Before leaving the subject of health, let us consider the disease or the physical, mental and emotional disharmony called cancer. We request you to change your attitude on how you view cancer. It’s time to follow the Natural Principles of Nature. Nothing can go wrong. Cancer will not spread and will quickly reverse itself. The body’s immune system can be restored through Yoga, Ayurveda, Homeopathy and Acupressure. Tulsi Leaves, Cow Urine, eating raw vegetables along with their fiber content, wheat grass, lots of sunlight, water therapy, lots of rest and sleep has excellent results on cancer sufferers. Large doses of confidence and optimism from relatives and Doctors with healing hands and strong healing magnetism and unique charisma are the major factors in rapid improvement and cure in the condition of Cancer Patients. If you still are losing hope, you can say goodbye to your relatives and friends, leave your final messages, go on pilgrimage, visit temples of the world, and listen to sermons of the saints, donate generously for good causes, move towards a more spiritual life, understand the laws of Karma (Cancer and Epilepsy and Asthma are due to afflictions of bad karmic rewards earned in previous births), do things that you wanted to do, do more research on your disease so that it can help someone and enjoy eternal oblivion. Cancer can be the best way to die if you can inspire others. You can turn cancer into blessings.
Please stay away from oncologists and stop wasting crores(billions) trying to cure cancer, potentially leaving us to die a much more horrible death.
Please remember genuine concern and non-deliberate negativism is so damaging to the natural healing process. All illness is an un-natural condition and good health a normal and natural state of being.
At least three diseases which are making people hugely stressed and depressed: Diabetes, Cancer, Heart Attack. You have to think ahead and make choices, whether you want to take the risk. You have to think about quality of Life. You have to think if you want a long life that may have a great deal of pain towards the end or you want life whatever God has given you, it maybe a short life and may be painless. Rational, logical thinking is required at times of stress and disease. This will lead to great things.
Eating 5 leaves of Tulsi every day will prevent cancer. Drinking Cows urine will prevent cancer and is a cure for cancer too. 10 ml juice of Tulsi leaves in freshly made Curd in morning and afternoon and with honey in evening may cure Cancer. People suffering from Cancer must not take Salt.