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“Of course not,” Nelson said. “It’s not the first time I’m doing this, in case you forgot.”
“So why are you fiddling with your tie like that, then?”
Nelson turned away from the mirror, where he indeed had been adjusting his tie again, and looked at his father. “All right, maybe I’m a little excitable.”
Aaron chuckled. “You have every right to be.” He came closer and squared his son’s jacket on his shoulders, brushing off a bit of lint from the lapel. “Getting married is a big step. But at the same time, you already know that. And Johanna’s a lovely girl.”
“That she is,” Nelson murmured. “You don’t think we’re rushing into this?”
“For two people who really belong together, an hour is enough time to tell,” he said. “And then you have people like me and your mother. She’s still not sure if I’m the one for her, and we’ve been together thirty years.”
Nelson laughed. “Well, to be honest, I was sure right quick that I liked Johanna. I figured a month was enough time to figure out just how much.”
His dad nodded. “I’m sure you’re right.”
“The only thing I was worried about was...well, about Virginia.”
Aaron laid a hand on Nelson’s shoulder, and his eyes filled with a tenderness that was unusual for a parent speaking to his adult son. “What about her?”
“I can’t help thinking that maybe I shouldn’t be doing this.”
His father smiled. “Well, at least you’re giving yourself plenty of time to think it over before the wedding,” he said. “You’re getting married in what, fifteen minutes?”
“Some timing, huh?” Nelson rubbed his forehead. There was a hint of a dull ache behind his eyes, same as he’d been feeling for weeks now.
“Son, listen to me. This is a hard day for everybody who knew Virginia, but the fact is that she’s gone,” Aaron said. “Anything that happens now, anything you do or don’t do, that won’t affect the bond you had with her. It’s this perfect thing, whole and complete, and it’s going to remain unspoiled forever.” He leaned closer and quickly hugged his boy, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “Now you finish doing whatever you need to do. I’m going to go find your mother.”
“Thanks, Dad.” As soon as his father left, Nelson turned back to the mirror and undid his tie again. “Everything will be fine,” he murmured, as if trying to convince himself that it was true.
~ ~ ~
JOHANNA WASN’T THE most sensitive girl in Nebraska, nor Lincoln, nor even her own house. Her friends, in fact, were sometimes annoying with how easily they showed themselves overcome by emotion; she had some acquaintances for whom fainting couches must have been expressly designed. Nevertheless, there were times when even Johanna let her emotions overcome her, and this was coming close to one of those times.
While she walked down the aisle, nodding and smiling at the guests, trying to recall the names of the distant relations she hadn’t seen in years—not to mention the names of all of Nelson’s relatives—and timing her steps to the music like they’d rehearsed, it was all she could do to keep from tearing the veil off her head, lobbing the bouquet at the nearest girl, and taking off running out the church doors.
Except that’s not really the way I’d run, she thought. I’d race up to the altar and get this thing started. She paused her nodding and smiling at the guests and looked up the aisle to where Nelson stood. He really was a fine-looking man, and more so when he was all cleaned up like this: he was wearing a dark suit that complemented his lean, muscular build, a brand-new white shirt and a blue bow tie that, even from halfway down the aisle, brought out his eyes. There he is, she thought. My husband.
That thought—that within the hour she would be a married woman—hit her like a gust of wind. As much as she wanted it, it was still an awfully big change coming up. It wasn’t until Nelson had cocked his head at her, smiling, that she realized that she had come to a stop there in the middle of the church.
The music continued on, but after taking a step or two again, Johanna realized that she had lost the rhythm entirely. Oh well, she thought. I’m a lot of things, but graceful isn’t high on the list. While the guests tittered, she charged ahead, ignoring the music and arriving at the altar in just a moment. Doesn’t matter how I got here, she thought. The only thing that matters is that I’m at his side.
The minister cleared his throat. “Proverbs tells us,” he began, “that he who finds a wife, finds a good thing.”
