Degenerative Diseases


Major reason for Sciatica, Backache and Slipped Disc are Constipation, Stomach Disorders, Lumber Spine Disorders and Sprains due to incorrect sitting posture, soft tissue injury or injury by accidents and excessive sexual indulgence. People who drink too much water in the morning or drink tea, coffee, cold drinks empty stomach or while standing will generally have weak back or suffer from back problems. Eating too many sweets is responsible for pain in bones. Eating too much Salt will destroy ‘The Great Bone’.

There are hundreds of poorly nourished people who do not have the complaint of back pain. They can lift more weight than people who may take perfectly balanced and rich food. When the true cause is not found by any therapist, not only allopath, he tries to hide his ignorance by telling something to satisfy the patient. Then he gives symptomatic relief to win the patient’s confidence.

The lower back is known as the “house of kidneys”, nourished by the essential life force of kidney. Most often sciatica results from hernias in the intervertebral discs. Other causes include deformation of the vertebrae, irregularities in the sacroiliac joint, hypertrophy of the flaval ligament attached to the posterior foramen, and rigidity in the surrounding ligaments and muscles & moving improperly causing sudden sprain. Few other causes are factors of wind, cold, dampness leading to blood stagnation in the life force of meridians or Kidney. Excessive work consumes your life force. The internal root of lower back is kidney deficiency, which is a form of internal damage. About 80% of lower back pain cases are associated with patterns of deficiency, with internal damage generally involving kidney deficiency. Due to loss of semen, kidney essence fails to nourish the channels and collaterals of the lower back as the kidney function of securing and containing urine and protein in urine and semen is compromised, the outcome being frequent urination or night fall at night.

To prevent back pain or sciatica, always sit straight, the weight of the body should be on ribs, back should be free. Walk daily for one hour in the morning and evening both. Depending on the condition, patients have recovered in as little as 7 days and maximum 3 months for complete recovery from Acupressure and Ayurvedic Massage treatments as Acupressure and Ayurvedic Massage nourishes the kidney which strengthens the lower back.


There may be 100 types of Arthritis or Joint Pains in the body. The main reason is empty stomach tea, coffee, cold drinks, alcoholic drinks, too much of curd, abortions, taking pills to stop or delay the menstrual cycle, not eating as per organ clock and most importantly overindulgence in sexual activity. Arthritis can be also due to side effects of medicines for lowering the cholesterol level. Arthritis patients must not eat curd or drink tea or coffee.

The best cure for Arthritis is eating as per Natural Organ Clock, never drinking or eating while standing, Yoga, and Morning walk for about one hour, Sunbathing, Ayurvedic Massage and Acupressure. It can be cured in maximum three months by Acupressure. It is equally important to change your attitude. If you have any resentment, bitterness or frustrations held inside, just let it go and change your negative attitude. Your joint pain and arthritis will be cured faster.


Major reason for Cervical is due to intestinal disorders and wrong posture. Major Causes of Cervical Problems: i) Intestinal Problems; ii) Bad sleeping with High Pillow iii) Sitting at Computers for a long time, iv) Accidents, v) Eating Dry fruits. Non-Veg is the main source of cervical cancer which is spreading very fast these days. Cause of Intestinal problems: Indigestion, intake of improper oxygen, eating and drinking while standing, eggs, improper chewing of food, fast Food and Junk Food.Another reason for this is rigidity in Life. Be little flexible in life and you will observe that you are cured.


Hair fall is also related to health as this shows some problem in intestines. The life of a hair is about three years. If male hormones are excessive, then the person faces the problem of hair loss. This is due to imbalance in the functioning of the Liver and Kidney. Hair loss from the front top region of the head indicates the consumption of Alcohol, Cold Drinks, Juices and drinks with preservatives, excess consumption of fruits and juices. This indicates the imbalance of intestines. Baldness in the centre part of the head is due to animal protein. Baldness at the back of the head is due to alcohol or consumption of medicines made from chemicals. Baldness in the temple region is due to eating excessive sweets and allopathic medicines. Eating of bitter products will also be responsible for hair loss, specially the beard and moustaches.

Other reasons for Hair loss are stomach disorders due to Nabhi Dislocation or not eating nutritious food. Drinking tea or coffee on an empty stomach in the morning causes heavy loss of Hair, Leukeria in women and night fall in men or loss of seminal fluid. That is why there are more bald men than women, women generally have thick hair.

If you wish to keep long hair and wish to grow your hair faster, trim the ends of your hair yourself on the day of the new moon (this is the time when the moon lies closest to the sun in the sky as seen from the earth) and it will grow visibly faster.

If you wish to keep short hair & wish it should not grow quickly, have the hair cut on the the full moon day of the month, Poornima. It will grow more slowly.

Eating chyavanprash with milk everyday will prevent baldness.