Acupressure has been practiced as a healing art since the existence of human beings. It is the third most popular method for treating pain and illness in the world. This complete health system has been documented for use in treating over 3000 conditions. If you are looking for options to your current treatments or for ways to supplement your current health care, you are on the right track. This is a proven, natural and cost effective self care system of home or professional treatment that could improve the quality of your life. Additionally the principles of acupressure/acupuncture have been modified to suit the needs of modern life and advanced technologies. Now acupoints are commonly treated utilising transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation (aka TENS) and laser light from laser or LED diodes in specific wavelengths shown to have rapid and lasting effects. WHO, the World Health Organization conducted a symposium on acupuncture in June 1979 in Beijing, China and later published a report. (Traditional Medicine and Modern Health Care. Progress report by the Director General, Geneva, World Health Organization, 1991)
There is difference in Massage and Acupressure Massage. Massage is very important for keeping the body toned, relaxed as it relieves pain, fatigue and rejuvenates. Luke warm sesame oil, mustard oil, olive oil can be used for massaging the whole body. Head massage with Brahmi-Amla combination has synergetic effect and is very useful for patients suffering from Depression. Massage is done in whole body for about 15–30 minutes.
Acupressure Massage is used for therapeutic purposes to cure specific diseases by using hands and tools on certain acupressure points and meridians. No oil is used. Several diseases can be treated and cured by Acupressure Massage; treatment takes only three minutes to thirty minutes.
There is a natural source of healing power in everyone. Acupressure is a self curative natural therapy whereby pressure is exerted accurately on curative points to stimulate appropriate acupoints, meridians or special places on the body surface for curing disease. This helps reinforce the Life Force and promotes circulation of Life force and Blood in the body and restores normal functioning of impaired organs. This mode of treatment is called acupressure therapy for the prevention& cure of disease and for maintaining Good Health. It is a safe and effective treatment for many internal and external diseases. It is easy to apply and inexpensive.
We know the greatest power is lodged in the fine, Meridians. Meridians give power to nerves which in turn give power to bones and muscles. There are 14 main meridian lines each of which correspond to an individual organ of the body. These 14 meridians have 365 healing and curative points.
When the vital energies are able to flow through the meridians in a balanced and even way, the result is good health. When you experience pain or illness it is an indication that there is a blockage or leak in the energy flow within your body.
Through many years of practice, rich knowledge and experience, we have had excellent clinical results with patients suffering from: paralysis, cervical spondylosis, prolapse of lumbar vertebral disc, sciatica, brain hemorrhage, gastrointestinal neurosis, insomnia, diabetes, hypertrophy of prostate gland, Appendix, Stomach disorders. Diseases like cervical spondylosis, back pain, Kidney stones and appendix can be cured in 7 - 10 days, Heart Disease can take around 30–45 days. We have seen fractures of neck cured in six months without operation where doctors advised the need for fixing at least 5 rods in the neck.
Safety and effectiveness: It is a safe (sometimes painful), comfortable and effective treatment for many internal and external diseases, but the application of pressure to the acupoints should be adequate in intensity.
Easy application and inexpensive: An inexpensive, simple and effective therapeutic treatment. Sometimes no special equipment or medical instruments are required. One can use his own hand.
Disease prevention and health maintenance: Once the technique of acupressure therapy has been mastered, people may use it for themselves or on others to prevent disease and maintain health.
Under normal physiological conditions, the meridians are a network of channels for Life Force and blood to circulate and spread around the body and to hold the organism as an integrate living entity; but under pathological conditions, they may transmit pathogenic factors and pathological influence between organs and structures which may cause imbalance, disturbance, Stagnation of Nutrients and Defensive Energy In Life Force & Blood and finally, cause sickness. As mentioned in ancient medical books: “If the closed ‘door’ or ‘window’ of meridians can be reopened, Life Force and blood may recover normal circulation, then the disease can be cured. Therefore, stagnated Life Force, proximal to the closed segment of meridian should be led forward to overcome the obstacle by applying adequate stimulation to the appropriate acupoints.” After the accupoints are stimulated by Finger-Pressing, Vibrating, Knocking, Patting, Prasping, Kneading, Push-Rubbing and Rolling manoeuvres, Magnets, Acupuncture, Moxibustion and Cupping, utilizing Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation (aka TENS) and Laser Light from Laser or LED diodes in specific wavelengths, the Meridian Life Force can be activated, the blockage of the meridian can be relieved, the circulation of Life Force and blood can be promoted, the balance between Nutrients, Defensive Energy, Life Force and blood can be restored and the functions of internal organs can be adjusted and integrated.
Under normal conditions, Nutrients and Defensive Energy in the body are balanced and the functions of organs are harmonious. If the balance between them is disturbed by noxious factors, the body is likely to attract illness. For example, influenza fever in children is usually caused by a deficiency in vital energy, impairment of body resistance and invasion by external wind and heat evils (pathogenic factors). As traditional physicians say, “External evils always attack people deficient in Life Force.” The techniques of acupressure deal with this situation by enhancing vital energy and expelling external evils from the body, thus maintaining health and curing diseases.
According to modern medicine, acupressure cures diseases because it adjusts the functioning of the central nervous system, improves blood circulation and metabolism in the focus of disease and enhances the recovery and regeneration of damaged tissues of the lesion.
In brief, acupressure therapy may produce multiple effects: relieving meridian blockages, promoting circulation of Life Force and blood, adjusting Nutrients and Defensive Energy imbalance, restoring vital energy, expelling external evils, postponing the ageing process and prolonging life span.
Acupressure activates the inherent self-adjustment or self-recovery functions in the human body in the following multiple aspects:
Taking of Pain killers during acupressure treatment should be avoided as stopping the sensation by pain killers or chemical medicines will weaken or destroy the effectiveness of Acupressure Treatment. Acupressure helps maintain glands in a healthy condition so that they can function properly. Glands are responsible for preserving physical health and mental balance. If endocrines do not secrete adequately, the body generally becomes weak, debilitated and sick. Acupressure helps in regulating glands in maintaining good health and to remove negativity in life and also to bring harmony. Acupressure is an external treatment method possibly rooted in self prevention& protection of humans. Acupressure can advance the reconstructing ability of the body to repair itself.
Background of Meridians and Acupressure Points has a deep and accurate knowledge of Anatomy.
Use Acupressure in your daily life. Learning few Acupressure Self-Help techniques and massaging will give you vibrant health. You can learn and use simple sequence any time of the day for energy flow and to remove fatigue. Once you know these points, you can achieve self reliance, lead a drug, pain killer, side effect free life without medication and side effects and you can treat yourself anytime, anywhere.
By using few acupressure points with tools or hands regularly, balancing your activities, and practicing deep breathing you can counteract stresses, prevent fatigue, and boost your immune system.
Some Acupressure Self-Help Products for balancing energy: 1) Acupressure Ring; 2) Foot Roller; 3) Energy Ball; 4) Karela; 5) Back Roller; 6) Pocket Hand Exerciser/Gripper; 7) Foot Board; 8) Leg Message Roller; 9) High Power Magnets; 10) Head Massager