After that, Joanna could scarcely remember a single thing he said for the rest of the ceremony. It wasn’t that she was entirely overwhelmed, though there was perhaps a touch of that. Instead, as she stood there with Nelson, so close to taking him into her life and becoming part of his, she found it difficult to concentrate. She felt herself filling with a joy she had never felt before, as if she were about to accomplish something that she had been meant to do. Just looking at him gave her butterflies in the belly, and she found it impossible to remove her grin.
She didn’t come back to herself until several minutes later, when she noticed that the minister had fallen quiet, and he was looking at her with an odd expression. Expectant, almost. Like he’s waiting for me.
He raised his eyebrows. “I asked, you, Johanna, if you’ll take this man for your lawful husband,” he said. “I’m assuming that’s why you’re here.”
“Oh!” For the first time, she wished that the veil was just a little bit thicker so as better to hide her face. “Yes,” she said. “Yes, I absolutely do.”
“I’m pleased to hear it,” the minister said.
“Me too,” Nelson murmured, winking at her.
Johanna made it through the rest of her vows with no further problems, and began to breathe easier when the minister turned to Nelson.
“And you, Nelson, do you take Johanna for your lawful wife?”
“I do,” he said. His gaze never wavered from Johanna. His eyes were the crystalline blue of a winter sky, but she saw only warmth in them now.
“Do you swear to honor her and forever cherish her in your heart?”
“Yes, I do.”
“Do you promise to love her and no one else, as long as you shall live?”
For the briefest moment, it looked like pain flashed across his face, and he brushed his hand against his brow before he spoke. “I do,” he finally said, and when he looked at her, his eyes betrayed the smile he gave. She felt a twinge of sympathy for him. At least I’m not the only one who’s a little nervous today, she thought.
“Well, then, by the power vested in me by the State of Nebraska,” the minister said, “I pronounce you man and wife. Now go on and give that wife of yours a kiss.”
The minister and the guests began to applaud, and Johanna even heard a few hoots and hollers as Nelson stepped close. He lifted the veil carefully, folding it back over her head, and at that moment it was as if all the commotion around them faded away.
Nelson took her hands and leaned toward her. His smile was genuine now, and she felt her stomach do a funny little flip. His hands were warm on hers, his eyes were filled with light, and she could smell a trace of his cologne. Her eyes closed.
His kiss was brief, but perfect. She felt a tingle go all through her when his lips met hers, and his grasp on her hands grew stronger. Johanna felt her pulse begin to race, but just as quickly as it started, it was over.
“I wouldn’t mind another one of those,” she murmured, just loud enough for Nelson to hear as he stepped back.
“You’ve got a whole lifetime of those coming,” he whispered, as they turned toward the guests and started down the aisle, hand in hand, man and wife.
~ ~ ~
THE WEDDING LUNCH WAS simple and elegant, just like she wanted—at least, that’s how it turned out after Johanna and her mother talked Aaron out of his plan to rent the dining room at the Lancaster Lodge. Once they convinced him to have the reception at home like normal people, they hired caterers to handle everything, so the house and yard was full of black-jacketed servers flitting among the guests, offering drinks and appetizers while the lunch was prepared.
It was all very nice, but it passed over Johanna like a whirlwind. So many people to meet, she thought. So many hugs, so many smiles. Even for an outgoing person like her, it was a bit exhausting. Exhilarating, too, but exhausting. She had to admit that she wasn’t sorry to see things come to an end when the last guests departed in the late afternoon.
“We’re just about ready to go,” Nelson said, passing her as she sat on the porch. It was such an odd thing to consider. Here she was, in her favorite chair, rocking on the porch like she’d done all her life, and here this man who was now her husband was taking her things out to the wagon. Soon she’d be living in a brand new home. It was overwhelming. Exhilarating, too, but overwhelming.
When the last bags and boxes were loaded up, they said their goodbyes to her parents. Johanna was sure that the only reason any of them kept their composure was because she wasn’t going far; the farm was a mere twenty-minute drive from the house, and in fact Johanna was planning to keep working at the newspaper, at least for the time being.
She successfully fought back tears as she hugged her parents, then went down the walk and had Nelson help her up to the wagon’s seat. As they drove away, Johanna took a final glance back at the place that had been her home. Her parents’ fight against tears hadn’t gone as well.
