Lily pushed her palms against her attacker’s shoulders, but his strength defeated hers and he pulled her closer to his body. She gasped at the hardness of his chest. At her slight opening, he dipped his tongue into her mouth and circled gently, exploring. She dropped her arms limply to her sides. He tasted of brandy, or was it port?
Run, Lily. Run!
Yet her feet seemed glued to the ground. Her pulse quickened as a stabbing flame surged between her legs. Her heart lurched as fear coursed through her, yet she found herself standing on her toes, trying to get closer, as warmth enveloped her entire body.
Slowly her captor released her waist and slid his hands down until they were clasping hers. He gently guided her arms around his neck without breaking the kiss. She feathered her fingers over the velvety skin covering corded muscle and moved downward to caress his broad shoulders clad in soft fabric. Was it velvet? She didn’t know. She didn’t care. But she was certain that his hard body was the most glorious thing she had ever touched.
What am I doing?
But her thoughts evaporated until only feeling remained. Oh, she had been wrong about kissing. This was heaven. Apprehensively, she let her tongue touch his, and he groaned softly. Her nipples stiffened and she pushed them into his chest. Something was making her want more. Was it his groan? The smooth stroking of his tongue on hers? She trembled as they tasted each other. She tilted her head upward to meet his mouth better and opened her eyes briefly.
In the edge of her vision, she saw a shadowy figure stop and then hurry away. The spell broken, Lily panicked. She was kissing a complete stranger. His tongue was in her mouth. He could be anyone, the local idiot for goodness’ sake!
With all her strength, she removed her hands from around his neck, pushed at his shoulders, and tried to retreat.
“Wait!” He grabbed her arm and pulled her back, right into the path of one of the torch lights.
She looked up into the mesmerizing green eyes of Daniel Farnsworth, the Duke of Lybrook. Lord, he was still handsome, but not the pretty boy he had been. His beauty had matured. The edge of his jawline glittered with golden stubble, and his amazing eyes were deeper set and surrounded by tiny laugh wrinkles. His golden hair still flowed flawlessly past his shoulders. How might it feel against her fingers?
No! She gulped, willing herself not to stammer.
“Y-Your Grace?”
Daniel looked down at the dark-haired woman whose mouth he had been ravishing. How could he have made such a mistake? She wasn’t who he expected. Yet he had known, somehow. Her kiss had been different. Innocent and sweet.
Her lovely dark curls and eyes the color of aged cognac seemed slightly familiar, but he couldn’t place her. Who was she—this maiden whose lips met his with a tender purity he had never known? He longed to take her in his arms again, to hold her, to kiss her. He wanted more of her. Much more.
But that was not to be. He had to apologize and let her go. It was the decent thing to do. Even he drew the line at seducing innocents. Most of the time, anyway. He was the duke now. He had responsibilities.
The pulsing inside his trousers convinced him otherwise. “Oh, bloody hell,” he said aloud, and pulled her body into his again.
She responded, and his heart pounded so hard he thought it would leap from his chest.
“Yes,” he whispered, “give me your tongue, love.”
Sweet, so sweet. He breathed deeply and inhaled her scent—spice cake and mulled wine. Wonderful. Slowly he guided one of her hands to his head and laced her fingers through his hair. Her other arm reached around his neck and caressed the muscles of his shoulders and back. He slid his hand from her waist, up the gentle curve of her spine to her nape, tilting her head farther back. He slid his lips away from her mouth, across her cheek and to her ear, tracing her lobe with his tongue, her ivory skin smooth as Oriental silk under his lips.
“I want to touch every part of you,” he said, rasping.
She shuddered and pushed into him. Yes, good. She wanted this too. He trailed his lips across her cheek, her sigh a delicate whisper against his skin. He moved to her throat, found her pulse point, and nuzzled it gently. He slid his tongue down farther and dipped in between her breasts. Such a soft, plump, rosy bosom—the satin skin heaven against his tongue. Her dress hid the fleshy crimson of her nipples—like cherry bonbons but so much sweeter. How he wanted to suck them, pinch them. Bite them until she screamed.
He pressed his groin into her and groaned. God, she felt good against him, a perfect cradle for his manhood. He grabbed her bottom and pulled her closer.
Too far. Her lovely body tensed against his. Yet he didn’t let her go. He couldn’t. He nibbled at her lips, teasing them, sucking them.
A few breathless moments later, she pushed him away.
“Your Grace, have you lost your mind?”
“Yes,” he murmured, sucking in a breath and pulling her back to him.
