Per-Request Information

The core ensures that the right information is available to the modules at the right time. It does so by matching requests to the appropriate virtual server and directory information before invoking the various functions in the modules. This, and other information, is packaged in a request_rec structure, defined in httpd.h:

/** A structure that represents the current request */
struct request_rec {
    /** The pool associated with the request */
    apr_pool_t *pool;
    /** The connection over which this connection has been read */
    conn_rec *connection;
    /** The virtual host this request is for */
    server_rec *server;

    /** If we wind up getting redirected, pointer to the request we 
     *  redirected to.  */
    request_rec *next;
    /** If this is an internal redirect, pointer to where we redirected 
     *  *from*.  */
    request_rec *prev;

    /** If this is a sub_request (see request.h) pointer back to the 
     *  main request.  */
    request_rec *main;

    /* Info about the request itself... we begin with stuff that only
     * protocol.c should ever touch...
    /** First line of request, so we can log it */
    char *the_request;
    /** HTTP/0.9, "simple" request */
    int assbackwards;
    /** A proxy request (calculated during post_read_request/translate_name)
    int proxyreq;
    /** HEAD request, as opposed to GET */
    int header_only;
    /** Protocol, as given to us, or HTTP/0.9 */
    char *protocol;
    /** Number version of protocol; 1.1 = 1001 */
    int proto_num;
    /** Host, as set by full URI or Host: */
    const char *hostname;

    /** When the request started */
    apr_time_t request_time;

    /** Status line, if set by script */
    const char *status_line;
    /** In any case */
    int status;

    /* Request method, two ways; also, protocol, etc..  Outside of protocol.c,
     * look, but don't touch.

    /** GET, HEAD, POST, etc. */
    const char *method;
    /** M_GET, M_POST, etc. */
    int method_number;

     *  allowed is a bitvector of the allowed methods.
     *  A handler must ensure that the request method is one that
     *  it is capable of handling.  Generally modules should DECLINE
     *  any request methods they do not handle.  Prior to aborting the
     *  handler like this the handler should set r->allowed to the list
     *  of methods that it is willing to handle.  This bitvector is used
     *  to construct the "Allow:" header required for OPTIONS requests,
     *  Since the default_handler deals with OPTIONS, all modules can
     *  usually decline to deal with OPTIONS.  TRACE is always allowed,
     *  modules don't need to set it explicitly.
     *  Since the default_handler will always handle a GET, a
     *  module which does *not* implement GET should probably return
     *  HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED.  Unfortunately this means that a Script GET
     *  handler can't be installed by mod_actions.
    int allowed;
    /** Array of extension methods */
    apr_array_header_t *allowed_xmethods; 
    /** List of allowed methods */
    ap_method_list_t *allowed_methods; 

    /** byte count in stream is for body */
    int sent_bodyct;
    /** body byte count, for easy access */
    long bytes_sent;
    /** Time the resource was last modified */
    apr_time_t mtime;

    /* HTTP/1.1 connection-level features */

    /** sending chunked transfer-coding */
    int chunked;
    /** multipart/byteranges boundary */
    const char *boundary;
    /** The Range: header */
    const char *range;
    /** The "real" content length */
    apr_off_t clength;

    /** bytes left to read */
    apr_size_t remaining;
    /** bytes that have been read */
    long read_length;
    /** how the request body should be read */
    int read_body;
    /** reading chunked transfer-coding */
    int read_chunked;
    /** is client waiting for a 100 response? */
    unsigned expecting_100;

    /* MIME header environments, in and out.  Also, an array containing
     * environment variables to be passed to subprocesses, so people can
     * write modules to add to that environment.
     * The difference between headers_out and err_headers_out is that the
     * latter are printed even on error, and persist across internal redirects
     * (so the headers printed for ErrorDocument handlers will have them).
     * The 'notes' apr_table_t is for notes from one module to another, with no
     * other set purpose in mind...

    /** MIME header environment from the request */
    apr_table_t *headers_in;
    /** MIME header environment for the response */
    apr_table_t *headers_out;
    /** MIME header environment for the response, printed even on errors and
     * persist across internal redirects */
    apr_table_t *err_headers_out;
    /** Array of environment variables to be used for sub processes */
    apr_table_t *subprocess_env;
    /** Notes from one module to another */
    apr_table_t *notes;

    /* content_type, handler, content_encoding, content_language, and all
     * content_languages MUST be lowercased strings.  They may be pointers
     * to static strings; they should not be modified in place.
    /** The content-type for the current request */
    const char *content_type;	/* Break these out --- we dispatch on 'em */
    /** The handler string that we use to call a handler function */
    const char *handler;	/* What we *really* dispatch on           */

    /** How to encode the data */
    const char *content_encoding;
    /** for back-compat. only -- do not use */
    const char *content_language;
    /** array of (char*) representing the content languages */
    apr_array_header_t *content_languages;

    /** variant list validator (if negotiated) */
    char *vlist_validator;
    /** If an authentication check was made, this gets set to the user name. */
    char *user;	
    /** If an authentication check was made, this gets set to the auth type. */
    char *ap_auth_type;

    /** This response is non-cache-able */
    int no_cache;
    /** There is no local copy of this response */
    int no_local_copy;

    /* What object is being requested (either directly, or via include
     * or content-negotiation mapping).

    /** the uri without any parsing performed */
    char *unparsed_uri;	
    /** the path portion of the URI */
    char *uri;
    /** The filename on disk that this response corresponds to */
    char *filename;
    /** The path_info for this request if there is any. */
    char *path_info;
    /** QUERY_ARGS, if any */
    char *args;	
    /** ST_MODE set to zero if no such file */
    apr_finfo_t finfo;
    /** components of uri, dismantled */
    apr_uri_components parsed_uri;

    /* Various other config info which may change with .htaccess files
     * These are config vectors, with one void* pointer for each module
     * (the thing pointed to being the module's business).

    /** Options set in config files, etc. */
    struct ap_conf_vector_t *per_dir_config;
    /** Notes on *this* request */
    struct ap_conf_vector_t *request_config;

 * a linked list of the configuration directives in the .htaccess files
 * accessed by this request.
 * N.B. always add to the head of the list, _never_ to the end.
 * that way, a sub request's list can (temporarily) point to a parent's list
    const struct htaccess_result *htaccess;

    /** A list of output filters to be used for this request */
    struct ap_filter_t *output_filters;
    /** A list of input filters to be used for this request */
    struct ap_filter_t *input_filters;
    /** A flag to determine if the eos bucket has been sent yet */
    int eos_sent;

/* Things placed at the end of the record to avoid breaking binary
 * compatibility.  It would be nice to remember to reorder the entire
 * record to improve 64bit alignment the next time we need to break
 * binary compatibility for 

some other reason.