Is modern medicine saving you or killing you? Preventable medical error deaths are increasing. Everyone who enters into the medical profession or healthcare sincerely wishes the wellbeing of others although there are undoubtedly exceptions to this rule. It is not the fault of the caring profession; it is because healthcare was designed with disease in mind and not the Body, Mind, Spirit and the Soul. The study of disease is flawed. All brilliant scientists are overlooking various basic fundamental facts of Human Science. Even in the time of the Genome Revolution, the Medical Research and Scientific community are missing lots of things which are of critical importance.
Hospitals tend to assault our senses; the stone walls of the operation theatre are numb and static. When you go to a hospital, the treatment of staff and security guards towards patients, attendants or visitors is not normally friendly and sometimes even rude. After being admitted into hospital to regain health, you will find the windows are locked tight, permitting not a single breath of fresh air, as the patient lies there, breathing in the very unhealthy carbon monoxide from his or her own breath. The hospital diet, with very few exceptions consists of non-nutritious food which is often cold. Dieticians in the hospitals are generally not aware of the benefits of herbs and the most nutritious food items. It’s very difficult, if not impossible, to sleep and your body can’t begin its healing process when you are periodically awakened by temperature taking schedules, administering of medicines and the public address system in each room for calling nurses and doctors keeps you jerked awake, causing the astral to plunge back into the body with a spasm.
We actually have too many hospitals but are told more are needed because if you look at the condition of hospitals, one may not even get a bed even in ICU’s during emergencies in private hospitals, what to say in Government Hospitals. There are people ready to die in hospital, not because they find peace there. Because they are so reposed by what their life has become, cut off or ugly due to their bad behaviour towards others, living negatively or with inflated egos and having earned Bad Karmic Rewards in this life or previous lives. They usually suffer from chronic diseases such as heart problems, cancer and inter-idleness in their old age and there is no one to take care of them at home. Hospitals have become places of acute trauma and illness. But a hospital is not designed as a place to live and die.
There is over reliance on Drugs and Medical tests in the world today. We are asked to believe ridiculous and unfounded claims by medical professionals or on the internet which hypnotize or programme human brains with repetitious lies. Physicians and Medical Companies with large scale advertisements, dazzling publicity, colourful impressive folders of their field representatives, flamboyant posters, detailing folders, glorifying the terms of diseases & offerings and massive propaganda of drug discoveries have flooded the entire world. It has been proven to be a glorification of tragedy. It is now very important to discriminate and know the difference between food and poison. Allopathic medicine gives temporary relief and leaves you with several undesirable side-effects. GlaxoSmithKline estimates that 98% of drugs work on 30–50% of people only.
The Cost of Medicine is getting very expensive. The Cost of Surgery has reached a level that it has become so difficult to afford, especially for the middle class and the poor without health insurance. An admission in year 2016 to an ICU/Emergency in private hospital in Delhi may cost app Rs.20,000/- to Rs.50,000/-. A brief idea of cost of surgery, i.e. Heart Surgery cost is Rs.3,00,000/- to Rs.10,00,000/-,for Liver Transplant Rs.20,00,000/- and for bringing a child into this world costs Rs.50,000/- to Rs.1,00,000/- on lower side. It can be even higher. Even removing a teeth and treatment can cost Rs.10,000/- to Rs.60,000/-. Cost of treatment of jaw replacement can be around Rs.15,00,000/- to get teeth fixed. Dengue as normal case may cost Rs.50,000/- but if one has to get admitted to ICU, the price can go up to Rs.2,00,000/- in emergency cases. It can be even higher. Insurance can give you financial support but you will have to bear the pain yourself, sufferings are all yours. And if you have ever visited a hospital, specially the government hospital in India, you must know how painful can it be for you and causes sufferings for visiting family members.
For any pain or headache, the standard way of treating is to give painkillers. In allopathic medicine, the symptom is treated and not the cause. Treating the effect, rather than the cause, is a temporary measure. If one continuously and regularly takes allopathic medicines, the chances are that one is going to create more health problems in future. Violent treatment with allopathic drugs does not cure a chronic disease, but suppresses it only as long as the action of the powerful medicines, which are unable to excite any symptoms similar to the disease, lasts; after that, the chronic disease makes the appearance as bad as or worse than before. Every allopathic medicine has side effects as medicines themselves build up and produce toxins within the body. Poisonous drugs do more harm than good. The poisonous effects or the toxins produced in the body by chemical drugs are damaging the health of the body of our future generations as well. Although medical science claims to be eradicating several incurable diseases, Nature gives new ones to deal with, Dengue, Chickengunia, Bird flu (Swine Flu), and it has also not been able to remove several allergies, arthritis, prostates and most importantly it has not been able to remove sorrow from the lives of humans. This is due to karmic rewards one has earned in this life.