She turned her head away, and his tongue slid across her satin cheek.
“Let me go!” She pushed hard and broke his grasp, and then she lifted her skirts and ran toward the front of the mansion.
Daniel wanted to follow her. He wanted to grab her and carry her up to his bedchamber. He wanted to undress her, sink into her body, and make her his. His arousal ached in his trousers. Slowly he slid to the ground, snagging his velvet jacket on the stones of the building. He buried his head in his hands. Good God, he didn’t even know her, yet his reaction to her was one he had never expected. He hadn’t thought there was anything new to experience with women.
He had been wrong.
When Lily reached the front entrance to the mansion, she leaned against the doorway before entering, her pulse racing. Her legs trembled as she forced them to bear her weight. She tried to regain her composure, but after a few moments, she realized it was a lost cause. All she could think of was his silky blond hair between her fingers, his soft full lips on her neck and between her breasts, his tongue exploring her mouth. His ravishment had permeated every cell of her body, centering in the damp heat between her legs. The sensation alarmed her, but she wanted more. More of him. God help her, she had enjoyed it.
She forced back a shudder and opened the front door. Lily walked until she found the ladies’ retiring area. She entered and sat down on a stool to view her reflection in the looking glass.
Her lips were swollen and dark from the duke’s passionate kisses. Her hair had come through fairly well, although it was a bit disheveled. Her hands still shaking, she fussed at it until she felt it acceptable. Dear God! Her breasts were pink and swollen and about to tumble out of her dress. She warmed as she remembered the sweet tickle of the duke’s tongue in her cleavage. She fidgeted with her bodice, tucking her bosom back in as far as the cut would allow. Had she asked for this? Thomas hadn’t approved of her low cut gown.
When another woman entered the room, Lily nearly jumped off her stool.
“My dear, are you quite all right?”
The dark-haired woman wore a pale blue gown that showed a lot of bosom. She was tall and pretty. Lily didn’t recognize her.
“I’m fine, thank you.”
“Forgive my rudeness. I’m Lady Amelia Gregory. And you are?
“Lily. Lady Lily Jameson.”
“Of course, Lord Ashford’s daughter. What a lovely thing you are. It’s a pleasure.”
“The pleasure’s mine.” Lily stood, still a bit dizzy, and turned. “If you’ll excuse me.”
“Not so fast.” Lady Gregory reached out and touched Lily’s arm.
“I beg your pardon?” Lily yanked her arm away.
“It may interest you to know that I saw you in a compromising position with His Grace a few moments ago.”
Lily forced back a swallow and tried to sound nonchalant. “That doesn’t particularly interest me.”
“No doubt you’re wondering why he grabbed you as he did.” Lady Gregory smiled and let out a little yawn. “You see, he mistook you for me. It was rather dark outside, and you and I seem to be of similar size and coloring. He asked me to meet him there.”
“And you went willingly?”
“Of course.” Lady Gregory sat down on a chaise longue and smoothed her skirts. “My, you’re an innocent one. He and I were going to get—shall we say—reacquainted this evening. We haven’t seen each other since he left for the continent a year ago.”
Who was this woman? That smile was so fake. Lily blew out a breath. “And I should find relevance in this statement because?”
“I can see I may have underestimated you, dear.” Lady Gregory patted the seat next to her. “Believe me, the duke made a mistake. He’s not at all interested in you.”
Lily remained standing. “He seemed interested to me.” Her heart lurched as she remembered how the duke had pulled her back into his embrace after he had seen her face.
“As I told you, he mistook you for me.”
Lily gave a terse smile. “Well, I couldn’t care less anyway. I’m not the least bit interested in him.”
“Of course you’re not.” Lady Gregory’s acid tone was sardonic. “This must be your first season. No young debutante would want to land the Duke of Lybrook. How foolish of me to think it. Well, get it out of your mind. You’re not going to stand in my way of becoming a duchess.”
Lily let out a breathy chortle. “I have no interest in becoming a duchess. If you were acquainted with me at all, you would know the truth of that.”
“Forgive me if I have a difficult time believing you, dear.”
“Believe what you want. You’re welcome to him.” Lily moved forward to leave, but couldn’t help adding, “I wonder, though, if you’re so intent on becoming his wife, why you didn’t bludgeon him into a commitment years ago?”
Amelia chuckled, shaking her head. “You are daft. He was a second son. Not even a lowly viscount. I was married to an earl. Why would I want to lower my station?”
