Discussion Questions

  1. The theme of a story is its central idea or ideas. To put it more simply, it’s what the story means. How would you characterize the theme of Lily and the Duke?
  2. Discuss the relationship between Lily and Rose, and compare and contrast it with what you know about the relationship between Daniel and Morgan.
  3. How do you suppose Daniel’s life would have differed had his father and Morgan lived? Do you think he and Lily would have found each other and married? Why or why not?
  4. Discuss Lily’s personality. Why do you think she finds such magic in the mundane? Discuss what she might have found fascinating about a cricket chirping and a weed in the garden. And what about Daniel’s hair and eyes? Do you think they’re truly as amazing as Lily suggests? Or is she looking through the eyes of love?
  5. Helen Hardt calls this series of novels Sex and the Season, a Victorian version of Sex and the City. Draw parallels between Lily, Rose, Alexandra, and Sophie and Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte, and Miranda of Sex and the City. Which characters are similar and in what ways?
  6. Get online and pull up an image of Vermeer’s St. Praxedis. What do you think Lily sees in this painting? Knowing her, why does she enjoy Vermeer’s work so much? Why do you think Daniel purchased the painting?
  7. Who defies convention and authority more, Lily or Alexandra? How so?
  8. What did you think of Lily’s decision to sleep with Daniel? When did you first realize that Lily had feelings for Daniel? And vice versa?
  9. How did you feel when Lord Ashford told Lily she was marrying the duke? What did you think of Lily’s reaction at a time when most young ladies of the peerage would have been thrilled with such a match? Discuss arranged marriages. Some countries still practice arranged marriage today. What would you do if you were forced into marriage?
  10. Discuss the relationship between Daniel and his mother. Maggie seems like a loving person, yet she sent her younger son away when he was seven because her husband thought it best. Taking into consideration the era, what might have gone through her mind at that time? What might have gone through Daniel’s mind? Do you feel Daniel has forgiven his mother? Why or why not?
  11. Lily mentions that she and Rose suffered advances by Lord Ludley when they were young, yet they never told anyone. Why do you think they stayed silent? Do you think they are scarred by these encounters? Why or why not?
  12. Do you think Lily and Daniel’s marriage will be successful? Why or why not?
  13. How are Lily and her mother alike? How are they different? What kind of relationship do you think Lily and her mother had while Lily was growing up?
  14. This book is full of colorful supporting characters: Lord Evan Xavier, Thomas Jameson, Cameron Price, Lady Ashford, and Lady Amelia Gregory, to name a few. Discuss the roles of these characters. What is their purpose in the story?
  15. Rose and Cameron have a story coming next. What do you foresee in their future? What do you think will happen to Lord Evan?