Picture credits

BBC Books, Random House and Gardeners’ World Magazine would like to thank the following for providing photographs. While every effort has been made to trace and acknowledge all photographers, we would like to apologize should there be any errors or omissions. The page references below correspond to the printed edition.

Mark Bolton p63, p65, p71, p73, p75, p79, p81, p141, p165, p197, p199, p201, p203; Jonathan Buckley p15, p17, p19, p21; Torie Chugg p67, p69, p121, p123, p125, p127, p129, p131, p133, p135, p177; Paul Debois p23, p137; Caroline Hughes p179, p181, p183; Stephen Marwood p11, p13, p49, p51, p55, p83, p85, p87, p91, p93, p95, p97, p99, p161, p163, p185, p187, p191, p207; Ben Murphy p39, p45, p47, p53, p57, p59, p89, p155, p189; Freia Turland/Dig Pictures p25, p27, p29, p31, p33, p35, p37, p41, p43, p61, p101, p105, p107, p109, p111, p113, p115, p117, p119, p139, p143, p145, p147, p149, p151, p153, p167, p169, p171, p173, p175, p193, p195, p205, p207, p209, p211; William Shaw p157, p159.

With thanks to: Ros Badger, Adam Caplin, Martin Fish, Elspeth Thompson, Paul Williams, Sarah Wilson.