“How charming.” Lily rolled her eyes. “Look, Amanda—”
“It’s Amelia. But I prefer to be addressed as Lady Gregory.”
“I would certainly address you as such if you were a lady.”
Lady Gregory’s face reddened. “Who do you think you are?”
“No one of any consequence.” Lily waved her hands in front of Amelia’s face. “I have no designs on the duke. You may certainly have him. Now if you’ll excuse me—”
“Just one minute.” Lady Gregory stood up in front of Lily, blocking her exit. “I can be very nasty when I don’t get what I want.”
“So can I. And right now, I want to leave this room.”
Lily pushed Lady Gregory aside and walked briskly out into the hallway. The nerve of her. She headed toward the staircase, but Lady Gregory grabbed her arm.
“You know, if I can’t have the duke, I might look around at other prospects. Your charming brother, for instance.”
“A lowly viscount?” Lily said, mocking. “Why on earth would you bother?”
“Darling, your brother is a first son, heir to one of England’s wealthiest earldoms, and he is a delectable specimen.”
Rage boiled beneath Lily’s skin. “You stay away from him.”
“Just something for you to keep in mind. I’d love to be able to call you sissy.”
Lily broke free and headed toward the ballroom. One more second and she was likely to claw Amelia’s eyes out, and over what? A case of mistaken identity and a kiss? At least she didn’t have to worry about Amelia spreading the news of her passionate embrace with Lybrook. If it ever got back to Thomas and her father, they would force Lybrook to offer for Lily, and that would ruin Amelia’s plan.
Lily took a deep breath and descended the stairs into the ornate ballroom. Her parents were on the dance floor, as was Aunt Iris. Rose was dancing with Xavier again, while Alexandra and Sophie were seated at a table with Wentworth. Thomas sat at another table with Miss Smythe. Lily ambled toward them.
Daniel entered the ballroom after having taken a brief respite in his bedchamber. He made a quick detour to the table where his mother and aunt sat and bowed to them, murmuring an apology for his tardiness. Then he walked to the refreshment table and grabbed a glass of champagne. He had never been a heavy drinker, but damned if he hadn’t imbibed more than usual in the past few days. He looked up as Victor Polk approached him.
“Lybrook, where have you been?”
“Here and there.” Daniel drained the champagne and reached for another glass.
“Steady, old boy, the night is still young.”
Daniel ignored Polk and glanced around the room. There she was, sitting with Jameson and an attractive blond girl. She was laughing heartily, moving her hands as she talked, having a good time. Had she forgotten their interlude already?
“Lybrook, aren’t you listening to me?” Polk asked.
“I’m sorry. What did you say?”
“I said Lady Gregory is in quite a dither. She’s been searching for you for the past half hour.”
“Lord.” He had forgotten about Amelia. He had no desire to see her now. Odd how one kiss could change so much. “Help me evade her, will you?”
Polk shook his head. “Count me out. I always thought you were a fool to get involved with her in the first place. She’s bad news.”
“She had her use at the time, but I can truthfully say I’m finished with her.” To his astonishment, he meant every word. “Polk, do you see that dark-haired girl sitting with Jameson?”
“Yes, that’s his sister, Lady Lily.”
“Of course, Ashford’s daughter.” The lovely young girl in the alcove. “I knew she looked familiar. I met her years ago. She was just a child.”
“She’s no longer a child, Lybrook.”
“I can see that. She’s attractive, don’t you think?”
“Attractive?” Polk chuckled. “The woman’s a goddess. Quite a little spitfire, too.”
“Spitfire? Why do you say that?”
“I sat next to her at dinner. We had some interesting conversation. She’s very opinionated.”
“Do me a favor, will you? Ask her to dance.”
“No problem. I was going to anyway.”
“No, you don’t understand,” Daniel said. “I want you to ask her to dance, and I’m going to cut in.”
“Why don’t you ask her yourself, then?”
“Because I have reason to believe she will decline my invitation. But if I cut in on you, she’ll have no choice but to dance with me.”
“Why would she turn you down? You’re a duke.”
“Let’s just say she might and leave it at that.”
“What the devil did you do to her?” Polk’s ears reddened a bit.
Damn, did his friend carry a torch for this woman?
“Nothing, nothing. Just do as I ask. Or do I have to bring up that old debt about saving your life back at Weston?”
“When in hell will that damned debt be repaid? You’ve been holding it over my head for fifteen years. It was just a silly fistfight.”
“With three ham-fisted oarsmen, Polk. They would have bloody killed you. You never have learned how to keep your big mouth shut.”