Side effects of medicine for lowering cholesterol: Debilitating muscles, Joint Pain, Gastrointestinal distress.
Health of the prostate is the most common problem men are facing over the age of 50. One surgery in 49 is successful in the removal of the prostate for cancer. The side effects are: Impotence, Erectile Dysfunction, Urinary Incontinence, Faecal inconvenience and the operation will only last for a year or two.
Visual hallucinations –“seeing things” – or delirium can be caused by an improper dose of medication, brain tumours or by contamination and pollution. A slow growing tumour can cause depression. A person who is overly agitated or anxious could be suffering from an imbalance of the endocrine glands or a tumour.
Symptoms of schizophrenia may be caused by an under-active thyroid, severe anaemia, hepatitis or syphilis. Several other physical illnesses that sometimes appear as symptoms of psychiatric disorders are diabetes, heart problems, seizures, and malnutrition and peptic ulcers.
Every therapy mentions the aetiology of each disease differently. If the disease is caused only by that particular cause and there is no cause behind that cause it can be cured radically by that therapy. Otherwise it may claim to cure radically, it actually cures symptomatically. If you study allopath books on medicine you will find more than a hundred causes of fever. They classify the causes and provide clues to differential diagnosis of the symptoms. Yet when they fail to find out the cause they call it PUO (pyrexia of unknown origin). As their paradigm is based on mechanistic world view they fail to see causes beyond the Annamay Kosha (physical body) or balancing of Karmic afflictions. We have Pranamaya Kosha, Manomaya (Mind) Kosha, Vigyanamay (Scientific or Research) Kosha and Anandamay (Joyful) Kosha also in our body. Our body is not a machine that you can repair it like a motorbike by replacing the defective parts with new ones. Recently it has been found that about 70% diseases are psychosomatic. The cause of these diseases lies in Manomaya Kosha and symptoms appear in Annamaya Kosha. Unless, and until you remove the cause from Manomaya Kosha you cannot cure the disease radically. Ayurveda, Yoga, Homeopathy and Acupressure goes deeper than mechanistic world view when it bases the aetiology on subatomic level; the level of Pancha Mahabhutas (Five Element Theory) which includes even Akasha (Sky) and their medicine works at subatomic level. In several cases, it can be millions of times more powerful than the medicines which work at gross level if the diagnosis is perfect, the medicines are prepared from good herbs and there is no any cause subtler that the cause of Vata, Pitta and Kapha imbalance & five element balancing. If the imbalance is caused only by natural factors like diet and way of living it can be reset by changing the diet and mode of living without even any herbal medicine. But if the imbalance is caused by bacteria or worms, the Vaidya may reset it but as the cause of imbalance is not removed it will recur. Ayurveda sages were able to see the worms as the cause of certain problems but they could not see the microscopic parasites like bacteria, fungi and viruses. So they could not find the cures for such conditions unless some herbs used had some antimicrobial property. They were able to see the causes in the mind of the patient. Because they considered the patient’s body composed of five Koshas and consciousness and unlike the ‘body is a machine’ concept of the western allopathic medicine. There are cures for such disease which can cure the causes deeply seated in the mind. Mantra therapy, Yoga therapy and Acupressure Therapy (called Marma Therapy) etc. were also parts of Ayurveda in past. As Dr. Herbert Benson claims that 70 % diseases are psychosomatic which cannot be cured by medicine but by relaxation response which is nothing but Mantra therapy and Meditation in modern form. So the paradigm shift is taking place even in the western Allopathic medicine through their research works.
Acupressure and Acupuncture are based on Pranamaya Kosha. Allopaths have no idea of Prana and Meridian channels. If the cause of a disease is in Pranamaya Kosha and its symptoms appear on the Annamaya Kosha it cannot be radically cured by allopaths. They may give symptomatic relief or in certain cases they will recommend surgery which can be treated without any surgery by Acupressure/Acupuncture i.e. diseases like slip disc, appendix, kidney stone can be cured without operations. The root causes of many chronic diseases like asthma, rheumatism, etc. are not known to allopaths. They give only symptomatic relief and patient has to take drugs the whole life which later on damages liver and kidneys. Ayurveda and Acupressure knows the root causes of many such diseases. They can cure them radically without damaging patient’s vital organs. Cow’s Urine is one such example to cure Asthma, Heart Problems etc in three months.
Every therapy has its limited field of activity and limitations. When every therapist claims that he can cure all diseases the people may be deceived. We can only request that every Doctor must study all therapies with impartial mind to make the society healthy. Few therapists may misguide people for selfish gains. We see that in the field of religion also that every one claims that his is the only way to heaven and followers of all other religions will go to hell. In the same way it happens in therapies also. So what is needed is to provide true guidance to the people about plus and minus points of all therapies to save them from fanaticism prevalent in the field of medicine. Fanatic therapists are not ready even to think about the perspectives of other therapies and try to prove that only their therapy is scientific all other are bogus. Allopathy treats the man like an animal and hence it does not use the total curative potential of the patient including his faith and will power which is more powerful than all high-tech medicines. It has been proved by placebo studies.
