
The cache directory for the proxy server has to be set up rather carefully with owner webuser and group webgroup, since it will be accessed by that insignificant person (see Chapter 2).

You now have to tell your browser that you are going to be accessing the Web via a proxy. For example, in Netscape click on Edit Preferences Advanced Proxies tab Manual Proxy Configuration. Click on View,and in the HTTP box enter the IP address of our proxy, which is on the same network, 192.168.123, as our copy of Netscape:

Enter 8000 in the Port box.

For Microsoft Internet Explorer, select View Options Connection tab, check the Proxy Server checkbox, then click the Settings button, and set up the HTTP proxy as described previously. That is all there is to setting up a real proxy server.

You might want to set up a simulation to watch it in action, as we did, before you do the real thing. However, it is not that easy to simulate a proxy server on one desktop, and when we have simulated it, the elements play different roles from those they have supported in demonstrations so far. We end up with four elements:

The configuration in ... /site.proxy/proxy is as shown earlier. Since the proxy server is running on a machine notionally on the other side of the Web from the machine running ... /site.proxy/real, we need to put it on another port, traditionally 8000.

The configuration file in ... /proxy/real is:

User webuser
Group webgroup

DocumentRoot /usr/www/APACHE3/site.proxy/real/htdocs

On this site, we use the more compendious Listen with the server name and port number combined.

Normally would be a site out on the Web. In our case we dummied it up on the same machine.

In ... /site.proxy/real/htdocs there is a file containing the message:

I am a web site far, far out there.

Also in /etc/hosts there is an entry:

simulating a proper DNS registration for this far-off site. Note that it is on a different network (192.168.124) from the one we normally use (192.168.123), so that when we try to access it over our LAN, we can’t without help.

The file /usr/www/lan_setup on the FreeBSD machine is now:

ifconfig ep0
ifconfig ep0 alias netmask 0xFFFFFFFF
ifconfig ep0 alias

Now for the action: go to ... /site.proxy/real, and start the server with ./go - then go to ... /site.proxy/proxy, and start it with ./go. On your browser, access You should see the following:

Index of /
. Parent Directory
. message

If we select message, we see:

I am a web site far out there

Fine, but are we fooling ourselves? Go to the browser’s proxy settings, and disable the HTTP proxy by removing the IP address:

Then reaccess You should get some sort of network error.

What happened? We asked the browser to retrieve Since it is on network 192.168.123, it failed to find this address. So instead it used the proxy server at port 8000 on It sent its message there:[1]


The copy of Apache running on the FreeBSD machine, listening to port 8000, was offered this morsel and accepted the message. Since that copy of Apache had been told to service proxy requests, it retransmitted the request to the destination we thought it was bound for all the time: (which it can do since it is on the same machine):

GET / HTTP/1.0

In real life, things are simpler: you only have to carry out steps two and three, and you can ignore the theology. When you have finished with all this, remember to remove the HTTP proxy IP address from your browser setup.

[1] This can be recognized as a proxy request by the http: in the URL.