“Fine, fine, I’ll ask her, and you can cut in.” Polk relented. “But I’m warning you, if she prefers me over you, I’ll fight you for her. This one is worth it.”
I don’t doubt it.
Polk walked toward Lily’s table, sat down for a moment, and then took her hand when the next waltz started. Daniel adjusted his gloves and began to walk toward them. Polk was holding her a little too closely. A stab of jealousy erupted like a knife in Daniel’s gut. It was a new emotion. He had never felt it before. If one woman left him, ten others were willing to take her place. He didn’t like the feeling, and he liked even less the smile that Lily was bestowing upon his friend.
He took a deep breath and tapped Polk on the shoulder. “May I?”
“Of course, Your Grace.” Polk bowed politely, playing his part well.
Daniel’s stomach darted as he led Lily’s left hand to his shoulder and took her in his arms. Why was he nervous around a woman?
“My lady, I wish to apologize for my abominable behavior earlier.”
“You simply mistook me for someone else,” Lily said. “It happens.”
“Why would you think that, my lady?”
“I just assumed so. Since we haven’t been formally introduced, you couldn’t have meant to…”
“Perhaps I did.” Daniel summoned his best rakish grin. “Perhaps I saw you and wanted you.”
“I suppose that is possible, knowing your reputation.”
He winced. “I deserved that one. The fact is, I was waiting for someone else. But I can’t say I’m sorry it turned out to be you.”
He twirled Lily into an ornate step and was impressed when she followed fluidly. She felt perfect in his arms, as though they were one body moving to the elegant music.
When the waltz ended, Daniel didn’t let go of her, couldn’t force his gaze away from her cognac eyes. “My lady,” he said softly, “If there’s anything I can do for you…anything at all…to make up for my disgraceful behavior, please—”
“Might I have the pleasure of the next dance?” Polk interrupted.
“Yes, of course.” Daniel let go of her reluctantly, scowling at his friend.
As Polk waltzed away with Lily in his arms, Daniel clenched his fists. She was smiling at him, damn her.
To cut in on them again would be bad form. But he couldn’t help himself, he was going to do it. As he began walking, someone grabbed his hand. He turned to look into the flushed face of Amelia Gregory.
“Darling,” she whispered wickedly, “I’m so sorry I didn’t meet you earlier. I was unavoidably detained. Perhaps we could enjoy our little reunion now?”
“I don’t think so, my lady,” Daniel said. “I must stay at the ball. I am the host.”
“You weren’t worried about your hosting duties earlier.”
“I am now.” He shook his arm loose from her grasp.
“What has gotten into you, Daniel? An hour ago you couldn’t wait to debauch me on the side of the manor.”
“Lower your voice,” he commanded. “And stop using my Christian name.”
“You never mind me using it in the bedchamber.” She slid her hand inside his jacket and caressed his chest.
“For God’s sake, stop that!”
Amelia removed her hand abruptly, her face tense, but then she eased her lips into a smile. “Your Grace, I feel a bit of a headache coming on. I shall have to retire. And you know, my chamber has been so dusty. I could hardly breathe in there this afternoon. I’m afraid I just can’t abide the thought of sleeping there.”
“I’m sorry it doesn’t suit you. I’ll send a maid to give it an extra cleaning on the morrow.”
“But what shall I do tonight?” she asked with mock innocence. “I fear I shall have to find an alternative place to sleep. But don’t you worry a smidgeon about me. I’ll find a bed. Somewhere.” She winked and then slowly turned and walked toward the door of the ballroom.
Christ. Now he would have to find somewhere else to sleep. He turned his attention back to Polk and Lily. They left the dance floor and sat down at the table with Lord Jameson and the blond girl. Lily was laughing gaily, talking with her hands again. As she smiled up into Polk’s admiring gaze, another twinge of jealousy speared Daniel. Damn it.
Polk rose, walked to the refreshment table, and brought back two glasses of champagne for himself and Lily. They sat, talking, while Jameson and the blonde got up to dance. Daniel thought of joining them, but what would he say to her?
Polk was his oldest and closest friend, yet at the moment Daniel wanted to jam his aristocratic nose into the nearest wall and then carry Lily off like a pirate’s prize.
God, he wanted to kiss her again. Just thinking about it aroused him. He grew stiff, but the release he craved…
Amelia. No doubt she was naked, lying in his bed. Bloody hell, a bird in the hand and all. He turned and walked swiftly out of the ballroom.
