This subject is of vital importance for good life, good health and spirituality; in fact a good social life is not possible without understanding Brahmacharya. No social system can run smoothly without self-restraint and purity of conduct. It is high time that we realise the seriousness of the situation. Sex hazards are visible in the world today. Rape cases are increasing every day; abortions of unmarried mothers are increasing. Innocent souls, especially young people are ruining their precious lives and they are unable to disclose their miserable condition out of shame and suffer silently. Their physical and mental health is spoiled. So it is important to really educate humanity, specially the Youth on sex. One can call this fate but you can choose to be the master of your own destiny.
Now a days, the advance of knowledge on sex means how to enjoy sex, how to take shelter of abortion-child killing and how to perfect contraceptive methods. The number ofabortions (performed most frequently for unmarried girls) has reached at the present time an astonishingly high figure. Further, this promiscuity is evidenced by the sky-rocketing sales of contraceptives and its free distribution in the name of ‘safe sex’ to avoid diseases like AIDS. Call it ‘sexual freedom’ or ‘sex anarchy’; its consequences are likely to be much more far reaching than those of almost all other revolutions in recent times.
This subject is very important for everyone, especially Youths and Children so that they refrain from indulging in immoral acts to live happier, respectable, healthier and painless life. Learn from people who have knowledge on these subjects rather than from people who have no knowledge or from your own experience as that can be painful; it could be too late before you realise the problems you face.
Cases of rape are increasing globally; children are leaving their families for passion and fall prey to lures of easy sex which will cause suffering during their whole life. Girls get attracted to boys who lace them with sedatives in drink and then they are murdered after being raped by many people. Life becomes horrible for them. They live in shame. They are not able to disclose their miserable condition. Nirbhaya is one such example in recent times. Humanity is looking for guidance on this subject when, magazines, novels, internet, media and movies are giving detailed descriptions of various techniques of sexual approach and vivid scenes of kissing, embracing, and copulating, whilst brutally dramatising rape and other sexual perversions. This pornographically illustrated pulp literature and scenes demoralise and dehumanise millions of readers and viewers. The internet is the atmosphere saturated by sex designed to excite the lust of readers. The internet and media has opened more possibilities of shame and sexualization has gone much further, and has assumed much uglier forms than in the serious literature. Instead of exhibiting its filth and rottenness, the pulp-sexualitsts daze the readers and viewers with the glamour of “smartness”, “dynamic” lines”, violent passion, and “freedom unlimited” to do anything one wants to do. Writers, film script writers, dialogue writers, content writers and photographers display erotic excesses and disloyalties of their characters as being perfectly normal. Keep in mind that Hollywood and Bollywood or the glamorous world of film industries and serials are the place of broken dreams. So many Film stars, Actors and Celebrities are themselves depressed; there is loneliness and vacuum in their lives. Even being sad themselves, they show their skills in bringing happiness in the lives of others or to entertain their viewers. Some unfortunate unsuccessful actors are committing suicides as they must have been victims of Casting Couch. Most of film stars and actors do not have happy married lives and become separated. These celebrities, film stars or actors or businessmen at certain point in life know and feel that they cannot have good lives on the basis of celebrity values so they have started doing charity work and are ambassador for good causes. Even in their live shows they have shown touching emotions.
People who indulge in immoral sex or rape do not know that after sex, there is so much botheration; they live life not comparable even to animals, a shameful life, a fearful life, a dead life with so many diseases like Parkinson’s, Kidney Deficiency and Failures, Aids, Parkinsons and Alzheimers. Those who abuse or rape helpless woman or innocent small girl children will have to pay heavily themselves due to Laws of Karma, they richly deserve, in this life or the next. Any person doing forced mating (or rape) during menstual cycle will have veneral diseases and will die prematurely. Any person mating forcefully or indulging into rape on full moon (poornima), no moon (amaavasya), ashtami, Ekadashi (11th day of the moon cycle), during shradhs or chaturmaas will die horrible deaths. Your Karma controls your Destiny. One cannot escape the Laws of Karma until one decides not to create new ones by indulging into actions by which the other person will suffer. You can decide to change your destiny by serving others selflessly and to lift others.
