Shared Objects Under Unix

In Apache v1.3 the order of these directives is important, so it is probably easiest to generate the list by doing an “out of the box” build using the flag --enable-shared=max. You will find /usr/etc/httpd / httpd.conf.default: copy the list from it into your own Config file, and edit it as you need.

LoadModule env_module         libexec/
LoadModule config_log_module  libexec/
LoadModule mime_module        libexec/
LoadModule negotiation_module libexec/
LoadModule status_module      libexec/
LoadModule includes_module    libexec/
LoadModule autoindex_module   libexec/
LoadModule dir_module         libexec/
LoadModule cgi_module         libexec/
LoadModule asis_module        libexec/
LoadModule imap_module        libexec/
LoadModule action_module      libexec/
LoadModule userdir_module     libexec/
LoadModule alias_module       libexec/
LoadModule access_module      libexec/
LoadModule auth_module        libexec/
LoadModule setenvif_module    libexec/

#  Reconstruction of the complete module list from all available modules
#  (static and shared ones) to achieve correct module execution order.
AddModule mod_env.c
AddModule mod_log_config.c
AddModule mod_mime.c
AddModule mod_negotiation.c
AddModule mod_status.c
AddModule mod_include.c
AddModule mod_autoindex.c
AddModule mod_dir.c
AddModule mod_cgi.c
AddModule mod_asis.c
AddModule mod_imap.c
AddModule mod_actions.c
AddModule mod_userdir.c
AddModule mod_alias.c
AddModule mod_access.c
AddModule mod_auth.c
AddModule mod_so.c
AddModule mod_setenvif.c

Notice that the list comes in three parts: LoadModules, then ClearModuleList, followed by AddModules to activate the ones you want. As we said earlier, it is all rather cumbersome and easy to get wrong. You might want put the list in a separate file and then Include it (see later in this section). If you have left out a shared module that is required by a directive in your Config file, you will get a clear indication in an error message as Apache loads. For instance, if you use the directive ErrorLog without doing what is necessary for the module mod_log_config, this will trigger a runtime error message.