
As much as I’d like to claim I came up with the concept of spontaneous human combustion, I am not that clever or, arguably, that strange. The idea has been a part of the cultural consciousness for centuries, if not longer. Dickens and Melville wrote about it. One of Spinal Tap’s drummers died from it (as did Kenny on South Park). I probably first encountered it on Monty Python’s Flying Circus, when an elderly woman played by Michael Palin spontaneously combusted and John Cleese told his grieving mother, “Don’t be so sentimental. People explode every day.”

Forgive me, but I’m about to be sentimental. Because books like this don’t happen every day. At least not to me. And this book only exists because of the hard work and kind gestures of the following people:

The ridiculously savvy Michael Bourret, who is patient with my many wild ideas and fiercely supports my wildest ones. He believed in this book from the first mad scribblings.

The inimitably brilliant Julie Strauss-Gabel, who dug through a messy manuscript, discovered what my story was really about, and constantly encouraged me to make it better. It was an honor to work with her and learn from her.

Cover designer Theresa Evangelista and copy editor Anne Heausler, who got this thing all spiffy, beautiful, and readable.

The editorial, design, sales, and marketing teams at Dutton and Penguin Young Readers.

Dana Spector, who saw promise in a handful of pages and took a shot on me.

My cousin Alice Russell, who set me straight on a few things about high school seniors in 2016 (for instance: how the heck Snapchat works).

Mom, Dad, Toril, Tim, Dave, Jake, Will, Gwenn, Jim, and Pete, who appreciate my twisted sense of humor. Most of the time.

My extended family and my many friends who keep on buying and reading my books and showing up to events and tolerating my self-promotion.

Fayetteville Manlius High School’s class of 1994. We made it. Now let’s make it through a lot more.

Finally, Cate and Hannah, I love you. You are the ones from this book’s dedication. You are the ones who comfort me. You are the ones who keep me together.