Even in family life if a person indulges into sexual activity, one feels drained of energy and tired all the time, there is a feeling of loss of mental health and mistakes are generally evident inany work that is given to him. Excess Sexual indulgence/activity/Loss of this Vital Energy can damage Liver, Kidney and Heart Meridians leading to loss of immunity, loss of physical strength and Depletion of Life Force. With the exceptions of Cancer, Epilepsy, Acidity and Tumours, most diseases are caused by lack of Vital Seminal Energy. The reason for a short temper and road rage is also linked to lack of internal strength due to loss of seminal energy. Even Hair fall and grey hair is linked to lack of seminal energy. Other diseases due to excess sex: Physically Debilitating Muscles with impaired bodily functions and Weaker Bones, drooping of thighs, Arthritis, Slipped Disc, Parkinson, Heart Problems, Diabetes, Osteoporosis, Psychological Disorders, Impotency, Weak Eyesight, Deteriorated Nervous System, Loss of Memory, Loss of Minerals, Obesity, Anaemia, Prostrate and Many other chronic diseases are all linked to a lack of Brahmacharya or due to excessive sexual indulgence or masturbation.
Interestingly, if you notice, Boys generally score better marks than girlsup to the age of 15 or till 10th standard, but as soon they pass the age of 15, they fall into the bad habits of masturbation or face the problem of night fall. That’s the reason that boys become weak, look pale, diseased, and generally suffer from loss of memory and low concentration span. This is probably the reason that in 12th standard girls usually scores better than boys. Generally Girls are not as depressed as boys are. Up to the age of 15, semen, the vital energy is preserved by Nature, after that it is the responsibility of Gurus, Mentors, Teachers and Parents to guide them and observe children if they are indulging in immoral acts which will destroy them and in turn cause them to lose their Memory Power, Concentration, Vision and Health. The more the Vital Energy that is retained in the body, the more Attractive, Courageous, Enthusiastic, Concentrated, Healthy, Peaceful the person will remain and every moment of his will be powerful. All this is due to the POWER OF BRAHMACHARYA.
In the paragraph of Backache, one cause of lower back is explained as being due to excessive sexual activity. The purpose is to provide important information to prevent any damage to health and specially the kidney and lower back. When a patient suffers or keeps complaining about one or the other health problem, it is time to think if it is aggravated by sexual indulgence and kidney deficiency. Sometimes it may not be excessive ejaculation that may cause back pain or diseases, but that could have been due to aggravated tissue trauma secondary to the exotic sexual positions that one may be exploring with the other partner. A weak spine and all spinal problems are due to loss of seminal fluid and constipation.
The purpose of Sex Education is not to suppress the individuals’ sensitivities surrounding sexuality or give up sex altogether except for practitioner of deep meditation or Pranayam. Some individuals who are more obsessed with sexuality may take medicines to increase their sexual power even when they may not be needed, and which is certainly not advisable. Sex can be enjoyed if you have enough power in you. Many men in western world are incapable of satisfying the sexual appetite of women. Some women in west complain that men are losing in power of retention and getting poorer in manliness resulting in several cases of divorce. However there is a reasonably gentle way to draw the line with what can be considered “excessive sex”. In western world, it is said by some that one to three times per day is for good health. This is actually proving disastrous in western world where people are not getting educated and lack will power, although they have every others means to be healthy, diet and environment. This has now started happening in India as so many people have started ignoring the words of wisdom of our Sages and Rishis. For sexual activity, a specific numberof times per year, especially for people in the west, would be approximately six times in a yearshould be more acceptable solution. According to Vedic Scriptures, It is suggested that one must indulge in sexual activity for bringing new life to the world, to bring babies out of your love to serve the country and humanity. Our ancestors used to practice Brahmacharya (Celibacy) till 25 years, the next 25 years of life were spend as house holder (Grahstha Ashram) and after 50 years people used to either go to ashrams (Vaanprastha) to spend rest of their life or would dedicate their life for others. The right time to start mating is above 21 years. One must definitely not indulge into any sexual activity after the age of 50 years. Mating should never be practiced during the day.
