All page numbers are refer to the print edition of this title.
Abelard, Peter, 172
Adam, 214, 215, 271–72
Adam Kadmon, 272, 276, 281
Agrippa, 65
akasha, 204, 205
Fludd and, 189–236
Leibniz and, 243–55
Spengler and, 194
al-Kindi, 213
ananta, 158, 164–65
anima mundi
Hermetic tradition and, 54
imaginary and, 46
shape of, 165–70
antirinascimento, 241
Arhem, Peter, 81
active intellect, 201–2
Categories, 171
De anima, 177
dynamis, 115
law of contradiction, 175–76
proton organon, 110–12
soul relationship with body, 110,
artificial intelligence (AI)
functionalist approach, 72
language and, 81–82
natural scientific outlook, 70
project, 65, 67, 70
psyche modeling, 71
strong, 71
virtuality, 71
Asclepius, 39
associationism, 43
astroeides, 115
attractors, 182
autos, 192–93
Avatara, 204
Averroës, 201–2
avidya, 253
awake, 77–78
awakened consciousness, 79
axis visualis, 192
Banach, Stephen, 152–53, 155–56
Bateson, Gregory, 86–90, 97, 99
beingness, 63
Bell’s theorem, 131
Bernard of Chartres, 3
Bhagavad Gita, 204–5
Bhaskara, 164–65
bindu, 157, 161, 166, 196, 286
bio-cyberspace, 82, 95
body mysticism, 191
Boehme, Jacob, 177
Bohm, David, 40–41, 287–88,
Bohr, Niels, 43, 81, 253–55, 284
Bolzano, Bernard, 155
Book of Changes, 262, 264
Book of Nature, 276
Bose, Georg M., 120
breath, 135
Brown, Norman O., 190–91
Bruno, Giodano, 38–39
Buddha, 126, 252
Mahayana, 125–26
meditation, 135
self and, 91
Tantric, 129–30, 135, 138–40, 271
Tibetan, 108–9, 135
Vajrayana, 124–35, 215–16
Zen, 130
cakras (chakras), 133
Cantor, Georg, 152, 154
Carnot’s engine, 89
catastrophe cusp, 31
coherent system of, 183
defined, 178
sets of, 178–79
seven, 176–84
Thom’s, 178–83, 185
catastrophism, 21
Categories, 171
celestial nervous system, 136–37
Chaldean Oracles, 221–22
champ vital, 286
Charon, Jean, 5
chitones, 114
Chomsky, Noam, 15–17, 20
chora, 196, 198
chreod, 180
Christ, hypostasis of, 217–20
circularity, 155, 158
Clifford, William, 231, 232
complementarity, 81
awakened, 79
Spengler and, 147
continuity-deformation, 19–20
Coomaraswamy, Ananda, 157, 161–62,
164–65, 169
cartesian, 116–20
semiosis and, 120–25
Corpus Hermeticum, 1, 36–37, 39, 137,
the cosmic, 4–5
Cosmopolis: The Hidden Agenda of
Modernity, 29
Costa de Beauregard, Olivier, 95–97
Couliano, Ioan, 12–19
on cognitive systems, 14
disjunction, 76
on human belief systems, 13, 17–18
ideal objects, 12–19
magic and science, 2
on Reformation, 148
on religious dualism, 15, 18
“specific patterns of thought” and, 15
on structuralist anthropology, 14
Critique of Pure Reason, 107, 147
Cudworth, Ralph, 116–18, 126
cybernetic theory, 27–28, 39, 58,
90–91, 99
cyberspace, 53
Daoism, 36, 174, 223–24
Darwin’s theory, 178
Davies, Paul, 14
Dawkins, Richard, 186
De anima, 177
de Chardin, Teilhard, 15
Decline of the West, 20, 52
Dedekind, Richard, 152
deformations, 19
deliré, 76, 77
De Magnete, 277
De natura rerum, 172
de Nicolás, Antonio, 204
De radiis stellarum, 212
Descartes, René
human body as machine, 102
intellectual orientation, 37–38
psyche and body separation, 80–81,
De somniis, 212
Difference Engine, 68
differential, 109
Discourse on the Natural Theology of the
Chinese, 261, 264
disjunction, 76
DNA, 73, 74, 84–86
Dodds, E. R., 27, 115
Durand, Gilbert, 150
dynamis, 115
Dyson, Freeman, 5, 273
Eco, Umberto, 25, 33, 34, 39
eidola, 111–12
Einstein, Albert, 57, 109–10, 283–85,
Einstein/Minkowski spacetime, 6,
Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paper, 131
electrical theology, 75
