Reminders for exam day

After months of preparation, exam day is near! The day before and the morning of the exam will probably be nerve-wracking.

Your mood and attitude can have a large impact on your score, so—above all—stay calm.

Here are some last-minute pointers:

Image Relax the week before the exam. Don’t overwork yourself with too much ACT 36 preparation. You don’t have to review every concept and read your 36 Review notebook cover to cover. It’s more important that you don’t feel burned out on exam day.

Image Eat a healthy dinner, get a full night’s sleep, and eat breakfast the next morning. Food is fuel for the brain, and an empty stomach makes it harder to focus on the exam. Eat healthy natural foods like fruit and whole grains; these will provide sustained energy throughout the exam.

Image Bring a healthy snack and water to the exam. Staying nourished and hydrated is important for maximizing performance.

Image Don’t worry about remembering every ACT 36 strategy in this book. When a question calls for it, you’ll remember what to do.

Image Avoid stimulants. The excessive caffeine in energy drinks will make you jittery and diminish your focus on the exam.

Image Keep everything in perspective. Ultimately, it’s just one test on one day—you can take it again if you need to. The ACT is not the be-all and end-all of your academic career. Remembering this will help you stay calm and do well.

You’ve worked hard for this day, and I know you can do well.

Wishing you the best,

Maria Filsinger