Throughout this book, we have stressed the importance of many therapies that will give help you live healthier without Medication and Side Effects. Yoga has many benefits - physiological, mental and spiritual. Yoga can mean a lot of things to different people. Yoga can be any or all of the following, depending on WHY you want to take it and HOW you incorporate Yoga into your life: a great physical fitness programme, breathing techniques and relaxation, Meditation, the learning of a philosophy, a philosophy of life, Spiritual fulfillment. Yogic Exercises, Ayurveda, Homeopathy and Acupressure increases the quantity and quality of Prana or Life Force or Qi inside the Body, Mind and the Soul.
Benefits of YOGA, MEDITATION, AYURVEDA AND AYURVEDIC MASSAGE, ACUPRESSURE AND HOMEOPATHY have been explained earlier but are being repeated again: Build Strength, Create Stamina, Gain Balance and Agility, Improve Flexibility, have a Calm Mind, Improve Health, Prevention of Osteoporosis, Parkinsons, Heart Attack, Asthma, Balances Endocrine system, helps with symptoms of Menopause, PMS, Thyroid, Nocturnal Emissions, connects with your Soul and Transforms your Life.
Start investing in yourself. Accelerate your healing. Although people have the intention to take time for themselves and to Meditate, these often get put at the bottom of our list because life simply takes over. So take deep breaths, quieten the mind and listen, this book can guide you throughout your life in subtle and powerful ways. You will find the experience far more satisfying and much more rewarding. When energy starts to flow, your intuitive knowing that will come from deep within will relieve you from ailments and also enhance your immunity and self-curative powers so that your inner self, the ATMAN, can fully emerge.
Good habits are the soul’s muscles. The more you use them, the stronger they grow.