Eliade, Mircea, 14, 107, 127
emptiness, 128, 130
Epicureans, 174, 196, 199
Evola, Julius, 37
face-recognition, 15
Faivre, Antoine, 32–33, 35–36, 292–93
Fernel, Jean, 209, 210
Ficino, Marsillio, 39, 66, 116
field theory, 6
Figur, 44
figurae, 44
figurations, 41–47
defined, 44
imaginary and, 44–45, 149
metaphysical relationships, 170
Fludd, Robert
background, 189
corporeity, 194
Gnostic alchemy, 189–236
interpenetrating triangles, 45
light, 202–3
mental beam, 223
Philosophers’ Stone, 165
radiation economy, 192–96, 211–17
species, 203
spinther, 190
substance, 203
vibration, 231
waters, 198
Foucault, Michel, 172
fourth dimension
space, 10
Spengler and, 20–22
stability, 11
vibration and, 231
Frankenstein, 75
free will, 13, 14
Freud, Sigmund, 56
Garin, Eugenio, 212
Gegenwelt, 85, 86
geometry, 181, 182, 183, 187, 230
Gilbert, William, 119, 277–79
gnosis, 158–59
Gnosticism, 158–60, 183–84
dualistic structure, 175
Fludd and, 189–236
Leibniz and, 237–93
salvation and, 159
theoretical content of, 158
worldview, 160
Gnostic spark, 28, 46, 247, 249
Goethe, Wolfgang, 18, 21
GOFAI theory, 60, 68, 82
Great Chain of Being
Hermeticism and, 140
Lovejoy, 85
mind and, 86
organism hierarchy, 225
great circles, 168
Great Cycle, 159
Grosseteste, Robert, 203–4
Grosz, Elizabeth, 106
Guenther, H., 134
Gurdjieff, G. I., 78–79
Gyatso, Geshe Kelsang, 128–29, 132,
Haraway, Donna, 138–39
harmonica, 44–45
Harmonice Mundi, 93
Hartshorne, Charles, 292
hegemonikon, 112, 113, 211
Heisenberg, Werner, 138
Hermetic bio semiosis, 84–86
Hermetic informatics, 91–99
dualistic structure, 175
erotic ontology of, 182
fundamental notions in, 40–41
Great Chain of Being and, 140
imaginary of, 7, 19, 44–45
pneumatic economy of, 102
postmodern and, 28–37
scientific ideas and, 3
world as living organism, 93
Hermetic thinking, 92, 93, 101
Hermetic tradition
as alternative model, 39–40
anima mundi and, 54
defined, 1
panpsychic notions, 69
psyche and, 65
word resonance, 37
Hinton, C. H., 8–9, 10, 231, 291
Hobbes, Thomas, 102, 118
Hoffmeyer, Jesper
bio-cyberspace, 82, 97, 99
bodies, 82
intelligence, 83
swarm of swarms, 83–84, 98
Holy Spirit, 192, 210, 221, 232
homeorrhesis, 90
human analysis model, 3–4
hyle, 198, 201
hypodoche, 201
hypostasis of Christ, 217–20
ideal objects, 7–22
concept implications, 51
Couliano and, 12–19
defined, 11
imaginal logic of, 196–203
Spengler and, 20–22
Ignatius of Loyola, 150
illumination, 248
anima mundi and, 46
in cognitive functioning, 143
figuration and, 44–45
geometric, 181, 230
Gnostic spark and, 46
imagination and, 42–44
machinic, 67
Pythagorean, 45
rarefaction of, 55–58
vortices of, 75–81
infinite circle, 152–62
Innenwelt, 86
intelligence, 83
The Interpretation of Dreams,
Isadora of Seville, 172–74
Isagoge, 171, 172
Izutzu, Toshihiko, 131
Jolas, Eugene, 104
Jonas, Hans, 104–5, 183–84, 187–88
Jung, Carl, 88, 96, 176, 181
Kabbalah, 49, 255–70, 275
Kabbalah Denudata, 259–60, 266, 267,
Kant, Immanuel, 50, 147
karma, 91
kayas, 126
Kepler, Johannes, 93–95, 234
kha, 156, 162
Knorr von Rosenroth, 258–70, 272
kosmos, 105, 106, 148–49, 169, 183,
201, 236
Kuhn, Thomas, 30–31
Landauer’s concept, 62, 63, 97
Langton, Christopher, 140–41
language, 81–82, 242
la pensée sapientielle, 33, 37
lapis philosophorum, 80, 222, 223, 244
law of contradiction, 175–76
Le Doeuff, Michele, 145, 151
Le Goff, Jacques, 22–28
God and Satan and, 24
on history of imagination, 41–42
medieval period, 25
mentalité, 24
reformulation, 26
renaissance and, 22
Leibniz, G. H.
