Apache as a Service

To start Apache as a service, you first need to install it as a service. Multiple Apache services can be installed, each with a different name and configuration. To install the default Apache service named “Apache,” run the “Install Apache as Service (NT only)” option from the Start menu. Once this is done, you can start the “Apache” service by opening the Services window (in the Control Panel), selecting Apache, then clicking on Start. Apache will now be running in the background. You can later stop Apache by clicking on Stop. As an alternative to using the Services window, you can start and stop the “Apache” service from the control line with the following:


See http://httpd.apache.org/docs-2.0/platform/windows.html#signalsrv for more information on installing and controlling Apache services.

Apache, unlike many other Windows NT/2000 services, logs any errors to its own error.log file in the logs folder within the Apache server root folder. You will not find Apache error details in the Windows NT Event Log.

After starting Apache running (either in a console window or as a service), it will be listening to port 80 (unless you changed the Listen directive in the configuration files). To connect to the server and access the default page, launch a browser and enter this URL:

Once this is done, you can open the Services window in the Control Panel, select Apache, and click on Start. Apache then runs in the background until you click on Stop. Alternatively, you can open a console window and type:

>net start apache

To stop the Apache service, type:

>net stop apache

If you’re running Apache as a service, you definitely will want to consider security issues. See Chapter 11 for more details.