Nelson took her hand as they drove. “Good thing we’ve got a big house,” he said. “When your dad showed me all the boxes of your things, I thought he was joking at first.”
“It’s not so much,” she said, turning to look at the full wagon bed. “It’s just clothes.”
Nelson laughed and squeezed her hand. “I’d hate to see what you consider a lot, then.”
Johanna was happy to have something to distract her when they arrived at the farm. They had decided that she would use the spare room as a kind of dressing room, since it had a sizable wardrobe going unused. By the time she had finished going through the bags, looking for this and that, and arranging her things in some kind of order, the sun was halfway hidden behind the horizon; after they had finished a snack of cake and coffee, it was already dark.
Well, Johanna thought, as she rinsed the dishes. If I understand this marriage thing right, there’s pretty much only one thing left to do today.
~ ~ ~
JOHANNA TOOK A DEEP breath and checked herself one last time in the mirror. She was wearing her best nightdress—the one with the lace collar—and she had combed her hair into twin streams flowing over her shoulders. She had wiped her teeth and washed up with hot water. There wasn’t much else to do except go to her husband.
When she knocked and then opened the door to his bedroom, she found him wearing a linen night shirt and trousers, and as she stepped into the room he arose from the bed. “Johanna, you look lovely,” he said, smiling at her, although again his eyes seemed to betray some concern.
She moved closer and pulled his arm around her. “Quite a day,” she said, resting her head against him. She could hear his heart hammering against his chest.
“Sure was,” he murmured as he softly ran his hand across her lower back.
“Are you happy?”
“I am,” he said. “Couldn’t be happier, in fact.”
She raised her mouth to his, but he slipped aside and kissed her on the cheek; she tried again and briefly brushed her lips against his. “This night air is a little bit chilly,” she said. “Maybe we should get into bed?”
“Oh, of course.” He pulled the comforter back as Johanna kicked off her slippers and slid between the sheets.
Nelson lay down next to her and ran his hand softly across her cheek; she turned her face and pressed his fingers to her lips.
“Do you want to turn down the lamp?”
“Sure.” Nelson lowered the flame until it was just barely lit, then turned back to her. He slid his hand across her side. She could feel the heat of his flesh against her, but he slowed as his hand reached her hip, and then he stopped, simply holding her there.
“Is something wrong?”
“No, everything’s fine,” he said. “It’s just....”
“Just what?”
“Johanna, I know this must sound silly,” he said. “I don’t want you to think badly of me.”
She reached to brush a few stray hairs from his forehead. “I won’t,” she said. “What is it?”
“It’s just that it’s been a long day,” he said. “Maybe tonight we won’t...you know.”
“You want to wait?”
“Yeah, I think we should,” he said. “I’m awful tired.”
She would have been lying if she’d said that she didn’t feel a bit of relief. Some confusion, to be sure, but also relief. “All right, we’ll wait.”
He pressed her to him, holding her tightly, and kissed her then. It was a delightful sensation, being wrapped in his arms like that and feeling the thrill of his mouth on hers, but after a moment Nelson broke their kiss, wordlessly turned over and extinguished the lamp.
She cuddled behind him and reached across, intertwining her fingers with his. This is all right, she thought. I guess all that other stuff can wait until tomorrow. It was actually very pleasant lying there, simply holding hands, feeling Nelson warm and near, and she soon realized that she was exhausted as well. As she began to slip into sleep, however, she was struck by a funny thought. It was the oddest thing. As they lay there, she listened to Nelson breathing and it was obvious that he was not sleeping. For a man who had claimed to be tired, it was surprising how long he lay awake.
Maybe I’m supposed to be doing something, she thought with a start. Her friends had never said anything about that, but it was the only explanation. She was supposed to make the first move.
She extricated her hand from his and pressed her palm against his chest. It was really something to feel a man’s body like that, so muscular and hard where she was soft, and she let her fingers run down across his flat belly as she kissed the back of his neck.
“What are you doing, honey?”
She stayed quiet, and merely let her teeth graze his skin as she slipped her hand up under his nightshirt. Her pulse begin to race as she slid her fingers over him. She could feel ridges of muscle everywhere, and the heat of her husband’s body was starting to warm her as well.