alchemy and, 243–55
background, 240–43
computation, 238–39
on cusp of shift, 49
fulgurations, 255, 256
Gnosticism, 237–93
God, 281–82
Hermetic metaphysical figuration, 48
“identity of indiscernibles” postulate, 80
Kabbalah influence, 49
language of thought, 242
monads, 50, 246–50, 291
Philosophers’ Stone and, 244–45
seed concept, 246
spermatic, 250
spiritus coagulans, 243, 245
theory of kernels, 245
Leviathan, 118
Lewontin, Richard, 73
Life Against Death, 190–91
Life of the Bee, 63
baptismal radiation, 220–24
Fludd and, 202–3
formal, 215
original, 197
pure, 216
upon the waters, 198
local neighborhood relations, 19
logos, 81, 197
logos-code, 205, 220, 224–25, 234–35
loka, 163, 168
Maeterlinck, Maurice, 63, 79
Magian, 204, 205–6, 218, 227
mahamudra, 126, 128, 129
Mahayana Buddhism, 125–26
Mandelbrot, Benoit, 268–69, 270, 273–74
Maturana, Humberto, 200
Maxwell, James Clerk, 56–57, 160, 282
Mead, G. R. S., 122
Medieval Imagination, 22
Meditations, 38, 252
mens, 86, 92, 149, 195, 222, 275
mentalité, 24, 27, 31, 38, 104, 149, 202
metabolism, 188
metaphoricity, 70
Meyerson, Emile, 286, 288
Middle Ages, 22, 23–24, 26, 33, 35
Miller, George, 184–85
differences selected by, 87
Great Chain of Being and, 86
virtual, 67–69
Monadology, 50, 252, 255, 260,
268–69, 270
monads, 50, 246–50, 255–70, 291
More, Henry, 116–18, 119–20
morphology, 18, 50, 95, 146
mudra, 126, 127, 130, 132
Mystical Theology, 258
nadi, 133, 134
Needham, Joseph, 191–92, 223–24,
263, 270
Nestorius, 218–19
New Chemical Light, 217
New Essays, 247, 249, 282
New System, 248
Newton, Isaac
absolute space, 164
“General Scholium,” 281
Optics, 233
optics and, 47
Principia, 47
representative theory, 99
Newtonian science, 2
Nicholas of Cusa, 166–67
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 21, 76, 144
nothingness, 88, 156
nous poetikos, 202
Oetinger, 75
okhema, 113–15, 214, 220, 221, 230
omnes in omnibus, 35
omni in omnibus, 228
onoma, 123
On the Delay of Divine Justice, 103
On the Divine Names, 258
On the Loadstone and Magnetic Bodies,
organicity, 16
Origin of Language, 90–91
panpsychism, 5–6
paradigm shift, 23
Paradoxien des Unendlichen, 155
Parmenides, 156, 169
perception, 289
perennial philosophy, 34
phantasms, 111, 112, 147
phase change, 61
phase space, 10–11
Philosophical Imaginary, The, 145, 151
Philosophical Key, 207–8
Philosophie Zoologique, 86
of Hermeticism, 3
natural, 147, 293
progressivist account of, 144–47
Spengler and, 146
Western, 145–46
Physiologia, 209
physis, 194
casual relationship, 72
eidos, 122, 123
geometry, 183
myth of the cave, 8, 12, 291
Phaedrus, 208
Republic, 7, 222
Timaeus, 113, 162, 197–98, 230, 280,
time, 199
Plotinus, 167–69, 248, 258, 278
pneumatic fields, 276–89
Popper, Karl, 15
Porphyry, 171–72
Hermeticism and, 28–37
science, 37–41
theory, 28–41
pranayama, 134
Principia, 182
projections, 108
proton organon, 110–12
proton soma, 115
Pymander, 196–97, 214–15, 271
Pythagoras, 45, 150, 176–77, 192
quantum theory, 290–91
radiation economy, 192–96, 211–17
rays, 212–13, 229–31, 250
Rig Veda, 163
Ross, G. M., 243–44
rubber-geometry, 19
Rudolph, Kurt, 246–47
Russell, Bertrand, 48, 50, 89
sambhoga-kaya, 124
Schrödinger, Erwin, 5, 138