In India, women are more restrained than a man. After marriage, Sexual desire is reduced after birth of two to three children so frequent mating is no more enjoyable for women. These women do not regard or love their husbands who has desire to indulge in sex against her wishes. A wife’s body and soul are eager for the affectionate touch of her husband, who is himself powerful both in body and mind. By the affection of such husband, the wife’s heart is filled with pleasure and contentment. Where the women are physically hale and happy, that family becomes the abode of Gods, and God’s blessings are showered on such families; these families enjoy lasting peace and happiness.
Great Yogis, Ayruvedacharyas and philosophers of ancient India (Sage Patanajali and others) and even now in India we are being practical in this regard. Swami Vivekanand, LilashahJi Maharaj, Swami Sivananda, Asa Ram JiBapu (although Bapuji is in prison for rumors and for accusations to outrage the modesty of a girl without proof, most of saadhaks in ashram are living pious life and living as Brahmchaaris, even in family life they are adopting the laws of Brahmacharya), Raman MaharishiJi, Swami Ramdevji, Jagatguru ShankaracharyaJi, Sri Ravi Shankar ji and so many other saints are propagating the message of Celibacy and Brahmacharya. If followed, the ideals of Brahmacharya will produce immense benefits and those who follow this practice will get a Dynamic and Charming Personality, Good Health and their Academic Performance will be enhanced. It will make their life challenging, fearless, adventurous and blessed. If a person follows the ideals of Brahmacharya, he will blossom as an intelligent and responsible member of society and will be worshipped as God.
Brahmacharya in spirituality literally means Achara or conduct that leads to the realisation of Brahman or one’s own self. It means the control of sexual fluid, self-restrained, mastering the control of sense organs, free from lust, the study of the Vedas and contemplation on God. Brahmacharya, the miraculous term discovered by our ancient sages. Brahmacharya (CELIBACY) is purity in thought, word and deed.
Tolstoy and Flaubert depicted illicit passions as a tragedy for which hero and heroine alike paid with their lives or by long suffering. Most of the adulteries and other sins treated in contemporary literature and media are considered by the authors and content writers as enjoyable adventures in the monotonous existence of modern men and women. Illicit relationships in serials, internet and other Medias are described as a commendable liberation from the antiquated marriage bonds. At other times they are considered hygienic actions freeing individuals from their repressions, psychoneurosis, and other mental disorders. Not infrequently are they heralded as harbingers of a “higher” form of compassionate marriage. Rarely, if ever, are they condemned as a dangerous disease. By such treatment, everywhere, everyone including few spiritual teachers and psychologists dis-inhibit rather than wisely restrain lust. It undermines rather than vitalises marriage and the family. It weakens rather than reinforces the control of animal propensities by man’s higher self. In all these respects, it demoralises rather than integrates the Total Personality. Secular literature is growing at the cost of Spiritual Values. It has degraded and denied the great, noble and joyfully beautiful values of normal married life.
Dr. E.P. Miller says, “The waste of spermatic secretions, whether voluntary or involuntary, is a direct waste of life-force. It is almost universally conceded that the choicest elements of the blood enter into the composition of the spermatic secretion.”
Dr. Jacobson sent two hundred letters to professors of physiology, hygiene, venereal diseases, nervous diseases, neurology and psychiatry, inquiring as to their opinions concerning celibacy. All answers with a few exceptions declared celibacy to be conducive to good health.
One can also refer “Innocenti Report” by World Health Organization for more information as what WHO says on issue of Celebacy.
