
Father of Homeopathy was a German Doctor, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. Homeopathy is perfectly simple system of medicine, remaining always fixed in its principles as in its practice. In Homeopathy, cure happens by the reaction of the vital force against the rightly chosen remedy that has been ingested, and that the cure will be certain and rapid in proportion to the strength with which the vital life force prevails in the patient. The sole mission of the physician in Homeopathy is to cure rapidly, gently and permanently and also preserve the health of human being. Homeopathy cures the symptoms so that patient can be cured internally by the vital life force. That’s why Homeopathy treats the whole person, i.e. Body, Mind and Soul and the method of treatment is according to symptoms, regardless of the disease. It is only by the spiritual influences of morbificnoxae that our spirit like vital life force can become ill; and in like manner, only by the spirit like medicines that it can be again restored to Health. Homeopathy is based on basic Natural Principles of balancing the vital life force available in the body. Most of Homeopathic Medicines are prepared from plants, live substances, minerals and few synthetics and chemicals.