The Config File

To avoid an obscure bug, make sure that Apache’s User and Group directives are above this block:

LoadModule backhand_module libexec/
UnixSocketDir @@ServerRoot@@/backhand
# this multicast is actually broadcast because 128 < 224
# so no time to live parameter needed - ',1' restericts to the local networks
# MulticastStats

<Location "/backhand/">
  SetHandler backhand-handler

The SetHandler directive produces the mod_backhand status page at the location specified — this shows the current servers, loads, etc.

The Candidacy functions should appear in a Directory or Location block. A sample scheme might be:

<Directory cgi-bin>
BackhandbyAge 6
BackhandFromSO libexec/ byHostname (sun|alpha)
Backhand byRandom
BackHand byLogWindow
Backhand byLoad

This would do the following:

  • Eliminate all servers not heard from for six seconds

  • Choose servers who names were sub or alpha — to handle heavy CGI requests

  • Randomize the list of servers

  • Take a sample of the random list

  • Sort these servers in ascending order of load

  • Take the server at the top of the list