bur Walworth was educated at ' ? Andover and Yale. For a , of years he was in the pub-

Lang business. During World Jar I he served with the Office of War Information. His previousJw*"^ elude School Histories at War BlacK Ships off Japan and Cape Breton: Isle of Romance.

Jacket by Ronald Murray