science, 2–3, 22, 37–41
Science and Civilisation in China, 263
Sefer Yetzirah, 253
self determination, 13
semeion, 122
Sendivogius, Michael, 80, 166
sensus interior, 107–10
Sententiarum, 173
sephiroth, 266, 273, 275–76
Septem Sermones ad Mortuos, 88
Serres, Michel
background, 90
diverse systemic complexions, 98
homeorrhesis, 90
quasi-stable turbulence, 91
temporal vortices, 200
Shannon, Claude, 96, 160
Shelley, Mary, 75, 225
siddhas, 215, 216
Simplicius, 163–64
After (AS), 62
Before (BS), 62
defined, 59
in a field, 286
Hermetic Adam and, 66
power curve, 64
Vinge and, 59–67
virtuality, 71
soma, 110, 194
soma augoeides, 115
soul, 210–11, 221, 279, 280
souls, hierarchy of, 250
space-time, 6, 18
speculative anachrony, 3
Spengler, Oswald
alchemy, 194
ideal objects and, 20–22
“Jesuit” thought, 147–48
machine and, 52–53, 58
Magian, 204, 205–6, 218, 227
philosophy and, 146
sphere, 168, 265, 266
spinther, 6, 190, 246
spirit, 118
Spiritual Exercises, 150
spiritual rock, 206–7
Steiner, Jakob, 154–55
Stetigkeit und irrationale Zahlen, 152
Steuco, Agostino, 34
Stewart, Ian, 11
Structural Stability and Morphogenesis,
Structure of Scientific Revolutions, 30
subtle body
explanatory power, 107
Hermetic notion of, 102, 110
as psychonaut, 113–15
in spiritual technology, 103
vertigral index of, 107–10
sunya (void), 156, 157, 158
survival of the fittest, 92
swarm of swarms, 83, 98
Synesius, 211–12, 213, 226, 229
taiji, 36, 264
Tantra, 126, 129
Tantric Buddhism, 129–30, 135,
138–40, 271
Tarski, Alfred, 152–53, 155–56
tekmerion, 123
Theodicy, 257
thermodynamics, 64, 162
Thom, René
attractors, 144
catastrophes, 21–22, 150, 178–83, 185
derived by specialization, 226
field organization, 285–86
geometric models, 187
Young and, 225–26
Thompson, D’Arcy, 18–19
tiangun, 136
Tibetan Book of the Dead, 108
Tibetan Buddhism, 108–9, 135
Timaeus, 113, 162, 197–98, 230, 280, 284
time, 199
time series, 9
Tippler, Frank, 54
Toulmin, Stephen, 29–30, 240, 241
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, 48
Tree of Life, 173, 266, 267, 274
The Tree of Gnosis, 12, 18
True Intellectual System of the Universe,
Trungpa, Chögyam, 129, 132
Truth’s Golden Harrow, 165, 196–97,
205–11, 222
Turing machine, 55, 68
Umwelt, 85, 183
universal model, 227
Upanishads, 163
Urpflanze, 18
Utriusque Cosmi Historia, 195
Vajrayana Buddhism, 124–35, 215–16
architecture, 104
defined, 104
schema, 136
vertigrality, 7, 125
vibration, 231–33
Vinge, Vernor
black hole and, 59
Singularity, 59–62, 64, 66–67,
75–76, 77, 98
virtual mind, 67–69
virtual reality, 70
void, 199
von Franz, Marie-Louise, 95–96
von Neumann, John, 55–56, 67
von Uexküll, Jacob, 84–85, 183, 225
vortices, 75–81
Waddell, L. Austine, 126
Waddington, C. H., 180
Walker, D. P., 215
Watt, James, 160, 161
Weigel, M., 257
Wheeler, W. M., 63
Whitehead, Alfred North, 191–92,
199, 237, 239
Wholeness and the Implicate Order,
Wiener, Norbert
cybernetics, 88, 91, 94
mechanical monitors, 160–61
patterns, 141, 188
temporal vortices, 200
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 29, 48
xin, 133
Yates, Frances, 30, 31, 48
Young, J. Z., 225, 235–36
zazen, 127
Zen Buddhism, 130
Zohar, 255, 257–58, 270–73, 278–79