If you want a more convincing certificate than the one we made previosly, you should go to one o the followingf:
Resellers at http://resellers.tucows.com/products/ |
Thawte Consulting, at http://www.thawte.com/certs/server/request.html |
CertiSign Certificadora Digital Ltda., at http://www.certisign.com.br |
IKS GmbH, at http://www.iks-jena.de/produkte/ca/ |
BelSign NV/SA, at http://www.belsign.be |
Verisign, Inc. at http://www.verisign.com/guide/apache |
TC TrustCenter (Germany) at http://www.trustcenter.de/html/Produkte/TC_Server/855.htm |
NLsign B.V. at http://www.nlsign.nl |
Deutsches Forschungsnetz at http://www.pca.dfn.de/dfnpca/certify/ssl/ |
128i Ltd. (New Zealand) at http://www.128i.com |
Entrust.net Ltd. at http://www.entrust.net/products/index.htm |
Equifax Inc. at http://www.equifax.com/ebusinessid/ |
GlobalSign NV/SA at http://www.GlobalSign.net |
NetLock Kft. (Hungary) at http://www.netlock.net |
Certplus SA (France) at http://www.certplus.com |
These all may have slightly different procedures, since there is no standard format for a CSR. We suggest you check out what the CA of your choice wants before you embark on buying a certificate.