Script in cgi-bin

Use ScriptAlias in your host’s Config file, pointing to a safe location outside your web space. This makes for better security because the Bad Guys cannot read your scripts and analyze them for holes. “Security by obscurity” is not a sound policy on its own, but it does no harm when added to more vigorous precautions.

To steer incoming demands for the script to the right place (.../cgi-bin ), we need to edit our ... /site.cgi/conf/httpd1.conf file so it looks something like this:

User webuser
Group webgroup

#for scripts in ../cgi-bin
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin /usr/www/APACHE3/cgi-bin
DirectoryIndex /cgi-bin/script_html

You would probably want to proceed in this way, that is, putting the script in the cgi-bin directory (which is not in /usr/www/APACHE3/site.cgi/htdocs), if you were offering a web site to the outside world and wanted to maximize your security. Run Apache to use this script with the following:

./go 1

You would access this script by browsing to