blue me

Perhaps it was hearing of this trace of blue which aroused my grandfather’s interest in me above any other of those countless offspring of his. His curiosity about colour, about the remnants of it, the dilution of it. His interest in genetics. Perhaps it was this sort of detached interest; that of the scientist, with his trained mind and keen desire...

I recall reading of a man who, sometime around the advent of electricity, received an electric shock and it was said that he turned blue, and remained so for a very long time. The mosquitoes were afraid to bite him, and the orgasms he experienced and delivered were ... Well, he attracted a lot of interest.

Who knows, my grandfather may have had some similar experience within his own family. He may have wondered if this blueness of mine was, to use his language, a throwback to an ancestor. Perhaps he had also read of the incident with electricity. All I know is that it certainly aroused his ... curiosity.

While I was ill and listless he investigated me most rigorously.