“Don’t you think we should get some rest?”
She nuzzled her mouth against his ear, letting her tongue flicker across his skin. “Not yet,” she murmured, then slowly brought her hand down toward his groin and slipped beneath the waistband of his drawers.
Nelson inhaled sharply as she finally closed her fingers around his cock. Her married friends had told her what it was like, of course, but hearing about it and feeling it in her hand were two very different things.
He had pulsed strongly at her first touch, and Nelson was rapidly swelling in her fist. He was warm and hard and smooth all together, and he felt like nothing else she’d ever known. Instinctively, she began to stroke him, and Nelson let out a soft sigh of pleasure.
“Honey, you don’t have to do that.”
“I know.” From what she had heard, men were simple. She could lay here, stroking him like she was, and from what she understood he would soon gain his release. Truth be told, that would have been lovely. It was wonderfully exciting to feel him so hard in her fist, to feel his body tremble against hers all because of her touch.
But there was something else her friends had told her about. Something that had shocked her when she first heard about it. Something that called to her now.
“You just lay back,” she said, turning to get on top of him.
“What are you doing?”
“You’ll see.” She straddled him and pulled his drawers down, freeing his cock entirely. Her tummy did a funny little flip then, exciting her in a way she’d never felt before as she stared at Nelson’s cock in her hand. He was thick and heavy in her grip and she could feel his flesh pulsing there. Johanna’s pulse was racing now, as she realized something surprising: what sounded shocking in one context could be very, very tempting in another. She lowered her head and closed her lips around her husband’s cock.
If he had felt hard in her hand, he was like iron in her mouth. She worked him slowly at first, letting herself get used to the feel of him between her lips. She could feel him throb against her tongue, and she slowly drew her head back, slurping up her saliva as she went, until she could feel the head of his cock about to slip from between her lips. When his flesh was nearly about to leave her mouth, she brought her head forward and let him all the way in again.
“Oh, my God,” Nelson groaned. He clutched for her shoulder, his hand hot on her skin, and she began to bob her head more eagerly. Her eyes flickered up, seeking his face. Nelson had his eyes closed tightly and his jaw was clenched; his breath almost hissed through his gritted teeth as she sucked him. His entire body had stiffened, as if he were fighting his impulses and just trying to hold on. It excited her in a way she’d never felt before, and she let him slide out only so that she could give him a soft brush of her tongue all along his shaft.
“Johanna, I can’t hold out,” he said. His voice was different, like it was cloaked in lust.
“It’s all right,” she said. “You don’t have to hold out. I want you to let go.”
He groaned again as she took him back into her mouth. With her free hand, she cupped his balls, massaging gently, and she ringed her fingers around his cock, pumping him as she bobbed her head.
She could feel his body stiffen, as if he were fighting against his own urges, but in a moment he lost the battle. He gasped her name once more, tightened his grip on her, and poured himself into her mouth.
She had heard about what happened when a man got his release, of course. Her married friends had told her all about it, sometimes in more detail than she would have liked.
But when it was happening here, in her bed, with her husband, it was different. It was...thrilling. From the way he shuddered in her mouth, to the way his groan rumbled up out of his chest, to the way his essence spurted, slick and hot, down her throat, there was nothing about it that didn’t fascinate her. By the time she finally let Nelson withdraw, she had been left breathless in more than one way.
When she collapsed on the pillow next to him, Nelson took her into his arms and kissed her deeply, as if he didn’t care that she had just had her mouth around his cock. Her lips were smeared with saliva and his cum, her heart was pounding, and she was filled with both dread and longing at the thought of taking that thick cock of his between her legs.
She spread her thighs apart, expecting his touch, but this night at least, it wasn’t to be. Nelson kissed her again, more calmly this time, and then let his lips graze her cheek before he turned over.
Johanna felt like a cookpot that had been brought to a boil, and then abruptly covered with a lid. The lust that had built up in her had nowhere to go, and while Nelson began to softly snore, she lay there simmering.
He said he was tired, she thought before finally drifting to sleep herself. Tomorrow. He’ll take me tomorrow.