Some people and also some Doctors have a tendency to use Heredity as an excuse. Many therapists are constantly told by parents who come for consultation swearing that their child’s problem has been there since birth and that their grandparents were just the same. Actually, it can only be cured by resolving the complexities present in the subconscious mind. Sometimes, parents fail to understand that they are creating excuses for their own shortcomings because they do not have faith both in themselves and in their child. It is very important to trace the primary cause of the disease if you are seeking a radical cure. The most important factor is the heredity, which may not be from the parents. The root cause of some disease can be traced to past life experiences of the patient i.e. Cancer, Asthma, Epilepsy.
Tremendous research has been undertaken in the Allopathic field but it is based on mechanistic world view. The research is therefore only on the physical plane, disregarding all other aspects of human personality. Bruce Lipton has proved that theory of genetic causation is false. You may watch his video Biology of belief. All information spread about AIDS and cancer are debatable. You may read further in the book Timeless secrets of health and rejuvenation. When any medical system becomes sick due to greed it becomes dangerous for the health of the society. It is the great misfortune of the people that they have no access to the total knowledge of all therapies and they are compelled to believe in the most dominant therapy.
There are many diseases called iatrogenic diseases which are caused by doctors (iatrogenic definition: of a medical disorder caused by diagnosis, manner or treatment of a physician). No other therapist is known to cause any disease.
Despite so many negative things we have mentioned about Allopathic Medicine, we are fortunate enough to live in an era when medical advances claim to have all but wiped out diseases that were rampaging through the world only forty or fifty years ago. For a few diseases, there is no alternative to allopathic medicines and surgery has been a blessing in today’s’ era of technology, bionics is such an example. We are living in era where so much pollution is caused by water and air. Even food that we eat is cultivated with use of many pesticides, which makes the body weak so allopathic medicines may be needed at some stage. We live in a world of advancing technology where lots of things are being explained which was not possible earlier, i.e. to locate meridians in Acupressure Therapy, Now it is possible to communicate almost instantaneously with another person anywhere in the world by using the internet and travel to any part of the world by Aerorplane. So much information is available on the internet in the comfort of your home. We have been able to set foot onto other planets. In many ways we are blessed simply because we are living in these exciting years of awareness. Looking at what will happen to his children, God invented innumerable, different and dissimilar ideas of treatments, respecting the nature of diseases. Their remedies sprang from so many dissimilar brains, and the theoretical views these gave rise to the so called systems, each of which is at variance with the other and contradictory. What is surprising and amazing is the incomprehensible wisdom contained in these different therapies. Life is so dynamic to conform to only single way of treatment. Unity in diversity is the plan for creation. Let us open our heart for all that may come in future and helping for everything that is good and great, in bringing health, happiness and peace to others and health, happiness and peace to oneself.
The purpose of analysis above is for neither supporting nor opposing any system of Medicine but elaborating on positive and negative aspects of different therapies. We should concentrate on the truth of different therapies. Every therapy is based on a paradigm. Western medicine is based on the Newtonian concept of a Mechanistic world view. Ayurveda is based on the theory of Pancha Mahabhutas, Air, Water, Fire, Earth and Ether. Although Newtonian concept is refuted by modern physics (Quantum theory and theory of relativity), studies in psychology, parapsychology, cell biology etc. it works perfectly in common problems; and it is also taught in colleges and schools these days. It fails in the subtle world of subatomic particles and large world of astronomy. Though the paradigm of allopath is disproved by research works of Dr. Herbert Benson, Dean Ornish, Bruce Lipton and many others who have exposed the negative side of the western allopathic medicine, it works perfectly in common problems like infectious diseases, medical emergency, surgical emergency etc. Dr. Herbert Benson has also admitted that allopath is the only possible cure in surgical emergencies.
There are so many Medical Doctors who set broken bones, replace limbs amputated in accidents, repair scarred and disfigured faces, treat severe burns, help bring new babies into this world, remove bullets, cure dangerously diseased or ruptured organs, start hearts beating after they have stopped, deserve our respect, support and affection. There are many professional and compassionate people who perform miracles of healing who exist in the world even now. Dedicated Doctors are always available in hospitals and clinics everywhere in the world. We don’t want to lose our good doctors. We just need a change of direction in medicine to give us what medicine has always promised, permanent good health, by giving priority to the practice of prevention over diagnosis and treatment. During the turn of the century, there was a need to find alternatives to Allopathic Medicine. There is a need to bring some credibility of Medical Profession in the mind of humans, which has become questionable. Let us serve with honesty of thought and humility at heart, as this is for humanitarian purpose, enriching our own life and the lives of those around us.