Praise for

“Hayden pulls readers in … Chapters that fly with ease … Filled with descriptive, lively anecdotes, The Tiger’s Child illustrates the trials of teachers who work with emotionally disturbed children.”

Orlando Sentinel

“Hayden probably would have become a fine writer under any circumstances but it is our good fortune that she also decided to become a teacher of children with severe mental handicaps and emotional disorders.

When you read a Torey Hayden book, however, all such descriptions of children become academic nonsense. What we are guided to discover is that human beings rarely fit into conventional categories and diagnoses … Hayden has a gift for demonstrating the ways in which, despite their unique qualities, these human beings are ourselves. Here are universal fears, feelings of not being lovable enough, the universal inability to express the sources of pain.”

Washington Post Book World

“What kind of book will hook a teen on reading? … Any book by Torey Hayden.”

Florida Times-Union

“Hayden’s compassionate writing underscores the power of love.”

Topeka Capital-Journal