Importance Of Nabhi

NABHI : This chakra is very important and is known as Manipur Chakra, Agni Chakra, Doondi shoondi or Dharan navel displacement and umbilicus. This chakra is extremely important for a good health. Nabhi Chakra or the navel centre is located behind the belly button (approximately at the centre of the body). This chakra occupies the most important position in the Human System according to Vedic Ayruveda, Acupressure and Yoga. Navel or Umbilicus has immense importance as this is the centre of digestive fire. If this fire is improper then all kinds of stomach diseases take place along with Acidity and Heart Attacks. The purpose of taking deep breathes, Aasanas and Diet control is to improve digestion by burning this fire properly all the time. Weak digestion is the cause of most diseases including constipation. Constipation is a major cause of several diseases. Similarly, as with a soil-stained iron magnet, there is no attraction, it does not have power, likewise is the condition of person with low digestive fire.If Nabhi or digestive fire or Manipur Kendra is active and glowing, a person will have a shining face with bright eyes and will have a charming glow on his face, strong body, strong bones, good immunity so will not usually fall sick.

The Nabhi Chakra is said to be the power house and the mind of the stomach as 72664 arteries, nerves and meridians of our body originate from here and are spread around the whole body. Out of which 72 nerves are vital. Of these ten are the most important. In order to have proper control over these ten nerves, Nabhi Chakra or Navel Center should be balanced. A well balanced Navel Centre ensures that nerves, meridians and arteries are performing their functions properly. These numerous parts are so interlinked that a defect in anyone of them will have an effect on the every part of the body. If the Nabhi is dislocated, it causes many problems. This is due to the misalignment of the navel & stomach muscles. If Dislocation or misalignment of the Nabhi occurs then all our efforts to remain healthy will be a waste of time and energy as one can see in today’s world. Modern Medical Science does not recognise or agree with this phenomenon or theory. The Nabhi Chakra alone governs several diseases. If the Nabhi is shifted once it is a problem which occurs frequently unless diet precautions, Yogic Exercises are not performed. In Acupressure it is quite simple to align the Nabhi.

Constipation is also caused by upsets in the Autonomic Nervous System brought on by irregular eating habits & stress. The action of parasympathetic nerves are dulled, the functioning of intestines is suppressed. If the Nabhi is displaced, several organs in the body become weak or get damaged. Several complications can arise if somebody massages the Navel unscientifically. So it is extremely important to put the Nabhi in the perfect place by an expert.


  1. When the ligament corresponding to Navel or Intestines gets weak.
  2. Lifting of Heavy Weights while standing in wrong position.
  3. Sudden twisting or bending movement.
  4. Sudden jerks while walking, jogging, driving or falling from height.
  5. Accidents
  6. Lack of exercises and Yogic Aasans
  7. Masturbation or excessive sexual indulgence
  8. Emotional Disturbances (One may feel and notice when one is afraid or hear some bad news or shocking news, a hollowness is felt in the navel region as if it has lost its strength and sensitivity.
  9. After pregnancy.


Nabhi Chakra displacement can be diagnosed by examining feet and palms. It can also be checked by Nabhi Pulse Sensations.

  1. Join both the palms side by side; try to match the lines of both palms of the hand. If the lines of one side do not match with the other hand indicates imbalance.
  2. Lie down on your back with arms on the side. Your knees and feet touching side by side. If the Nabhi is dislocated, the toe of one foot will be shorter than the other foot showing imbalance.
  3. In the lying down position (Supine Position), one can take a piece of thread and measure the distance between the N avel and the Nipple of other side on both sides. Difference in measurement shows dislocation of Nabhi. In women, the heels of women together, toe in opposite directions. One end of the thread should be placed on the navel, the other end to the right big toe, then to the left toe. If the two distances are not same means Nabhi is dislocated.
  4. Close the five fingers of the right or left hand. Put it on Navel & press a little harder, If the Nabhi is not dislocated, pulse are so strong that it can be felt. If not then Nabhi is dislocated. This is useful for a person who has the knowledge on the subject. It can tell you the exact position of Nabhi, where ever it is dislocated or its present position.


Nabhi is dislocated in many ways; four important ways are mentioned for general health:

  1. Upwards: indigestion, hiccups, gastric disorders, weak eyesight, Liver is also pressed.
  2. Downwards: Loose motions, damaged liver and intestines
  3. Towards right side: Large intestines, eyes, Liver and gastric disorders.
  4. Towards left side: Small intestine, Hair loss, Gastritis, indigestion, brain and ears

Displacement of navel/nabhi chakra is present when sudden loose motions or constipation develops. People who are vulnerable to this problem often face several stomach and intestinal problems. Generally the navel of the male gets displaced towards the left; that of the women towards the ri ght.

Nabhi dislocation will damage the Liver and it will continue to function at low levels as around 70% of its capacity is lost. Toxins are re-circulated in to the body and eventually stored in fatty tissues, including the cells of the brain and central nervous system. Success of detoxification process in the liver depends upon availability of specific nutrients. In the absence of any of these nutrients, when Nabhi is dislocated, the liver’s detoxification process is impaired. The slow release of these toxins into the bloodstream is a major factor in the development of chronic diseases in the body.So along with digestion, the good health requires elimination of toxins from the body, the main organ being liver in the detoxification process. Besides detoxification, the liver is important for other functions such as metabolism, blood production, circulation and bile secretions.

Purification of Anus from impurities is extremely importance for strong Nabhi. Position of Navel or Manipur is very subtle and a big secret. Yoga scholars describe this as main source of digestive fire or fire element in the body. Fire is pure in its own form but when Navel or Nabhi is dislocated from its position then it is like putting cold water onto wet wood that creates lots of smoke and humidity and covers the fire.

Digestive fire becomes weak due to eating of ice creams after meals, eating cold food or uncooked food, bread, burger etc, causing indigestion and constipation. That’s why extra efforts are required to bring the Navel/Nabhi to its original position. Naval Chakra/Nabhi Chakra/Manipur Chakra is of ultimate importance. It shines like a Gem. You gain strength, good eyesight and happiness if the Navel/Nabhi/Manipur Chakra is purified and is at center of stomach, its perfect original position.

Uttanapadasana, ushtraasana, chakraasana, matsyaasan&paadpaschimotanaasan in sequence is beneficial for corrections and bringing it back. Some people use Mantras to cure this problem. Eating Methi (fenugreek) and Gwaar (Cluster Beans) will keep the Nabhi Stable.


Point for Epigastric Region. This point controls the flow of gastric juices important for digestion; this contains hydrochloric acid, the proteolytic enzymes. When stress or some other trouble obstructs blood circulation to the stomach due to nabhi dislocation, sufficient mucus is not secreted causing several other diseases. Massaging at this point helps acid flow to be properly regulated resulting in life of good health and satisfaction.


Whenever Nabhi is dislocated, both the points at epigastric region and Swadishthaan Kendra are also affected. If this point is not functioning properly, means there will be loss of semen in men and chyle in women causing leukeria (draining of white or yellow discharge) and are wasted through urine. It also causes night fall in children and men resulting in impotency, memory loss, paralysis, parkinson disease, weaker bones, palpitations, impaired bodily functions. If one is facing problem of night fall or loss of seminal energy then one must press four points below the navel region at the gap of 1 finger starting from Navel.