If a person is involved in excessive sexual indulgence, it will weaken the kidneys and the person will become impotent. Both males and females lose the ability to produce babies. This particular disease is spreading very fast globally. Indulging in one masturbation is equivalent to having mated 100 prostitutes. Masturbation is extremely dangerous for the Youth of the world. Scientists state that 30 kg of food produces approximately 800 gm of blood, which in turn only forms 20 gms of semen in app 40 days. Those selling semen for use by Vikileaks for few hundred rupees are doing so at the cost of health, it is not at all sensible but sheer stupidity. According to Ayurveda, even night fall is a disease and must be treated. If one does not waste semen up to the age of 25 years, the person will have a shining face, extraordinary intelligence and memory power and health. Both wife and husband then will give birth to Healthy and Intelligent Children.
Our women and men will regain not only their vital, mental and moral sanity but also the full integrity of Dynamic Persons, enjoying the grace of total love at its happiest, noblest and best. These Dynamic Persons can help develop a stream of creative forces for rejuvenating and recreating our lives. This is the way to make the entire planet a better place to live, safe for women, especially for small girls living in villages and townships. Small Children and girls are not safe in their own houses.
Youths should avoid the problem of night fall as it affects their physical and mental health. Protein flowing out with urine will cause loss of memory, stress and concentration and impaired body functions.
Females should never take pills to avoid menstruation; this damages their internal Life force and will cause major problems in the future.A woman should not have disturbed menstrual cycles. She must never take tablets to delay menses. Women are being given these tablets in certain Gyms which are dangerous and can cause several physical and mental illnesses. If a woman has painful menstrual cycle or other problems related to menses, she should avoid taking onion, garlic and spicy foods. P.M.S. has reached epidemic proportions. Excess amount of consumption of chocolates, large amounts of sugar, non-veg, spicy food creates a fertile breeding ground for P.M.S. Every feminine process by God including menstruation and menopause are natural processes. This is nothing to be ashamed of as many are. This is a blessing for women. This makes the women more pure, beautiful, magnificent and wondrous. It gives attraction to the women.
Women/Girls should take steps to avoid the problem of Leukeria or passing of white discharge through urine. This destroys the body of the woman. The moon controls the monthly menstrual cycle of women.
There are so many debates on women not allowed to enter into places of worship during these days. There are several places of worship which bans the entry of women. Actually that ban must be for women during periods of menstrual cycle because during those menstrual days, when women go to crowded places of worship or any crowded place causes several health and mental problems for women. During the menstrual cycle, not going to places of worship or crowded place is therefore beneficial for women. Russian scientists are working on certain effects on food prepared during menstrual cycle. You can observe yourself; any pickle made by woman during menstrual cycle will not last for longer period and will neither be tasty as well. However more research is required in this area too so that what is good should come out.
In ancient India, men and women would never sleep together during the menstrual cycle as it affects the neurons of the brain, killing and affecting the mental power of the man and destroying intuitive and healing powers. Any physical relation with spouses should be avoided during the menstrual cycle. Women were not allowed to enter into kitchens during ancient times. If a woman during her menstrual cycle caresses the head of her child then it will hinder the overall development and growth of the child and make him angry, depressed or behave abnormally as it affects the Soul, Spirit and Mind.
One can observe high tidal waves in the seas on the following five days, Ekadashi, Poornima, Amavasya, Ashtami, New Moon day or Amavasya. Tidal waves are very rough and high due to high atmospheric pressure. You can read the remarkable observation of our great rishis and their remarkable way of calculating a month. In the celestial phenomena, the Earth as well as the moon raises and settles at the same time on Amavasya and from the next day to Amavasya, the moon is moving about 12 degrees from the solar path; on Ekadashi day, i.e. 11th day from full moon the Moon stays at a distance of about 135 degrees in the solar path which causes less gravitational force and less atmospheric pressure.