He entered his bedchamber stealthily, removed his clothes, and slipped under the cool sheets where Amelia lay.
“What took you so long, darling?”
He didn’t answer. He wasn’t interested in the niceties this evening. Quickly he moved on top of her.
“Easy, lover. I can see you’re impatient. It has been a long time, after all. But I want to please you. Have you forgotten how good I am at the preliminaries?”
“Don’t talk.” He reached between her legs, parted her intimate folds, and plunged his fingers into her depths.
Amelia gasped. “I’m not quite ready for you, Daniel. Give me some time, and it will be better for both of us.”
“I said don’t talk.” The sound of her voice bothered him.
He removed his hand from between her legs and rolled away from her. It was Lily’s voice he wanted to hear. Lily’s body he wanted to feel under his. Never before had he thought of one woman while he was with another.
He breathed heavily, the ache between his legs pulsating in a blind heat. He was barely aware of Amelia moving on top of him. She wet her fingers with her tongue and slid them back and forth across her pussy, moistening herself to receive him. She grasped his cock with one hand and rubbed the tip back and forth against her opening, sighing softly. Slowly she began to ease herself onto him.
“No, Amelia.” He grabbed her around the waist and easily lifted her off. “I’m sorry. I don’t want to do this.”
“What is the matter, darling? Aren’t you feeling well?”
“It’s not that. It’s just…”
“Of course, whatever you like, my love,” she said. “Just hold me for a while.” She snuggled against his chest and laid her head in the crook of his arm.
He stiffened. “I’m sorry,” he said. “I…this is hard for me to say.”
“Go on, dearest. We have the whole night ahead of us.”
“Amelia, I did ask you to meet me outside. I take full responsibility for that.”
“I’m so sorry that I was detained. Did it anger you?”
“No, of course not. I’m sure you had a good reason for…that is…”
“Daniel, do get on with it,” she barked. Then, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you. It’s just that I’ve missed you so much.”
Though they had shared intimacies of the body, no real feeling had ever existed between them. Still, Daniel had no wish to hurt her. He could let her stay. He could sleep with her, but he lacked the desire to do so. It was a new feeling, something he had never imagined. He almost felt he was being unfaithful. But why? He had shared a few passionate kisses and one dance with a beautiful young woman. That was all.
“Amelia. I’m sorry to tell you this, but I wish to end our liaison.”
“What?” She jerked away from him.
“You heard me. I wish for you to leave my bedchamber. I don’t anticipate requiring your company in the future.”
“Daniel, if it’s something I’ve done…”
”No, no. It’s nothing you’ve done. It’s my fault. I’m the one who has changed. I no longer wish to have you in my bed.”
“After all we’ve shared, you would simply cast me aside?”
“You know we were never faithful to each other. Why are you reacting this way?”
“Perhaps I have been faithful to you. Have you considered that possibility?”
“Really, Amelia. I was gone for a year. I know your appetites.”
“Of all the… How can you insult me that way?”
Daniel began to lose patience. “Insult you? For God’s sake, this is probably the most we’ve spoken to each other since we met. We never had any relationship other than in bed, and it is not my wish for that relationship to continue.”
Amelia got out of bed, strode slowly across the chamber to the leather armchair where her garments lay, and began to dress. “You know, tomorrow night when you’re lonely, don’t bother coming to me. I will likely find a gentleman who appreciates what I have to offer. I already have my eye on someone. Perhaps you know him. Lord Jameson? He is quite devastatingly handsome, and I do believe he will be receptive.”
Lily’s brother. Lily’s brother who was obviously taken with the blond woman who had monopolized him all evening. Clearly Amelia was bluffing, trying to hurt him. Daniel didn’t blame her for the attempt.
“By all means. I hope you do find someone. I wish you nothing but happiness, Amelia. However, I think it might be best if you left Laurel Ridge on the morrow.”
“You can’t be serious! You invited me here, Daniel!”
She was right of course. He had invited her, and she had done nothing to merit being sent away. “I spoke in haste. Of course you don’t have to leave. Please make yourself welcome, and I hope you enjoy the rest of your stay.”
“Fine.” She walked to the door, her dress unbuttoned in the back.
“Wait, I’ll fasten you,” Daniel said.
“Please, don’t bother. I’ll go straight to my chamber.” She slammed the door.
Daniel turned over, burying his face into his pillow, clenching his hands into fists. His unsated erection throbbed. He imagined a pair of soft white hands caressing it, ruby lips enfolding it.
“Lily,” he groaned aloud. “Lily.”