Making Better Indexes in Apache

There is a wide range of possibilities; some are demonstrated at ... /site.fancyindex /httpd1.conf:

User webuser
Group webgroup
DocumentRoot /usr/www/APACHE3/site.fancyindex/htdocs

<Directory /usr/www/APACHE3/site.fancyindex/htdocs>
IndexOptions FancyIndexing
AddDescription "One of our wonderful catalogs" catalog_summer.html /
IndexIgnore *.jpg
IndexIgnore  ..
IndexIgnore  icons HEADER README
AddIconByType (CAT,icons/bomb.gif) text/*
DefaultIcon icons/burst.gif

When you type ./go 1 on the server and access on the browser, you should see a rather fancy display:

Index of /
  Name                        Last Modified     Size Description 
    <bomb>catalog_autumn.html 23-Jul-1998 09:11 1k   One of our wonderful catalogs 
    <bomb>catalog_summer.html 25-Jul-1998 10:31 1k   One of our wonderful catalogs 
    <burst>index.html.ok      23-Jul-1998 09:11 1k 

In the previous listing, <bomb> and <burst> stand in for standard graphic icons Apache has at its disposal. How does all this work? As you can see from the httpd.conf file, this smart formatting is displayed directory by directory. The key directive is IndexOptions.