Thus, mating or any sexual activity is banned on the following five days: Ekadashi, Poornima, Birthday, Ashtami and Amavasya. Babies conceived during these five days will be born with one of the physical deformities i.e. spastics, polio, albino. They will have nervous disorders or will be affected by cerebral palsy or will be weak physically and mentally or will have nervous disorders. If the baby is not conceived, it will affect the health with some incurable disease. One must avoid indulging in any sexual activity or mating during Chaturmas (four months after rainy season), Shraadh, on days of fasting or when one is sick or even when the other partner is not ready or not willing so that it does not cause any inconvenience to either partner. Babies conceived during Shraadhs will never be brave and will have one or other pitta dosha and will suffer from some disease during their whole lifetime. Pure souls are not born conceived during periods of shraadhs. These are also the reasons for people being brutes and homosexuals (lesbians), either born out of lust or born on these prohibitive days. Gays men were amongst the first to experience the most dreaded disease, AIDS. It is tragic and unfortunate the way many gays treat other gays and creating pain for each other.
During mating, Man loses more Vital, Seminal Energy than a woman and is more at loss. Men loses it through the edges of the body i.e., nails of fingers of the hands and feet. This is the main reason men feels more tired than women and women generally do not have diseases and heart attacks, women also live longer.
Some time back there was a debate during World Cup for football, whether to allow mating before the game. There has not been any clarity but if they follow and accept the principals of Indian Vedic Principles of Brahmacharya, their performance can improve. So many football players have collapsed and have died while playing. All wrestlers in India are taught this lessen during their training. We have Late Guru Hanuman (lived healthy till the age of 99 years before he succumbed to an accident), Sh. Chandagi Ram and other wrestlers who were never got affected by diseases and remain strong throughout their life while Great Mohd Ali and several others players get affected by diseases due to reasons already explained.
For giving birth to great souls, there is importance for the parents to be pure and great. If they are pure and great, it creates Magic and Mystery. When man and woman unite in love that’s magic! When their mutual love leads to a sexual union between them, mental, spiritual and physical ecstasy is achieved, new life is conceived and that’s mystery and magic! Most people aren’t aware that when a man and woman mate, a powerful auric light is sent out into the ether, visible to millions of trinities of Spirits, Minds and Souls awaiting a birth channel. It is important for wife and husband to be pleasant towards each other when you want to attract good souls in the world. It is important to have confidence and trust in each other before mating or any physical relation with your partner.
If the mating occurs for no reason but lust, the auric colours of the spectrum are muddy and indistinct, a rust-red colour, and attract, as a birth channel, a Spirit who is not highly evolved but a spirit who, nevertheless, deserves his or her spin on the Karmic Wheel of Life. Lust describes mating experienced for one partner’s selfish sexual pleasure only.
When a man and woman mate in love and tenderness(out of Dharma) the brilliant auric light projected by such a trembling, ecstatic union attracts a much higher evolved spirit, who chooses this mating as a birth channel, which is what is meant by a “ Love Child”.
Under today’s circumstances it is difficult to accept this theory completely. But if one altogether gives up effort, people remain brutish all through their lives. The heat of passion is making people blind and some even indulge in the rape of very young children, even aged 1–3 years. If you wish to stop this then this is the only way. If you want your children to be dynamic then this is the only way. The goal is not to suppress Vital Energy but to sublimate it. This means diversion of Vital Energy from our organs to the central nervous system to produce ‘OJAS’ which will provide the body with Strength, Vigour and Radiance.
You should not waste your Vital Energy, the main Life Force especially through immoral, unnatural, unrestrained sex or masturbation or donating it in hospitals through Govt Programmes/ VikiLeaks. If we violate Nature’s law of self-control, our family life is disturbed by internal conflicts, dissatisfaction and rage and social life is full of chaos, fear, insecurity and arrogance. It is good Brahmachari who become good householders and will always be respected by their spouses and society. Everyone is Divine, children of God.